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Machine Learning and Deep Learning

My Work

  • Handwritten Digits Classification Using Deep Neural Network
    • Implemented Deep Neural Network from previous project Cat Classification Using Deep Neural Network
    • Modified Input and Output layer size
    • Used MNIST dataset
    • Added Feature to Save trained model and retrain same model
    • Used modules Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, PIL, pickle, Skimage
  • Cat Classification Using Deep Neural Network
    • Implemented Neural Network with Multiple Layers
    • Added feature for saving our trained model
    • Can predict from images provided from user
    • Created by doing some modification in assignment
    • Used modules Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, PIL, pickle
  • Classification with Shallow Neural Network
    • Implemented Neural network with one Hidden Layer
    • Trained using dataset from sklearn
    • Compared Accuracy against different Datasets, No. of Hidden Layer Neurons
    • Used modules Sklearn, Matplotlib, Numpy
  • Logistic Regression - Cat Classification
    • Made by keeping neural network in mind.
    • Compared accuracy for different Learning Rate and No of Iterations
    • created by doing some modification in my programming assignment
    • Used modules Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, Skimage, Pickle, PIL
  • Linear Regression with Tensorflow
    • Used Tensorflow
    • Used Gradient Descent for optimization
    • Random Dataset created using Numpy
    • Used modules Tensorflow,Numpy and Matplotlib.

Here I'll be posting my work as I learn and make.

Resources from where I am learning

  1. Machine Learning by Stanford University- Coursera
  2. Specialization - Coursera
  3. Tensorflow Documentation
  4. Scipy and Numpy Documentation
  5. Matplotlib
  6. Udacity


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