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🖱️ A DataTables javascript plugin for adding context menus and buttons to your selected rows


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A DataTables JS extension for adding contextual options to one or many selected rows. Ideal if you want synchronized buttons and context-menu actions defined in a single place.

Context Menu

Button List

Button List Icon Only

This will alter your DataTables table in the following ways:

  • Your actions will be rendered as a row of buttons above your table
  • Right-clicking a row will select it and present the user with a context menu of your actions

Both can be individually enabled/disabled.


  • DataTables, the world's most comprehensive jQuery-based table component

Getting Started:

  • Use DataTables in your project
  • Include the javascript and css in your project:
<!-- For example, use a CDN: -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
  • Initialize with a configuration (see the Configuration section below)
$(document).ready(function () {
	// Set up our table in standard DataTables fashion (with selection enabled)
	var myTable = $('#dt').DataTable({
		select: {
			style: 'os',
			selector: 'td:first-child',

	// And initialize our plugin.
		// Configuration options as described above



Property Type Description Default
classes string[] CSS classes to apply to both the dropdown-menu and the button container []
iconPrefix string CSS class that icons will all start with.
For example, providing 'fas' will default an icon to
<i class="fas"></i>

...before it's assigned its actual icon class.
contextMenu contextMenu (see below) required
showConfirmationMethod function(confirmation) A function taking in a confirmation object (see the documentation on item's confirmation attribute) that handles how to render and show the confirmation to the user. By default this uses the super basic window.confirm but the incoming confirmation parameter matches the config of BootBox, a plugin for showing confirmations using Bootstrap's modals. If using Bootbox, replace with function(confirmation){bootbox.confirm(confirmation)} function(confirmation){ confirmation.callback( window.confirm( confirmation.message)); }
buttonList buttonList (see below) required
items item[] (see below) An array of item objects that represent the options that will be both rendered as buttons, and as options in a context menu. required
deselectAfterAction bool Whether or not to deselect all table rows after an item's action takes place. Note: if your action's code clears and redraws the table anyway, the selection state will be lost regardless of this option. Modify row data in the table itself using the DataTables API if you don't want to accidentally lose the selection state. true


Property Type Description Default
enabled bool Whether or not to display a context menu when the user right-clicks a row true
isMulti bool If true, multiple rows can be selected and then acted upon by right-clicking. If false, right-clicking will de-select all other rows before showing the context menu (default behaviour) false
xoffset int The horizontal distance away, in pixels, to render the drop-down context menu from the mouse -10
yoffset int The vertical distance away, in pixels, to render the drop-down context menu from the mouse -10
showSpeed string A CSS duration describing how quickly the context menu should displayed '0.30s'
headerRenderer string
false (bool)
What to display as the context menu's header.

Can be a static string or a function of the rows selected.

Set to false to skip rendering a header.
headerIsFollowedByDivider bool Controls if a divider is automatically added next to the header. (Ignored, if header is set to false.) false
showStaticOptions bool Whether or not to display static items in the context menu false
startsNewSelection bool Whether or not to start a new selection (deselect other rows) when isMulti is true and a non-selected row is right-clicked false


Property Type Description Default
enabled bool Whether or not to render the options out into an external container as a series of button groups true
containerSelector string The CSS selector of the container element that the buttons will be rendered into.

For example, '#my-button-bar'
iconOnly bool Whether or not to only display icons in the buttons.

If true, buttons will only contain icons, and the option titles are turned into tooltips.
disabledOpacity decimal The opacity of a disabled button or context menu icon 0.5
dividerSpacing int The number of pixels between divided groups of buttons 10
groupClass string The class to give to the groups of buttons in the button list. Groups are the groupings of buttons separated with divider typed items. For example, with bootstrap, use btn-group ``


Property Type Description Default
type string
Items can be of the following types:

  • option is the standard type. It means the option is row-scoped and relies on row data to determine its action.

  • static means its action will not receive any data, and it mimics a DataTables button in that it is always visible and is table-scoped, not row-scoped.

  • divider acts simply as a divider item that splits up the above types when being rendered.

multi bool Whether or not to enable this button when more than 1 rows are selected false
title string
What the option is named.
The title is rendered as:

  • In buttons: the button text

  • In buttons when iconOnly is true: the button's tooltip

  • In context menus: the dropdown option's text

    multiTitle string The title (above) to render when more than 1 rows are selected ''
    iconClass string The class of the <i></i> styled icon to render.
    For example, if iconPrefix is 'fa fa-fw' and iconClass is 'fa-eye', then <i class="fa fa-fw fa-eye"></i> is rendered.

    Leave blank to render no icon.
    classes string[] An array of CSS classes to add onto the rendered item (either the button or the
    dropdown option)
    contextMenuClasses string[] An array of CSS classes to add onto the rendered item (ONLY the
    dropdown version)
    buttonClasses string[] An array of CSS classes to add onto the rendered item (ONLY the button version) []
    id string Optionally you may assign an id to the item's rendered element if you wish to target it with any custom code later on ''
    confirmation object
    The confirmation configuration object.

    Include a title and a message that will appear in the default browser confirm dialogue

    OR you may provide a confirmation object that matches that of Bootbox.js, and then override the default confirmation behavior by passing bootbox.confirm to options.showConfirmationMethod

    Example (default behavior):

    message:'Are you sure you want to Bar?'

    Example (if using Bootbox):

    title: 'Delete Item(s)',
    message: 'Do you want to delete the item(s)?',
    buttons: {
    cancel: {
    className: 'btn-link',
    label: 'Cancel'
    confirm: {
    className: 'btn-danger',
    label: 'Delete'
    action function(rows) The action to execute against the 1 or more rows selected when the action was executed required
    isDisabled bool
    Whether or not to totally disable the option.

    If a function of row is provided, this becomes a test to run against every selected row.
    If ANY of the rows pass this test, the option will be disabled

    For example, to disable the button for "John" rows:
    (row) => row.FirstName === 'John'
    isDisabledStrictMode bool Modifies the behavior of isDisabled (see above). If specified and is true, then rather than allowing a multi-enabled button to be clicked when ANY selected row is enabled/applicable, ONLY enable the option if ALL selected rows are enabled/applicable.

    isDisabledStrictMode ensures that ALL selected rows fail the isDisabled check (in other words, are ALL enabled) before allowing an action to be confirmed or executed
    isHidden bool
    Similar to the above isDisabled but renders an option hidden/invisible instead of just being disabled (greyed out) {}

    Please see the example page referred to above for a demo of how to use all these options together.


    If you change underlying data that some renderers rely on (isDisabled on a static-typed action, for example), and want to update the controls without having the user manually select/deselect rows, you can force-update contextualActions like so:

    $(document).ready(function () {
    	var myTable = $('#dt').DataTable({
    		// ...
    	// And initialize our plugin.
    	var myContextActions = myTable.contextualActions({
    		// ...
    	// Manually refresh the control and force all actions to be re-evaluated

    Development & Building:

    • Launch the included VSCode workspace file (datatables-contextual-actions.code-workspace)
    • Run npm i to install any dependencies
    • Perform any development and test in the ~/index.html file
    • When you're ready to build, execute the default build task (Ctrl + Shift + B)
    • Test the built changes in the ~/docs/index.html documentation/demo file


    🖱️ A DataTables javascript plugin for adding context menus and buttons to your selected rows







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    • JavaScript 50.3%
    • HTML 45.6%
    • CSS 4.1%