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training options

jidasheng edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 1 revision

model parameters

name default description
embedding_dim 100 the dimension of the embedding layer
hidden_dim 128 the dimension of the RNN hidden state
num_rnn_layer 1 the number of RNN layers
rnn_type "lstm" RNN type, choice: "lstm", "gru"
max_seq_len 100 max sequence length within training

training options

name default description
corpus_dir the corpus directory
model_dir "model_dir" the output directory for model files
num_epoch 20 number of epoch to train
lr 1e-3 learning rate
weight_decay 0.0 the L2 normalization parameter
batch_size 1000 batch size
device None computing device: "cuda:0", "cpu:0". It will be autodetected by default
max_seq_len 100 max sequence length within training
val_split 0.2 the split for the validation dataset
test_split 0.2 the split for the testing dataset
recovery False continue to train from the saved model in model_dir
save_best_val_model False save the model whose validation score is smallest
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