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Service for creating and managing groups within KBase


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KBase Groups

Service for creating and managing groups of KBase users and associated Narratives.

Build status (master): codecov

API Data structures


Represents a member of a group.

    "name": <the user's user name>,
    "joined": <the date the user joined the group in epoch ms>,
    "lastvisit": <the last time the user visited the group in epoch ms>,
    "custom": {
        <custom field 1>: <custom value 1>,
        <custom field N>: <custom value N>

joined is only present for group members; it is otherwise null.

lastvisit is only present for group administrators; it is otherwise null. It is also null if the last visit date has never been set via the API.

See Custom fields, in particular User fields, below.


Represents a group of users and associated data.

    "id": <the group ID>,
    "private": <true if the group is private, false otherwise>,
    "privatemembers": <true if the members list is private, false otherwise>,
    "role": <'Owner', 'Admin', 'Member', or 'None', as appropriate>,
    "lastvisit": <the last time the user visted the group in epoch ms>,
    "name": <the group name>,
    "owner": <the User data or user name for the group owner>,
    "admins": <an array of User data of admins of the group>,
    "members": <an array of User data of members of the group>,
    "memcount": <the number of members in the group>
    "createdate": <the group creation date in epoch ms>,
    "moddate": <the last modification date of the group in epoch ms>
        {<resource type 1>: [<resource entry 1-1>, ..., <resource entry 1-N>],
         <resource type N>: [<resource entry N-1>, ..., <resource entry N-N>]
        {<resource type 1>: <the number of resources of this type in the group>,
         <resource type N>: <the number of resources of this type in the group>
    "custom": {
        <custom field 1>: <custom value 1>,
        <custom field N>: <custom value N>

In a full view of the group, the owner field contains a User structure. In a group list view, the owner field contains only the user name of the owner.

lastvisit is null if the last visit date has never been set via the API for the current user.

rescount does not contain resource types for which the group has no resources (e.g. the count is zero). resources does contain empty lists for resources that are supported by the service but not included in the group for ease of iteration.

Note that rescount may include deleted resources until the group is fetched from the detail view endpoint, at which point the deleted resources will be removed from the group.

See Resources and Custom fields below.


Resources are items external to the groups service that may be associated with groups. All resource entries have two fields:

  • A rid field for the resource ID. The contents of this ID field depend on the resource, but are always a string of at most 256 Unicode code points.
  • An added field for the date the resource was added to the group in epoch ms. This field is null for resources visible to non-members of the group and resources added to a group prior to v0.1.3 of the Groups service.

The other fields in the resource entry depend on the resource type.

The currently supported resource types are:


Represents a KBase catalog service method.

    "rid": <the catalog method ID, e.g. Module.method>,
    "added": <the date the method was added to the group in epoch ms>


Represents information about a workspace.

    "rid": <the workspace ID>,
    "added": <the date the workspace was added to the group in epoch ms>,
    "name": <the workspace name>,
    "narrname": <the name of the narrative contained in the workspace or null>
    "narrcreate": <the creation date, in epoch ms, of the narrative or null>
    "public": <true if the workspace is public, false otherwise>
    "perm": <the user's permission for the workspace>,
    "description": <the workspace description or null>
    "moddate": <the modification date of the workspace in epoch ms>

narrcreate is the save date, in epoch ms, of the first version of the narrative contained in the workspace.

perm is one of None, Read, Write, Admin, or Own.


Represents a request to modify a group in some way.

    "id": <an arbitrary string that is the unique ID of the request>,
    "groupid": <the ID of the group that will be modified if the request is accepted>,
    "requester": <the username of the user that created the request>,
    "type": <the type of the request>,
    "resourcetype": <the type of the resource that is the target of the request>,
    "resource": <the ID of the resource that is the target of the request>,
    "status": <the status of the request>,
    "createdate": <the request creation date in epoch ms>,
    "expiredate": <the date the request expires in epoch ms>,
    "moddate": <the last modification date of the request in epoch ms>

The type of the request is either Request or Invite:

  • Requests designate requests where a user that is not an administrator of a group is requesting that the group add a resource.
  • Invites designate requests where a group administrator is inviting a resource to join the group.

