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Releases: kasiimh1/SaveMe

SaveMe v1.3 & SaveMe-Dumper

13 Jun 11:51
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Windows version now includes latest tsschecker with A14 support from here:
macOS version is still outdated at the time of writing.

UPDATE v1.3 (Windows) - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and Windows!

  • New Features
  1. Fetches device info and saves it to a cached device list
  2. Set version to save ticket for saving
  3. Allows setting path for saving tickets too
  4. Print Cached Devices
  5. Print currently signed firmwares
  6. Specify a generator, must be already set on device! (expects unc0ver's 0x1111111111111111)
  7. Save currently signed firmwares from cached device list! (device does not need to be connected)
  8. Dump ticket from iOS device (requires device to be jailbroken)
  • Planned Features
  1. Print currently signed BETA iOS versions
  2. Add ticket checking with imgtool4
  3. Add FutureRestore support automating restoring if device is connected and SHSH2 file exists!
  4. IPSW downloader for device when connected (and arg set)
  5. Downloading of SEP and BBFW (if needed) for FutureRestore restores
  • Tested
  1. iPhone11,2
  2. iPad7,3
  3. AppleTV 4K
  1. (
  2. (
  3. (

Uses the following tools


09 Apr 09:21
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  • Compiled against latest upstream binaries, confirmed work on A12 and A10X 13.4 and 13.4.1
  • Removed FutureRestore ticket checker, also doesn't exit recovery mode so move to irecovery for that
  • Changed Folder name to avoid it breaking anything, files store in SaveMe-Tickets

SaveMe macOS

05 Nov 11:35
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Compiled against tsschecker v300 for macOS only..

This update should support A13 processors iPhone 11, Pro & Pro Max but need a generator set otherwise all tickets will be for a generator currently set and unknown to you in NVRAM

SaveMe macOS

03 Nov 09:50
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Temp fix for - 'Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64' when compiling (tsschecker)

SaveMe macOS Only Release

24 Sep 16:30
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UPDATE v0.8 - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and now Windows!

Requirements before using for Windows

  • install iTunes

Requirements before using for macOS

  • install brew
    After installing brew run the following commands
  1. brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
  2. brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
  3. brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller
    This should fix issues when not displaying device info

New in this update

  1. Recompiled against latest TssChecker for macOS.. Windows update coming!
  2. Added Windows Support!
  3. Fixes wrong ECID and saving path
  4. Adds new folder structure when saving tickets (unique per device and firmware)
  5. Removed irecovery as it didn't work for some users on High Sierra
  6. Switched back to igetnonce
  7. Detects Processor Type ie A12(X) or not
  8. If non A12(X) device it checks the generated nonce against Chimera's and Unc0vers default generators
  9. Displays saved ticket path
  10. Migrated to FutureRestore for exiting Recovery Mode as irecovery was removed as mentioned above
  11. Biggest feature last, now you're able to check saved Ticket against device's generator with FutureRestore

How to use for Windows

  1. Download from this link
  2. Save and extract the file to your desktop
  3. open CMD or something similar
  4. change directory to your desktop with this command "cd Desktop/"
  5. Start typing Sav... and press TAB it should auto fill the remaining characters
  6. connect your device and press enter
  7. wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
  8. enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
  9. wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
  10. read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
  11. wait for it to reboot
  12. Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use

How to use for macOS

  1. Download from this link
  2. chmod +x the file if it says permission denied
  3. open the binary in terminal
  4. connect your device and press enter
  5. wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
  6. enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
  7. wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
  8. read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
  9. wait for it to reboot
  10. Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use


  • New Folder Structure
  • Ticket comparing to devices set generator
  • A12(X) device check
  • Non A12(X) device check

Shout out to the following people for helping with testing and contributions

  1. /u/tk_ios
  2. /u/frakman1
  3. /u/ForceBru
  4. u/maelxich

Uses the following tools

Future Updates?

  • img4tool - check if the saved ticket is valid

SaveMe macOS and Windows

04 Sep 22:13
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UPDATE v0.7 - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and now Windows!

Requirements before using for Windows

  • install iTunes

Requirements before using for macOS

  • install brew
    After installing brew run the following commands
  1. brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
  2. brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
  3. brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller
    This should fix issues when not displaying device info

New in this update

  1. Added Windows Support!
  2. Fixes wrong ECID and saving path
  3. Adds new folder structure when saving tickets (unique per device and firmware)
  4. Removed irecovery as it didn't work for some users on High Sierra
  5. Switched back to igetnonce
  6. Detects Processor Type ie A12(X) or not
  7. If non A12(X) device it checks the generated nonce against Chimera's and Unc0vers default generators
  8. Displays saved ticket path
  9. Migrated to FutureRestore for exiting Recovery Mode as irecovery was removed as mentioned above
  10. Biggest feature last, now you're able to check saved Ticket against device's generator with FutureRestore

How to use for Windows

  1. Download from this link
  2. Save and extract the file to your desktop
  3. open CMD or something similar
  4. change directory to your desktop with this command "cd Desktop/"
  5. Start typing Sav... and press TAB it should auto fill the remaining characters
  6. connect your device and press enter
  7. wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
  8. enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
  9. wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
  10. read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
  11. wait for it to reboot
  12. Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use

How to use for macOS

  1. Download from this link
  2. chmod +x the file if it says permission denied
  3. open the binary in terminal
  4. connect your device and press enter
  5. wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
  6. enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
  7. wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
  8. read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
  9. wait for it to reboot
  10. Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use


  • New Folder Structure
  • Ticket comparing to devices set generator
  • A12(X) device check
  • Non A12(X) device check

Shout out to the following people for helping with testing and contributions

  1. /u/tk_ios
  2. /u/frakman1
  3. /u/ForceBru
  4. u/maelxich

Uses the following tools

Future Updates?

  • img4tool - check if the saved ticket is valid