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chaz edited this page Nov 30, 2013 · 52 revisions

This is legacy documentation for Capistrano 2.x. For Capistrano 3.x, please refer to

General Resources & Beginner Guides

If you are new to Capistrano 2.x please read Getting Started; once you are familiar with the basics, you may want to read From the beginning which is a much more detailed tutorial. There is also an FAQ here.

You may also want to read and/or contribute to the Capistrano handbook - an immature document that holds some really useful tips, but needs a lot more work!

Frameworks & Tools

Intermediate Resources

Reference Resources

Useful Background Knowledge (3rd Party Articles)

Semi-Official Extensions

3rd Party Extensions

3rd Party Tutorials

Seeking Assistance

Help first and foremost via the Capistrano Google Group. Community support is also also often available in #Capistrano on freenode.

There are extensive archives of questions and answers also at, tagged #capistrano.

For bugs and problems please open an issue in the Github issues page - preferably with a patch, test-case, or steps-to-reproduce. Pull requests on Github will be ignored without a corresponding ticket, as there is no history of changes or forum for discussion without submitting a ticket.

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