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Complex-capable DQMC

This DQMC code is for single-band Hubbard model, allowing kinetic hopping to be modified by Peierl's phase (which requires complexifying the entire simulation).

Simulation parameters (including geometry and potentially multiple orbitals) are controlled by python utility script in util/. The default geometry is square. The goal was to make the C code as "model parameter agnostic" as possible. Whether this is achieved is debatable -- it is usually still necessary to manually modify the C source code when we want to study a slightly different model, or add new measurements.

The source code is in C and uses idioms like goto, restrict, and implicit casting of void *pointers into other pointer types, which are not consistent with C++ standards. So if you try to compile the code with a C++ compiler, you'll likely get compilation errors.

This program relies on POSIX C APIs, like clock_gettime() and sigaction(). It works in various flavours of Linux. It probably works in MacOS. It probably doesn't work in Windows. There's no plans to add support for Windows.


  • git
  • make

For compilation

Unfortunately, as we are dealing with a variety of computing environments, both the source code and the Makefile must be adjusted, based on what compilers, BLAS + LAPACK libraries, and offload devices (if any) are available.

  1. Sherlock or Cori KNL, CPU only: master branch
    • Intel compiler icc
    • imkl headers and library >= 2019
    • hdf5 headers and library >= 1.10 To get correct paths to these headers and libraries on Sherlock, add module load hdf5/1.10.2 icc/2019 imkl/2019 to your .bashrc.
  2. Perlmutter, CPU only: master branch Note: to use AOCL, replace existing Linear algebra library link line with -lblis -lpthread -lflame
    • GNU Compiler gcc or aocc
    • cray-libsci headers and library
    • hdf5 headers and library
  3. Perlmutter, with GPU offloading: perlmt-gpu branch Note: this branch may be modified to use the AOCL math libraries when it becomes supported in the future
    • Nvidia Compiler ncc
    • cray-libsci headers and library
    • hdf5 headers and library
  4. gcc + imkl, CPU only: master branch
    • GNU compiler gcc
    • imkl headers and library >= 2019
    • hdf5 headers and library >= 1.10 To get correct paths to these headers and libraries on Sherlock, add module load hdf5/1.10.2 gcc/10.1.0 imkl/2019 to your .bashrc. The icc/2019 module must be unloaded or it messes up the search paths.

For python scripts in util/

  • python3
  • numpy
  • h5py >= 2.5.0
  • gitpython
  • scipy

You can get these via miniconda/anaconda in any compute environment.

For Sherlock specifically, add module load python/3.9.0 py-scipy/1.10.1_py39 py-numpy/1.24.2_py39 viz py-matplotlib/3.7.1_py39 to your .bashrc. After all the above modules are loaded, do pip3 install --user gitpython h5py once. Do NOT use the py-h5py/3.7.0_py39 module, since that force loads the 1.12.2 hdf5 headers, and messes with the C code compilation.

Compilation (Master Branch)

Go to build/

Optionally, replace -xHost in Makefile or Makefile.icx (-march in gcc.imkl.Makefile) with appropriate optimized instruction set flags.

Mandatory: pick whether to compile with -DUSE_CPLX. Real DQMC can only be used with hdf5 files generated with nflux=0 option, while Complex DQMC can only be used with hdf5 files generated with nflux!=0 option.

Optional: Set a sensible number of OMP_MEAS_NUM_THREADS to use for the slowest unequal time measurements. The default is 2.

Run make -f <makefilename>.


To (batch-)generate simulation files, run python3 <parameter arguments>

To push some .h5 files to a stack, run something like python3 <stackfile_name> <some .h5 files>

Run dqmc in single file mode: ./dqmc_1 <options> file.h5

Run dqmc in stack mode: ./dqmc_stack <options> stackfile

Command line options for dqmc_1, dqmc_stack, are found by using the standard --help or --usage flags.

To check estimated memory usage and exit for dqmc_1, dqmc_stack, toggle --dry-run or -n. But note this option for dqmc_stack edits the stack file, so you have to re-add the .h5 files back to the stack file after this.

Best practice

In cluster environments, you should

  • definitely place your compiled DQMC executable in some permanent storage directory like $HOME.
  • definitely place hdf5 simulation files in a fast I/O directory (like $SCRATCH), because reading and writing to hdf5 files take time, and we want to, when interruped, be able to save program state, log, and checkpoint to disk gracefully.
  • preferably place any stack files in a fast I/O directory (like $SCRATCH), because that's your job board that many processes compete to R/W.
  • preferably submit batch slurm scripts from a fast I/O directory (like $SCRATCH), because slurm directs stdout and stderr to .out (and maybe .err if you requested separation) files.
  • definitely backup completed simulations in $SCRATCH to permanent long term storage.