The resourcetype designates what kind of resource will be added to the group if the request is accepted. The resource types are the same as listed in Resources above, plus a built-in type, user, that designates that accepting the request will add a user.

The resource is the ID of the resource to be added to the group - this is the same as the rid field in Resources, or the user name for a user to be added.

The request status is one of Open, Canceled, Expired, Accepted, or Denied.


This data structure is returned for all service errors.

    "error": {
        "appcode": <the application error code, a 5 digit number>,
        "apperror": <the application error string, a descriptive string for the error>,
        "callid": <the ID of the service request>,
        "httpcode": <the http error code, e.g. 404>,
        "httpstatus": <the http status, e.g. Not Found>,
        "message": <an error message>,
        "time": <the time the error occurred in epoch ms>

The call ID and service time can be used to find more details about the error in the service logs.

The application code and application error are two ways of representing the same error type. They are only present for 4XX errors that are not general service errors. For example, navigating to /grops instead of /groups will result in a 404 error without application error information. Similarly, 405 and 415 errors will not include an application error code.

Current error types are:

10000	Authentication failed
10010	No authentication token
10020	Invalid token
20000	Unauthorized
30000	Missing input parameter
30001	Illegal input parameter
30010	Illegal user name
30020	Illegal group ID
30030	Illegal resource ID
40000	Group already exists
40010	Request already exists
40020	User already group member
40030	Resource already in group
50000	No such group
50010	No such request
50020	No such user
50030	No such custom field
50040	No such resource
50050	No such resource type
60000	Request closed
70000	Unsupported operation


Endpoints that require authorization are noted below. To authorize a request, include an authorization header with a KBase token as the value.



    "servname": "Groups service",
    "servertime": <server time in epoch ms>,
    "gitcommithash": <git commit from build>,
    "version": <service version>

List groups

GET /group[?excludeupto=<exlude string>&order=<sort order>&role=<role>
    &resourcetype=<resource type>&resource=<resource ID>&groupids=<ids>]

A list of Groups. Only the id, private, name, owner, role, memcount, rescount, custom,
lastvisit, createdate, and moddate fields are included.

The owner field consists only of the user name for this endpoint. For most other endpoints, the owner field is a full User data structure.

A maximum of 100 groups are returned.

Private groups are not included unless the user is a member of the group.

The query parameters are all optional:

  • order - asc to sort the groups in order of their group IDs, desc to sort the groups in reverse order. If omitted the sort order is set to asc.
  • excludeupto - a string that determines the starting point of the list, depending on the sort order. asc and desc sorts will include groups with group IDs, respectively, after and before the excludeupto string, non-inclusive. This can be used to page through the groups if needed.
  • role - Filters the group list by a minimum user role, one of Member, Admin, or Owner. If a role is supplied an authorization token must also be supplied.
  • resourcetype - the type of a resource, for example workspace. If this parameter is present resource must also be present. See below for an explanation of the effects.
  • resource - a resource ID, for example 56 for the workspace resource type. If this parameter is present, the resourcetype parameter must also be present. See below for an explanation of the effects.
  • groupids - list specific groups by ID in a comma separated list (e.g. ?groupids=groupid1,groupid2,...,groupidN). If this parameter is specified, all other parameters are ignored. This method of listing groups is much faster than getting each group from the /group/<id> endpoint as external resource servers are not contacted for data. The order of the returned list is as the order of the IDs. If an ID is listed more than once, the group data will also be listed more than once at the same locations. At most 100 IDs may be included. Unlike the standard list, if a private group where the user is not a member is specified, it will be returned, but only the id, private, and role fields will be included. Whitespace between commas is ignored.

If the user is anonymous or not a member of the group, only custom fields that are both public and group listable (see custom fields below) are included. If the user is a member of the group, all group listable fields are included.

