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HeightField - Support mouse-picking to raise/lower terrain (#108)
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PhoenixIllusion committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent e92a487 commit 2c2fcdb
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Showing 2 changed files with 181 additions and 45 deletions.
224 changes: 179 additions & 45 deletions Examples/heightfield.html
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<div id="container">Loading...</div>
<div id="info">JoltPhysics.js heightfield demo<br />
Click Terrain to modify height: <select id="raise-lower"><option value="-0.1">Lower</option><option value="0.1">Raise</option></select><br />
Note: Terrain limited to original min/max bounds of height.

<script src="js/three/three.min.js"></script>
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<text x="64" y="96" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 52px; user-select: none; fill: #f0f">JOLT</text>
<text x="16" y="168" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 52px; user-select: none; fill: #ff0">PHYSICS</text>
<!-- used for both the extraction of image-data to a height map, and for the CanvasTexture used to render the displacement map on the THREE side -->
<canvas style="display: none" id="canvas" width="256" height="256"></canvas>

<script type="module">
// In case you haven't built the library yourself, replace URL with:
import initJolt from './js/jolt-physics.wasm-compat.js';

const mapScale = 0.35;
const BLOCK_SIZE = 2;
const IMAGE_SIZE = 256;
// Used for both the extraction of image-data to a height map, and for the CanvasTexture used to render the displacement map on the THREE side
const displacementCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// Used to overlay markers indicating a region will change, and to allow rendering of original SVG even after modified
const visibleTextureCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');

let displacementContext2D;
let visibleCanvasContext2d;

function heightFieldFromSVGl(svg, x, z) {
// Draw the SVG to a canvas, and extract the image data
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.width = svg.width;
canvas.height = svg.width;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(svg, 0, 0);
// Extract the image data from the canvas
const canvas = displacementCanvas;
const ctx = displacementContext2D;
const imgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// Create the heightfield
// Create the HeightField
const shapeSettings = new Jolt.HeightFieldShapeSettings();
shapeSettings.mOffset = new Jolt.Vec3(0, 0, 0);
shapeSettings.mScale = new Jolt.Vec3(mapScale, 0.1, mapScale);
shapeSettings.mOffset.Set(0, 0, 0);
shapeSettings.mScale.Set(mapScale, 0.1, mapScale);
shapeSettings.mSampleCount = canvas.width;
shapeSettings.mBlockSize = 2;
shapeSettings.mBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE;
const totalSize = canvas.width * canvas.height;
let heightSamples = new Float32Array(Jolt.HEAPF32.buffer, Jolt.getPointer(, totalSize); // Convert the height samples into a Float32Array
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// Initialize this example
initExample(Jolt, null);
const img = new Image();
img.width = 256;
img.height = 256;
img.width = displacementCanvas.width = visibleTextureCanvas.width = IMAGE_SIZE;
img.height = displacementCanvas.height = visibleTextureCanvas.height = IMAGE_SIZE;
displacementContext2D = displacementCanvas.getContext('2d');
visibleCanvasContext2d = visibleTextureCanvas.getContext('2d');
img.src = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(document.querySelector('svg').outerHTML);
await new Promise(resolve => img.onload = resolve);

// load initial canvas, both depth and graphical overlay, with the SVG image
displacementContext2D.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
visibleCanvasContext2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
const terrain = heightFieldFromSVGl(img, -img.width * mapScale / 2, -img.width * mapScale / 2);

const displacementMap = new THREE.CanvasTexture(document.getElementById('canvas'));
// Create two distinct textures. One for depth, one for the original image and any overlay we draw on it
const displacementMap = new THREE.CanvasTexture(displacementCanvas);
const overlayMap = new THREE.CanvasTexture(visibleTextureCanvas);

