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fzf.vim repository

If you're not familiar with Vimscript or don't have time to write your own commands, check out fzf.vim project which provides a set of ready-made commands.

Basic tutorial


locate command integration

command! -nargs=1 -bang Locate call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(
      \ {'source': 'locate <q-args>', 'options': '-m'}, <bang>0))

:Locate / will list every file on the system. So make sure that you're using Go version of fzf which is significantly faster than the old Ruby version.

Open files in splits

Consider using CTRL-X/V/T key bindings of the default :FZF command instead.

" Open files in horizontal split
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>s :call fzf#run({
\   'down': '40%',
\   'sink': 'botright split' })<CR>

" Open files in vertical horizontal split
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>v :call fzf#run({
\   'right': winwidth('.') / 2,
\   'sink':  'vertical botright split' })<CR>

Choose color scheme

nnoremap <silent> <Leader>C :call fzf#run({
\   'source':
\     map(split(globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim"), "\n"),
\         "substitute(fnamemodify(v:val, ':t'), '\\..\\{-}$', '', '')"),
\   'sink':    'colo',
\   'options': '+m',
\   'left':    30
\ })<CR>

Select buffer

function! s:buflist()
  redir => ls
  silent ls
  redir END
  return split(ls, '\n')

function! s:bufopen(e)
  execute 'buffer' matchstr(a:e, '^[ 0-9]*')

nnoremap <silent> <Leader><Enter> :call fzf#run({
\   'source':  reverse(<sid>buflist()),
\   'sink':    function('<sid>bufopen'),
\   'options': '+m',
\   'down':    len(<sid>buflist()) + 2
\ })<CR>

Simple MRU search


command! FZFMru call fzf#run({
\  'source':  v:oldfiles,
\  'sink':    'e',
\  'options': '-m -x +s',
\  'down':    '40%'})

Filtered v:oldfiles and open buffers

command! FZFMru call fzf#run({
\ 'source':  reverse(s:all_files()),
\ 'sink':    'edit',
\ 'options': '-m -x +s',
\ 'down':    '40%' })

function! s:all_files()
  return extend(
  \ filter(copy(v:oldfiles),
  \        "v:val !~ 'fugitive:\\|NERD_tree\\|^/tmp/\\|.git/'"),
  \ map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'), 'bufname(v:val)'))

Jump to tags (simple)

command! -bar Tags if !empty(tagfiles()) | call fzf#run({
\   'source': "sed '/^\\!/d;s/\t.*//' " . join(tagfiles()) . ' | uniq',
\   'sink':   'tag',
\ }) | else | echo 'Preparing tags' | call system('ctags -R') | FZFTag | endif

Jump to tags

This version better handles same tags across different files.

function! s:tags_sink(line)
  let parts = split(a:line, '\t\zs')
  let excmd = matchstr(parts[2:], '^.*\ze;"\t')
  execute 'silent e' parts[1][:-2]
  let [magic, &magic] = [&magic, 0]
  execute excmd
  let &magic = magic

function! s:tags()
  if empty(tagfiles())
    echohl WarningMsg
    echom 'Preparing tags'
    echohl None
    call system('ctags -R')

  call fzf#run({
  \ 'source':  'cat '.join(map(tagfiles(), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":S")')).
  \            '| grep -v -a ^!',
  \ 'options': '+m -d "\t" --with-nth 1,4.. -n 1 --tiebreak=index',
  \ 'down':    '40%',
  \ 'sink':    function('s:tags_sink')})

command! Tags call s:tags()

Jump to tags in the current buffer

function! s:align_lists(lists)
  let maxes = {}
  for list in a:lists
    let i = 0
    while i < len(list)
      let maxes[i] = max([get(maxes, i, 0), len(list[i])])
      let i += 1
  for list in a:lists
    call map(list, "printf('%-'.maxes[v:key].'s', v:val)")
  return a:lists

function! s:btags_source()
  let lines = map(split(system(printf(
    \ 'ctags -f - --sort=no --excmd=number --language-force=%s %s',
    \ &filetype, expand('%:S'))), "\n"), 'split(v:val, "\t")')
  if v:shell_error
    throw 'failed to extract tags'
  return map(s:align_lists(lines), 'join(v:val, "\t")')

function! s:btags_sink(line)
  execute split(a:line, "\t")[2]

function! s:btags()
    call fzf#run({
    \ 'source':  s:btags_source(),
    \ 'options': '+m -d "\t" --with-nth 1,4.. -n 1 --tiebreak=index',
    \ 'down':    '40%',
    \ 'sink':    function('s:btags_sink')})
    echohl WarningMsg
    echom v:exception
    echohl None

command! BTags call s:btags()