If a resource filter is included in the parameters (by specifying both resourcetype and resource), only groups that contain that resource are included in the results. The filter interacts with the user token and role parameter as follows:

  • If no token is provided:
    • If the resource is a private resource, no groups are returned.
    • If the resource is a public resource, only public groups containing the resource are returned.
  • If a token is provided and role is None:
    • If the resource is a private resource, only groups that contain the resource where the user is a member are returned.
    • If the resource is a public resource, additionally public groups containing the resource are returned.
  • If a token is provided and role is other than None, only groups containing the resource where the user has at least the given role are returned.

Whether the user administrates the resource or not is not currently taken into account.

Get group names from IDs

GET /names/<comma separated list of group IDs>

    "id": <group 1 id>,
    "name": <group 1 name>
    "id": <group N id>,
    "name": <group N name>

Whitespace only entries in the ID list are ignored. At most 1000 ids may be submitted per request.

If the user is anonymous or is not a member of a group and that group is private, the name of that group will be null.

Create a group

PUT /group/<group id>
    "name": <an arbitrary group name>,
    "private": <true for a private group, false (the default) for public, optional>,
    "privatemembers": <true (the default) for a private members list, false for public,
    "custom": {
        <custom field 1>: <custom value 1>,
        <custom field N>: <custom value N>


The group ID must start with a letter, consist only of lower case ASCII letters, numbers, and hyphens, and be no longer than 100 characters.

The group name must be no longer than 256 Unicode code points.

If private is null or missing altogether, the group is set as public. If privatemembers is null or missing altogether, the group member list is set as private.

See Custom fields below for information on custom fields.

Whitespace only strings are treated as null. null values are ignored for custom fields.

Update a group

PUT /group/<group id>/update
    "name": <an arbitrary group name, optional>,
    "private": <true for a private group, false for public, optional>,
    "privatemembers": <true (the default) for a private members list, false for public,
    "custom": {
        <custom field 1>: <custom value 1>,
        <custom field N>: <custom value N>

The user must be a group administrator.

The constraints on the parameters are the same as for the creation parameters.

If name, private or privatemembers are null or missing altogether, they are not altered.

If custom fields are missing, they are not altered. If they are null, they are removed. Otherwise they are set to the new value.

See Custom fields below for information on custom fields.

Whitespace only strings are treated as null.

Get a group

GET /group/<group id>


This endpoint is fairly expensive as it causes the Groups server to contact external resource servers for data, potentially many times depending on the amount of external resource data in the group and the API of the resource server. See the /group endpoint for cheaper options.

If the user is not a member of the group or no authorization is provided and the group is private, only the groupid, private, role, and resources fields are included. Only resources the user user administrates will be available in resources.

If no authorization is provided, the members list is populated or not based on the privatemembers field, only public custom fields are included, and only public resources associated with the group are returned.

If authorization is provided and the user is not a member of the group, the members list is populated or not based on the privatemembers field, only public custom fields are included, and only group-associated public resources and resources the user administrates are returned.

If authorization is provided and the user is a member of the group, the members list is populated, all custom fields are included, and all group-associated resources are returned.

Check if a group ID exists

GET /group/<group id>/exists

{"exists": <true if the group exists, false otherwise>}

Set the last visited date for a group for the current user

PUT /group/<group id>/visit

Request membership to a group

POST /group/<group id>/requestmembership

RETURNS: A Request.

Invite a user to a group

POST /group/<group id>/user/<user name>

RETURNS: A Request.

The user must be a group administrator.

Remove a member from a group

DELETE /group/<group id>/user/<user name>

The user must be a group administrator or the user to be removed.

Promote an existing member to an administrator

PUT /group/<group id>/user/<user name>/admin

The user must be a group administrator.

Demote an administrator to a member

DELETE /group/<group id>/user/<user name>/admin

The user must be a group administrator.

Update a user's fields

PUT /group/<group id>/user/<user name>/update
    "custom": {
        <custom field 1>: <custom value 1>,
        <custom field N>: <custom value N>

The user must be a group administrator or the user whose fields are to be updated.

If custom fields are missing, they are not altered. If fields are null, they are removed. Otherwise they are set to the new value.