// Creating the plane with displacement
// Creating the THREE JS plane with displacement
// Note: Jolt HeightField maps each pixel to a vertex, so actual terrain is a SIZE-1 grid
const planeMesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.PlaneGeometry(img.width * mapScale, img.width * mapScale, 256, 256),
new THREE.PlaneGeometry(img.width * mapScale, img.width * mapScale, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE),
new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
displacementMap: displacementMap,
map: displacementMap,
map: overlayMap,
displacementScale: 256 * 0.1, // This should match the Y multiplier used on the ShapeSettings inScale.
flatShading: true
//ThreeJS Planes are created using a Z-axis instead of Y-axis normal, so rotate it
planeMesh.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2;
planeMesh.position.y -= 20; // Mirror the same Y offset used on the HeightField above
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position.Set(px, 20, py);
createSphere(position, 1, Jolt.EMotionType_Dynamic, LAYER_MOVING, 0xFF0000);

// Allocate an 8x8 floating point array in memory, and map it against Jolt's HEAP for raw access
const READ_SIZE = 8;
const float32MemPointer = Jolt._webidl_malloc(READ_SIZE * READ_SIZE * 4);
const float32MemoryBuffer = new Float32Array(Jolt.HEAPF32.buffer, float32MemPointer, READ_SIZE*READ_SIZE);

// Add a click event to the SVG to modify the terrain
const READ_SIZE = 8; // must be multiple of block-size used in construction
const terrainShape = Jolt.castObject(terrain.GetShape(), Jolt.HeightFieldShape);
const tempBufferPtr = Jolt._webidl_malloc(READ_SIZE * READ_SIZE * 4);
const tempBuffer = new Float32Array(Jolt.HEAPF32.buffer, tempBufferPtr, READ_SIZE * READ_SIZE); // READ_SIZE grid
// Update the THREE JS heightmap based on the current Float32 buffer
function updateThreeHeightMap(offsetX, offsetY) {
const textureImageData = displacementContext2D.getImageData(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE);
float32MemoryBuffer.forEach((_o, i) => {
for(let j=0;j<3;j++) {[i*4+j] = float32MemoryBuffer[i] * 10;
displacementContext2D.putImageData(textureImageData, offsetX, offsetY);
// Canvas has changed, so flag that THREE needs to copy the new texture back to the GPU
displacementMap.needsUpdate = true;

const canvas =;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const terrainHeightFieldShape = Jolt.castObject(terrain.GetShape(), Jolt.HeightFieldShape);
// Given a percentage X,Y, alter the HeightField by a fixed float amount
function changeTerrainShape( fractionX, fractionY, amount) {
// offset left of click and make multiple of block size
const offsetX = Math.min(Math.max((Math.floor( fractionX * IMAGE_SIZE) - 3) & -BLOCK_SIZE, 0), img.width - READ_SIZE);
// offset up from click and make multiple of block size.
const offsetY = Math.min(Math.max((Math.floor( fractionY * IMAGE_SIZE) - 3) & -BLOCK_SIZE, 0), img.height - READ_SIZE);
// Note: the bounding logic above will cause artifacts clicking along the terrain edges

const svgEle = document.getElementById("sampleImg");
svgEle.addEventListener('click', (mouseEvt) => {
const x = mouseEvt.offsetX / svgEle.clientWidth;
const y = mouseEvt.offsetY / svgEle.clientHeight;
terrainHeightFieldShape.GetHeights(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE, float32MemPointer, READ_SIZE)

const offsetX = Math.min(Math.max((Math.floor(x * 256) - 3) & ~1, 0), img.width - READ_SIZE); // offset left of click and make multiple of block size
const offsetY = Math.min(Math.max((Math.floor(y * 256) - 3) & ~1, 0), img.height - READ_SIZE); // offset up from click and make multiple of block size
const texData = ctx.getImageData(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE);
// Apply a flat amount of modification to all pixels in the selected region
float32MemoryBuffer.forEach((_o, f32Index) => {
float32MemoryBuffer[f32Index] += amount;

terrainShape.GetHeights(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE, tempBufferPtr, READ_SIZE)
const centerOfMass = terrain.GetCenterOfMassPosition();
terrainHeightFieldShape.SetHeights(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE, float32MemPointer, READ_SIZE, jolt.GetTempAllocator());
bodyInterface.NotifyShapeChanged(terrain, centerOfMass, false, Jolt.EActivation_Activate);
// Reload the THREE JS texture for just this region
updateThreeHeightMap(offsetX, offsetY);

