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Electron Microscopy Image anaLYSis tools

Version: 0.1.8

Authors and Copyright

Juri Barthel, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany

Copyright (c) 2019 - 2024 - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Published under the GNU General Public License, version 3, see and LICENSE!


If you want to play in the code, copy this source tree to some place, where your Python environment is able to find it.

If you just want to use it, install via

pip install emilys


  • Version 0.1.8: Added mean squared displacement functions and other smaller changes.
  • Version 0.1.7: Added 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator functions and transitions.
  • Version 0.1.6: Modified a lot of functions. There are some functions in the structure section which are incomplete and under development. Use them with care.
  • Version 0.1.5: Added debug to emilys.image.peakfit.fit_local_gauss_2d. Added sub-package structure for handling atomic structure models used in TEM simulations. Changed some kernel functions to regain compatibility with numba. Added geometry and binning functions.
  • Version 0.1.4: Modified some interfaces and routines which were causing deprecation warnings with numba.jit decorators. This kind of adoption will need to be updated step-by-step whenever it occurs.
    Deprecated numba functions will not be supported in later versions of numba.
  • Version 0.1.3: Added peak fitting to shift measurements as additional method. Modified linear search for minimum on data. Changed some functions related to fitting output. Added image resampling code to imagedata.
  • Version 0.1.2: Removed ineffective numba jit decorators from routines in image.polar. Renamed image.polar.polar_radpol3_trasform to polar_radpol3_rebin. Added image.polar_radpol2_resample. Added with some primitive root finding functions.
  • Version 0.1.1: Added diffraction pattern data for STO_110_* with json file containing meta data. Modified image.polar.polar_resample. Renamed and modiefied image.polar.polar_transform to image.polar.polar_rebin. Added a test Jupyter notebook showing how to use polar_resample from a non-isotropic input grid. Updated PiPy upload with install requirements.
  • Version 0.1.0: Packaging of some initial functions, uploaded to PyPi.


electron microscopy image analysis tools







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