See Custom fields below for information on custom fields.

Whitespace only strings are treated as null.

Get a list of group IDs and names for which the user is a member

GET /member/

    "id": <group 1 id>,
    "name": <group 1 name>
    "id": <group N id>,
    "name": <group N name>

All the groups for which the user is a member are returned in one response, which is why only the minimal amount of information per group is included.

Add a resource to a group

POST /group/<group id>/resource/<resource type>/<resource id>

RETURNS: Either {"complete": true} or a Request with the additional field "complete"
with a value of false.

The resource is added immediately if the user is an administrator of both the group and the resource. A request object is returned if the user is an administrator of at least one; if not an error is returned.

Remove a resource from a group

DELETE /group/<group id>/resource/<resource type>/<resource id>

The user must be an administrator of either the group or the resource.

Get read permission for a resource

POST /group/<group id>/resource/<resource type>/<resource id>/getperm

The user must be a member of the group. Read permissions are only granted if the user has no explicit permission to the resource and the resource is not publicly readable.

Get a request

GET /request/id/<request id>

RETURNS: A Request with an additional field "actions" which is a list of actions allowed
to the user.

Possible actions are Cancel, Accept, and Deny.

Get group information associated with a request

GET /request/id/<request id>/group

A Group. Only the id, name, private, owner, role, memcount, rescount, custom, lastvisit,
createdate, and moddate fields are included.

This endpoint allows a user who has been invited to a group, or who administrates a resource that has been invited to a group, to view basic information about the group - even for private groups. The request must be Open, the request type must be Invite, and the user must be the target of the request or an administrator of a resource that is the target of the request.

If the group is not private this endpoint is not useful.

This endpoint returns a data structure identical to that of the /group endpoint, as if the user is not a member of the group, for consistency's sake.

The owner field consists only of the user name for this endpoint. For most other endpoints, the owner field is a full User data structure.

Only public custom fields are included.

Get whether groups have open requests

GET /request/groups/<comma separated group ids>/new

    "id1": {"new": <"None", "Old", or "New">},
    "idN": {"new": <"None", "Old", or "New">}

The user must be an administrator of all the groups in the comma separated list.

Requests targeted towards groups are of type Request, not Invite.

Whitespace only entries in the ID list are ignored. At most 100 ids may be submitted per request.

The administrator's last visit date for each group determines which requests are treated as Old or New. If all open requests for a group are older than or equal to the administrator's last visit date, Old is returned for that group. If the administrator has never visited the group a value of approximately 14Gy BCE is assumed and thus in most cases groups that have Open requests will be marked as New.

Each group is mapped to a further mapping to allow for backwards-compatible expansion of the API in the future.

Get information about a resource associated with a request

GET /request/id/<request id>/resource

RETURNS: a resource entry (but see below).

Resource entries are described in Resources above. The resource entry returned here is slightly different: a) there is no added field because presumably the resource has not yet been added to the group, and b) there is an additional resourcetype field that specifies the type of the resource.

The request must be open and the type must be Request, the resource type cannot be user, and the user must be a group administrator.

Get permission to read a resource associated with a request

POST /request/id/<request id>/getperm

The request must be open and the type must be Request, the resource type cannot be user, and the user must be a group administrator. Read permissions are only granted if the user has no explicit permission to the resource and the resource is not publicly readable.

Listing requests

There are four endpoints for listing requests detailed below - one for listing requests you created, one for listing requests targeted at you, one for listing requests targeted at a specific group, and one for listing requests targeted at the groups you administrate.

All endpoints return a maximum of 100 requests at once.