tempBuffer.forEach((_o, i) => {
tempBuffer[i] -= 0.1;
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {[i * 4 + j] = tempBuffer[i] * 10;
// These tools assist in converting from screen/camera space to actual Rays usable in picking our terrain data
const rayCaster_3js = new THREE.Raycaster();
const pointerV2_3js = new THREE.Vector2();
// We are modifying this shape, but never the body, so can fetch this just once.
// Note: If the body would move, we would need to re-fetch this after the body's movement finishes
const transformedShape = bodyInterface.GetTransformedShape(terrain.GetID());

terrainShape.SetHeights(offsetX, offsetY, READ_SIZE, READ_SIZE, tempBufferPtr, READ_SIZE, jolt.GetTempAllocator());
ctx.putImageData(texData, offsetX, offsetY);
displacementMap.needsUpdate = true;
dynamicObjects.forEach(obj => bodyInterface.ActivateBody(obj.userData.body.GetID())); // wake sleeping objects
const jRay = new Jolt.RRayCast();
const jRayResult = new Jolt.RayCastResult();

// Tiny sphere to show on top of the canvas to indicate the actual RayCast location
const cursorIndicator = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.25, 32, 32), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: '#00ff00' }));
cursorIndicator.visible = false;

function mouseEventToTerrainCoords(mouseEvt) {
pointerV2_3js.x = ( mouseEvt.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
pointerV2_3js.y = - ( mouseEvt.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
// This is the stock Three JS picker logic
rayCaster_3js.setFromCamera( pointerV2_3js, camera );
const { origin, direction } = rayCaster_3js.ray;
// Jolt Ray casts use the 'direction' vector length to limit our search, so use something sure to hit our target for this demo
jRay.mOrigin.Set(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z)
jRay.mDirection.Set(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z);

// Failure to pick using a Ray will keep this mFraction value as-is
// CastRay in C++ would return a boolean on-hit, but WebIDL does not allow 2 calls of same name to have different return values
jRayResult.mFraction = 1000;
transformedShape.CastRay(jRay, jRayResult);
// Instead we check that the response is reasonable
// Hits will have a value between 0 and 1. Failures will keep the 1000 above
if(jRayResult.mFraction <= 1) {
// mFraction is between 0 and 1. By multiplying the direction ray scalar, we turn it into a true offset of the hit, relative to the origin.
const intersectThreeVector = origin.add(direction.multiplyScalar(jRayResult.mFraction));
cursorIndicator.visible = true;
// Using the Plane's world-matrix we can convert to local-space coordinates
// Three JS uses in-place modifications, so clone the matrix and vector so we do not disrupt their data.
const localPosition = intersectThreeVector.clone().applyMatrix4(planeMesh.matrixWorld.clone().invert());
// X and Y correspond to image UV. The original Z corresponds to world-space elevation
localPosition.multiplyScalar(1.0/(img.width * mapScale));
// Transformed results are -0.5 to 0.5 in both X and Y direction, mappable to our texture/HeightField
const { x, y } = localPosition;
// preserve the true world-space vector for re-activating nearby Bodies
// invert the Y value, because the texture space coordinates use a different origin
return { mapSpace: { x: x + 0.5, y: -y + 0.5}, worldSpace: intersectThreeVector };
// On a failed hit, return null
return null;

visibleCanvasContext2d.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.4)';
controls.domElement.addEventListener('mousemove', (mouseEvt) => {
const coords = mouseEventToTerrainCoords(mouseEvt);
if(coords) {
// remove any previous texture overlay
visibleCanvasContext2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Values between 0 and 1 in the height-field/texture space
const { x, y } = coords.mapSpace;
// draw a overlay in texture-space to indicate our terrain-altering region
visibleCanvasContext2d.fillRect(x * IMAGE_SIZE - 3, y * IMAGE_SIZE - 3, 6, 6);
// Since we want the overlay re-rendered, flush the overlay to the GPU
overlayMap.needsUpdate = true;
} else {
// The mouse is not on the terrain, so clear any old indicators and hide the cursor
visibleCanvasContext2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
overlayMap.needsUpdate = true;
cursorIndicator.visible = false;