Search lines in all open vim buffers

(require set hidden to prevent vim unload buffer)

function! s:line_handler(l)
  let keys = split(a:l, ':\t')
  exec 'buf' keys[0]
  exec keys[1]
  normal! ^zz

function! s:buffer_lines()
  let res = []
  for b in filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
    call extend(res, map(getbufline(b,0,"$"), 'b . ":\t" . (v:key + 1) . ":\t" . v:val '))
  return res

command! FZFLines call fzf#run({
\   'source':  <sid>buffer_lines(),
\   'sink':    function('<sid>line_handler'),
\   'options': '--extended --nth=3..',
\   'down':    '60%'

Narrow ag results within vim

  • CTRL-X, CTRL-V, CTRL-T to open in a new split, vertical split, tab respectively.
  • CTRL-A to select all matches and list them in quickfix window
    • CTRL-D to deselect all
  • Ag without argument will list all the lines
function! s:ag_to_qf(line)
  let parts = split(a:line, ':')
  return {'filename': parts[0], 'lnum': parts[1], 'col': parts[2],
        \ 'text': join(parts[3:], ':')}

function! s:ag_handler(lines)
  if len(a:lines) < 2 | return | endif

  let cmd = get({'ctrl-x': 'split',
               \ 'ctrl-v': 'vertical split',
               \ 'ctrl-t': 'tabe'}, a:lines[0], 'e')
  let list = map(a:lines[1:], 's:ag_to_qf(v:val)')

  let first = list[0]
  execute cmd escape(first.filename, ' %#\')
  execute first.lnum
  execute 'normal!' first.col.'|zz'

  if len(list) > 1
    call setqflist(list)
    wincmd p

command! -nargs=* Ag call fzf#run({
\ 'source':  printf('ag --nogroup --column --color "%s"',
\                   escape(empty(<q-args>) ? '^(?=.)' : <q-args>, '"\')),
\ 'sink*':    function('<sid>ag_handler'),
\ 'options': '--ansi --expect=ctrl-t,ctrl-v,ctrl-x --delimiter : --nth 4.. '.
\            '--multi --bind=ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all '.
\            '--color hl:68,hl+:110',
\ 'down':    '50%'
\ })

Fuzzy search files in parent directory of current file

This command is very handy if you want to explore or edit the surrounding/neigbouring files of the file your currently editing. (e.g. files in the same directory)

function! s:fzf_neighbouring_files()
  let current_file =expand("%")
  let cwd = fnamemodify(current_file, ':p:h')
  let command = 'ag -g "" -f ' . cwd . ' --depth 0'

  call fzf#run({
        \ 'source': command,
        \ 'sink':   'e',
        \ 'options': '-m -x +s',
        \ 'window':  'enew' })

command! FZFNeigh call s:fzf_neighbouring_files()

Fuzzy search the arglist (:Args)

command! -bang Args call fzf#run(fzf#wrap('args',
    \ {'source': map([argidx()]+(argidx()==0?[]:range(argc())[0:argidx()-1])+range(argc())[argidx()+1:], 'argv(v:val)')}, <bang>0))

Fuzzy search netrwhist (:Netrwhist)

function! MyUniq(lst)
    return filter(a:lst, 'count(a:lst, v:val) == 1')
command! -bang Netrwhist call fzf#run(fzf#wrap('netrw_dirhist',
    \ {'source': 
    \ !exists('g:netrw_dirhist_cnt')
    \   ?"tail -n +3 ".g:netrw_home.".netrwhist | cut -d \"'\" -f2- | rev | cut -d \"'\" -f2- | rev | awk '!seen[$0]++'"
    \   :MyUniq(map(range(1,g:netrw_dirhist_cnt), 'g:netrw_dirhist_{v:val}'))
    \ }, <bang>0))

This uses the command line tools tail, cut, rev, and awk which are most likely available under macOS and Linux.

The default value of g:netrw_dirhistmax is 10. You might be interested in increasing this value when you use this feature more often:

let g:netrw_dirhistmax = 1000

Fuzzy file template search

Say you have a folder with files in it you use for templating, and you want a fzf menu to choose which file will be loaded:

" choose from templates and apply to file
function! s:read_template_into_buffer(template)
	" has to be a function to avoid the extra space fzf#run insers otherwise
	execute '0r ~/.vim/templates/'.a:template

command! -bang -nargs=* LoadTemplate call fzf#run({
			\   'source': 'ls -1 ~/.config/nvim/templates',
			\   'down': 20,
			\   'sink': function('<sid>read_template_into_buffer')
			\ })