When running in stack mode on a cluster, you might do something like srun -n 4 ./dqmc_stack stack which launches 4 processes/steps, each individually running dqmc, but accessing the same stack file. The situation is something like:

p0: ./dqmc_stack stack

p1: ./dqmc_stack stack

p2: ./dqmc_stack stack

p3: ./dqmc_stack stack

Thus many parallel processes compete to access the same stack file which serves as a LIFO job board listing all the .h5 files that needs to be worked on. There are pop() and push() functions which implement a crude locking mechanism for preventing race conditions. These functions are not fool-proof however, so you might get random warnings and failures. These are usually not critical, but --

A catastropic failure mode that is NOT safeguarded against is if the same file is listed in stack twice, or otherwise somehow picked up by two different processes to each individually R/W to the same .h5 file. This causes all sorts of inconsistent state/race conditions in both the .h5 and the .h5.log file!! I want to say this never happens, but this needs more testing.

Unix system signals SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP, SIGUSR1 are caught by signal handlers and used to set a stop flag. The dqmc() loop checks for the stop flag every full H-S sweep. Upon reaching time limit or receiving an interrupt signal, simulation stops and throws away all unsaved data. We essentially regress to the last valid checkpoint.

Checkpointing (save current simulation state and measurements to disk) is by default performed every 10000 full H-S sweeps. This may still be too frequent, so it's user adjustable in simulation file generation. If --checkpoint_every=0, no checkpointing is performed (so upon any interrupt, all working data is lost). OTOH, upon successful completion of all H-S sweeps, simulation state and measurements will be saved to disk.

To have true benchmarking mode, where you never save any data to disk, (and the .h5 files remain in their initial, untouched state), genereate simulation file with --checkpoint_every=0 and run dqmc with ./<executable> -b.

A crude mechanism for detecting hdf5 file corruption is implemented by setting a partial_write flag. Upon detecting any corruption, we just give up on working on this file entirely. Partial writes can occur if the simulation is killed in the middle of performing sim_data_save(). I'm not sure this method is watertight yet, needs more testing.

Differences from Edwin's Code

This version of the DQMC code is based on edwnh/dqmc commit c91ba610cab2418e575a2008094499ea0e35754a. Divergence from Edwin's code as of 08/2023 at this point include:

  • Removed tick_t alias

  • Rewrote command line option parsing for dqmc_1 and dqmc_stackto use argp. Added --dry-run or -n for checking memory consumption.

  • Added consistency check between hdf5 simulation file generation script and compiled dqmc executable. Inconsistent versions do not necessarily indicate a problem.

  • Changed checkpoint behavior to be more conservative, as described above.

  • Added partial_write file corruption check.

  • More verbose log information.

  • Different return flags for functions. Most notably nonzero return codes for main() functions. This may trigger unexpected SLURM behavior. Needs testing.

  • Removed unused python dqmc source code.

  • Added thermal phases, thermal, 2bond measurements.

  • Added python thermal transport analysis scripts in util/

  • Added scalar spin chirality measurement for some lattices.

  • Unified all scripts into one file, but bond definitions required for e.g. transport measurements, and optional measurements are not implemented for all lattices.

  • takes argp style arguments as opposed to the default python syntax. This means all arguments are in the form --name=value rather than Edwin's version, which is name=value

  • Added option to apply twisted boundary conditions

  • Added hoppings farther than next nearst neighbor for some lattices.


  • Add profiling for how much overhead regular checkpoints add.
  • Make double vs complex double a runtime choice, so we don't have to do separate compilations
  • Make dry run completely side-effect-free
  • Improve stack mechanism to reduce competition and wait times -- double ended queue? process private queues? But this is not the main bottleneck right now.
  • Add safeguards for simultaneous hdf5 file RW failure mode
  • BUGFIX for thermal phase #defines b/c of premature optimization.
  • Add check for consistency between C standard double _Complex and whatever idiosyncratic complex type (probably a struct) the math library (AOCL, cray-libsci, IMKL, cuBLAS) is using, to make sure they are both 16 bytes.
  • Add a last_modified field to keep hdf5 files refreshed and always in $SCRATCH dir?
  • my_calloc() might no longer be the most optimal thing to do on AMD CPUs. It also may be less important to worry about memory alignment if matrix operations are offloaded to GPUs.
  • Add example workflow