const aaboxMin = new Jolt.Vec3();
const aaboxMax = new Jolt.Vec3();
const bpFilter = new Jolt.BroadPhaseLayerFilter();
const objectFilter = new Jolt.ObjectLayerFilter();
// This is an option/select given the user options on raising or lowering the terrain by 0.1 units
const raiseLower = document.getElementById('raise-lower');
controls.domElement.addEventListener('click', (mouseEvt) => {
const coords = mouseEventToTerrainCoords(mouseEvt);
if(coords) {
// Mobile devices will not have mouse-over, so draw the indicator here as well
visibleCanvasContext2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Values between 0 and 1 in the height-field/texture space
const { x, y } = coords.mapSpace;
visibleCanvasContext2d.fillRect(x * IMAGE_SIZE - 3, y * IMAGE_SIZE - 3, 6, 6);
overlayMap.needsUpdate = true;

// Convert the HTML OptionSelect to a float value
const delta = parseFloat(raiseLower.value);
// Alter the terrain by this amount
changeTerrainShape(x, y, delta);

// select a region sure to encompass all changed spheres. This could be smaller with demo's values.
aaboxMin.Set(coords.worldSpace.x - 6, coords.worldSpace.y - 6, coords.worldSpace.z - 6);
aaboxMax.Set(coords.worldSpace.x + 6, coords.worldSpace.y + 6, coords.worldSpace.z + 6);
// AABox does not support easy modification, so we are re-generating one per click
const aabox = new Jolt.AABox(aaboxMin, aaboxMax);
// re-activate spheres that may have been asleep and would not otherwise fall
bodyInterface.ActivateBodiesInAABox(aabox, bpFilter, objectFilter);
// Free up the above AABox
} else {
// Just like mouse-move, we are not on the terrain so clear any indicators and flush the texture to GPU
visibleCanvasContext2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
overlayMap.needsUpdate = true;
cursorIndicator.visible = false;

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions JoltJS.idl
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Expand Up @@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ interface Plane {

interface TransformedShape {
void TransformedShape();
void CastRay([Const, Ref] RRayCast inRay, [Ref] RayCastResult ioHit);
void CastRay([Const, Ref] RRayCast inRay, [Const, Ref] RayCastSettings inRayCastSettings, [Ref] CastRayCollector ioCollector, [Const, Ref] ShapeFilter inShapeFilter);
void CollidePoint([Const, Ref] RVec3 inPoint, [Ref] CollidePointCollector ioCollector, [Const, Ref] ShapeFilter inShapeFilter);
void CollideShape([Const] Shape inShape, [Const, Ref] Vec3 inShapeScale, [Const, Ref] RMat44 inCenterOfMassTransform, [Const, Ref] CollideShapeSettings inCollideShapeSettings, [Const, Ref] RVec3 inBaseOffset, [Ref] CollideShapeCollector ioCollector, [Const, Ref] ShapeFilter inShapeFilter);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1622,6 +1623,7 @@ interface BodyInterface {
[Value] RMat44 GetCenterOfMassTransform([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID);
void MoveKinematic([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID, [Const, Ref] RVec3 inPosition, [Const, Ref] Quat inRotation, float inDeltaTime);
void ActivateBody([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID);
void ActivateBodiesInAABox([Const, Ref] AABox inBox, [Const, Ref] BroadPhaseLayerFilter inBroadPhaseLayerFilter, [Const, Ref] ObjectLayerFilter inObjectLayerFilter);
void DeactivateBody([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID);
boolean IsActive([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID);
void SetMotionType([Const, Ref] BodyID inBodyID, EMotionType inMotionType, EActivation inActivationMode);
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