These endpoints have common parameter sets and behavior, other than the actual requests they return. They all have the following optional query parameters:

  • closed - include closed requests (e.g. those with a state other than OPEN) in the list. If omitted, only open requests are included.
  • order - asc to sort the requests in order of the least recently modified, desc to sort by the most recently modified. If omitted, and if closed is also omitted, the sort order is set to asc. If closed requests are included, it is set to desc.
  • excludeupto - a date in epoch milliseconds that determines the starting point of the list, depending on the sort order. asc and desc sorts will include requests with modification dates, respectively, after and before the excludeupto date, non-inclusive. This can be used to page through the requests if needed.
  • resourcetype - the type of a resource, for example workspace. If this parameter is present resource must also be present. See that parameter for an explanation of the effects.
  • resource - a resource ID, for example 56 for the workspace resource type. If this parameter is present, the resourcetype parameter must also be present and only requests involving that resource will be returned.


  • ? - only include open requests and sort oldest first by modification date.
  • ?closed - include all requests and sort newest first by modification date.
  • ?closed&order=asc&excludeupto=1500000000000 - include all requests, sort by least recently modified, and exclude any requests that were modified on or before Friday, July 14, 2017, at 2:40:00 AM GMT.

List created requests

GET /request/created[?parameters]

RETURNS: A list of Requests.

Returns requests that were created by the user.

List targeted requests

GET /request/targeted[?parameters]

RETURNS: A list of Requests.

Returns requests where the user is a target (including an administrator of the resource at which the request is targeted) of the request.

Get the list of requests for a group

GET /group/<group id>/requests[?parameters]

RETURNS: A list of Requests.

The user must be a group administrator. The requests only include those where a group administrator must take action on the request.

Get the list of requests that target administrated groups.

GET /request/groups[?parameters]

RETURNS: A list of Requests.

The requests only include those where a group administrator must take action on the request.

Cancel a request

PUT /request/id/<request id>/cancel

RETURNS: A Request.

The user must be the creator of the request.

Accept a request

PUT /request/id/<request id>/accept

RETURNS: A Request.

The user must be the target of the request (including an administrator of the resource at which the request is targeted) or an administrator of the group at which the request is targeted.

Deny a request

PUT /request/id/<request id>/deny
    "reason": <the reason the request was denied, optional>

RETURNS: A Request.

The user must be the target of the request (including an administrator of the resource at which the request is targeted) or an administrator of the group at which the request is targeted.

The reason can be no more than 500 Unicode code points. Currently, the reason is not exposed by the API, but that may change in the future.

Custom fields

Custom fields may be associated with a group on group creation or update. The allowed fields must be configured by server administrators in the deploy.cfg configuration file (see below).

Attempting to create or update a group with a field that is not configured will result in an error. The maximum field size (including numbered fields, see below) is 50 Unicode code points.

At minimum, a field validator must be associated with each configured field. Any other configuration keys for a field are ignored if a validator is not configured. The validator checks that the value of the field meets some criteria that depends on the validator. If the field does not meet those criteria the group creation or update fails.

To configure a validator, the classname of the validator factory class must be assigned to the field in the deploy.cfg file:

field-<field name>-validator=us.kbase.groups.fieldvalidators.SimpleFieldValidatorFactory

A <field name> consists of lower case ASCII letters and numbers.

A validator factory must implement us.kbase.groups.core.fieldvalidation.FieldValidatorFactory.

Regardless of the validator, no field value may be longer than 5000 Unicode code points.

Numbered fields

Optionally, a field may be specified as numbered, in which case any field with the pattern <field name>-<integer> is allowed. For example:


In this case, any fields with an integer suffix separated by - are allowed (e.g myfield, myfield-22, myfield-1, and myfield-42) and are validated by the same validator. This is useful for data where there may be a list of values for the field.

Any value other than true for field-<field name>-is-numbered is treated as false.

Public fields

By default, custom fields are only visible to members of the group. Fields can be made public like so:


In this case, all users will be able to see the field. Any value other than true for field-<field name>-is-public is treated as false.

Removing this setting will result in the field being set private for all extant and future fields.

Group list fields

In order to reduce transport costs, by default, custom fields are only visible when a full group is accessed, not when multiple groups are listed. Fields can be set to be included in the list of groups like so:


In this case, the field will be shown in the group list, subject to privacy constraints. Any value other than true for field-<field name>-show-in-list is treated as false.

Potentially large fields should not be included in the group list, and it is advisable to keep the number of fields in the group list small.

