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Known issues and solution

xzx482 edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

1. Icon handler and menuHandler doesn't work after making file type association by "open with..." menu.

 1) open regedit by "Win+R"     
 2) remove key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.apk

2. Doesn't work at .appx on windows10.

  1) same as above, but the key is:

3. If you have a customized "Open" operation, it will disables icon and menu.

  1) remove your "Open" association by like above
  2) Make the Open menu available again by following procedure:
     2.1) open regedit
     2.2) Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.apk, check (Default) value, normally it is apk.1, sometimes if you installed other apk tool, it may not apk.1, remember what you get, and replace apk.1 in following procedure.
     2.3) create key:
          set (Default) value to "Open", or any string you want show in the menu
     2.4) create key:
          set (Default) value to your command, remember "%1" will be the file path passing to your command.