Removing this setting will result in the field no longer being visible in groups lists for all extant and future fields.

User fields

WARNING: See Implementation notes below.

Custom fields can also be applied to group members. To create a user field, substitute the field- prefix with field-user-:


All the previous field modifiers apply (using the field-user- prefix) except for the group list setting, since user custom fields are not visible in the groups list.

User fields have an additional setting that allows standard members, rather than only the owner and administrators, to set the field for their own record:


This setting is ignored for non-user fields.

Any value other than true for field-user-<field name>-is-user-settable is treated as false.

Validator parameters

Some validators have optional or required parameters. Validator parameters can be specified like so:

field-myfield-param-<parameter name>=<parameter value>

A mapping of all parameter names and values will be provided to the validator on creation.

Altering field configurations

WARNING: Field validation only occurs when creating or updating a group - fields are not validated or checked against the field configuration when retrieving groups. If a field configuration is altered or removed from the configuration file, the field will still be visible and unchanged for any groups where it has been set. The field must meet the requirements of the new configuration (or cannot be created / updated at all if the configuration is removed) on group creation or update, but the field can always be removed.

Available validators


Checks that the value contains no control characters, and, optionally, is below a maximum length.


field-<field name>-param-max-length=<maximum value length in Unicode code points>
field-<field name>-param-allow-line-feeds-and-tabs=<true for true, anything else for false>

All parameters are optional.

allow-line-feeds-and-tabs specifies that the \n, \r, and \t characters are allowed in the value.


Checks that the value is one of a set of specified values. This can be used for boolean values (true, false), controlled vocabularies, etc. The values may not be longer than 50 Unicode code points.


field-<field name>-param-allowed-values=<comma separated list of allowed values>

allowed-values is required. Examples:

field-boolean-param-allowed-values=true, false
field-feast-param-allowed-values=lambs, sloths, carp, orangutans, breakfast cereals, fruit bats


Checks that the value is a valid Gravatar hash, meaning that the first 32 characters of the string constitute a valid MD5.

Parameters (all optional):

field-<field name>-param-strict-length=<'true' or any other value for false>
field-<field name>-param-image-exists=<'true' or any other value for false>

strict-length will cause the validator to throw an error if the field is not exactly 32 characters, and is false by default. In some cases (such as adding a .jpg extension) Gravatar allows for extra characters at the end of the hash.

image-exists will cause the validator to throw an error if there is no image associated with the hash (see Default Image), and is false by default.



Implementation notes

Currently the only backend supported is MongoDB, which supports a maximum 16MB document size. As per MongoDB recommendation and to support atomic updates, queries and filters, the group users and resources (but not requests) are included in the group document. This means there is a maximum number of users and resources per group.

Resources take ~20-550 bytes, depending on the resource ID size, and so the MongoDB backend can support ~30k-800k resources per group assuming no group users.

Users without custom fields take ~30-150 bytes, depending on the user name, and so the MongoDB backend can support ~100k-500k users per group assuming no group resources.

Resources' and users' space consumption can be combined more or less linearly - more users means less space for resources and vice versa.

User custom fields can drastically change the byte requirement for users - for example, adding a 5000 (the maximum) Unicode code point text field means a user can consume 20kB (assuming all the characters are outside the Basic Multilingual Plane), which means that as few as 800 users could cause the group document to exceed the MongoDB limit and cause write errors.

As such, discretion should be used when defining custom fields for users, and it is recommended that the fields be kept few and small in size.


Java 8 (OpenJDK OK)
MongoDB 2.6+ (
Jetty 9.3+ ( (see for version used for testing)
This repo (git clone

Starting the server


The provided Dockerfile can be used to build and run an image. See the deployment template in deployment/conf/.templates for the environment variables available to configure the service - the deploy.cfg.example file provides documentation for these variables.

docker-compose --build -d can be used to start a MongoDB instance and groups service pointed at the KBase environment of your choice.


  • Start mongodb
  • If using mongo auth, create a mongo user
  • cd into the groups repo
./gradlew war
mkdir -p jettybase/webapps
cp build/libs/groups.war jettybase/webapps/ROOT.war
  • copy deploy.cfg.example to deploy.cfg and fill in appropriately
export KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=<path to deploy.cfg>
cd jettybase
./jettybase$ java -jar -Djetty.port=<port> <path to jetty install>/start.jar

Developer notes

Adding and releasing code

  • Adding code
    • All code additions and updates must be made as pull requests directed at the develop branch.
      • All tests must pass and all new code must be covered by tests.
      • All new code must be documented appropriately
        • Javadoc
        • General documentation if appropriate
        • Release notes
  • Releases
    • The master branch is the stable branch. Releases are made from the develop branch to the master branch.
    • Update the version as per the semantic version rules in src/main/java/us/kbase/groups/service/api/
    • Tag the version in git and github.

Running tests

  • Copy test.cfg.example to test.cfg and fill in the values appropriately.
    • If it works as is start buying lottery tickets immediately.
  • ./gradlew test


  • Some fields are arbitrary text entered by a user. These fields should be HTML-escaped prior to display. Currently the fields include:
    • Group name
    • Group description
    • User submitted information in error messages.

Use common sense when displaying a field from the server regarding whether the field should be html escaped or not.

Exception mapping

In us.kbase.groups.core.exceptions:
GroupsException and subclasses other than the below - 400
AuthenticationException and subclasses - 401
UnauthorizedException and subclasses - 403
NoDataException and subclasses - 404

JsonMappingException (from Jackson) - 400

Anything else is mapped to 500.

Test UI

nodejs must be installed:

npm --version
nodejs --version

In testui:

npm install
npm run build

Then open index.html in your favorite browser. You may need to run the groups service and an html server for the UI behind a reverse proxy to avoid CORS issues.


see /design/*.md

  • Security
    • (WS) Temporary permissions in workspace for request-based view of ws vs. permanent grant
  • Reliability
    • Needs logging for most actions. Currently nothing is logged.
    • Feeds notification is currently Fire & Forget. Is this what we want? Options in order of time & maintenance cost:
      • F&F
      • Synchronous retry X times then fail
      • Add to in memory queue & continue retrying until success
      • Persistent queue
    • Feeds notification implementation is unclear - currently going straight to feeds, may go to Kafka instead.
    • Retries in the workspace handler.
    • Retries in the catalog handler.
  • Performance
    • Currently group workspaces are pulled 1 at a time w/ 2 WSS calls per group workspace
      • (WS) Update get_permissions_mass to allow returning error codes for inaccessible / deleted / missing workspace instead of erroring out
      • (WS) Add bulk call for get_workspace_info with same error handling option
      • (WS) Add error codes to get_object_info3 and get_objects2
      • Cache results
    • Cache results of catalog service queries
  • Usability
    • Text search - need product team feedback
      • In an ideal world this would be added to search but...
    • Hide groups? Since we can't delete groups we'll wind up with a bunch of crap in the groups list. Private groups aren't exactly the same thing, I think.
    • When display user who denied request & reason? Need product team feedback
      • Currently request denials are not notified
    • System administration support - what do we need?
    • Filters and sorts for groups
      • Every filter & sort combination (usually) requires a new MongoDB index & more time & maintenance cost, so choose carefully
      • Remember - skip is evil
      • Find groups where user X is an owner or admin
      • Find groups where user X is a member and I'm a member
      • Find groups that contain workspaces I administrate
      • Find groups that contain catalog methods I own
  • New features
    • Relations between groups
      • This needs a lot of thought / design if the relations are hierarchical / directional.
        • Cycle detection, etc.
    • Change owner
  • Testing
    • travis
      • try mongo 4 - maybe wait for 4.2
    • finish last few tests
    • integration tests
  • Other
    • HTTP2 support
    • Reduce code duplication between services - see
    • May need more field validators depending on UI needs
    • Although WS Admin read privs are no longer needed for groups, it'd still be good to finish.


Service for creating and managing groups within KBase







