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header-only C++ library for registering 3D point clouds using rotation, translation, and scale transformations


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Note: There is a python version of this repository here.

superpose3d_cpp contains a header file containing the defintion of the Superpose3D class which performs rigid-body 3D point cloud registration. It has a public member function, Superpose(), which takes as arguments two N×3 arrays representing two ordered sets of points ("clouds", denoted Xni and xni). Treating them as rigid objects, "Superpose3D()" attempts to superimpose them using rotations, translations, Treating them as rigid objects, "Superpose3D()" attempts to superimpose them using rotations, translations, and (optionally) scale transformations in order to minimize the root-mean-squared-distance (RMSD) between corresponding points from either cloud, where RMSD is defined as:


   R = a rotation matrix    (a 3x3 array representing the rotation. |R|=1)
   T = a translation vector (a 1-D array containing x,y,z displacements)
   c = a scalar             (a number. optional. 1 by default)

After invoking Superpose(), the optimal translation, rotation and scale factor are stored in Superpose3D data members named T, R, and c, respectively. (T is implemented as a C-style array, and R is implemented as a C-style 3x3 array in pointer-to-pointer format.)

Note: This function does not attempt to determine which pairs of points from either cloud correspond. Instead, it infers them from the order of the arrays. (It assumes that the i'th point from X corresponds to the i'th point from x.)

Note: The point clouds must contain the same number of points (N). If the number of points in either cloud is not the same, you must use a different approach. (See: link1, link2, link3, link4.)

A weighted version of the RMSD minimization algorithm is also available if the caller supplies an extra argument specifying the weight of every point in the cloud (wn). In that case, RMSD is defined as:

The coordinate arrays (Xni and xni) can be implemented as T** (pointer-to-pointer), vector<vector<T>>&, fixed-size arrays, or any other C or C++ object which supports [i][j] indexing. (Here T is any real numeric type. Complex numbers are not supported.) Similarly, the weights (w, if specified) can be implemented as arrays or any other C++ container supporting [].


This function implements a more general variant of the method from this paper: R. Diamond, (1988) "A Note on the Rotational Superposition Problem", Acta Cryst. A44, pp. 211-216.

Scale transformations

This version has been augmented slightly to support scale transformations. (I.E. multiplication by scalars. This can be useful for the registration of two different annotated volumetric 3-D images of the same object taken at different magnifications.)

Note that if you enable scale transformations (i.e. if allow_rescale=True), you should be wary if the function returns a negative c value. Negative c values correspond to inversions (reflections). For this reason, if you are using this function to compare the conformations of molecules, you should probably set allow_rescale=False. This will prevent matching a molecule with its stereoenantiomer.

Rotation angles, axes, and quaternions

If the corresponding rotation angle and rotation axis are also needed, they can be inferred from the q data member ("superposer.q" in the example below), an array of size 4. After invoking Superpose(), the first element of q will store will store cos(θ/2) (where θ is the rotation angle). The remaining 3 elements of q form a vector (of length sin(θ/2)), pointing along the axis of rotation. Equivalently, q is the quaternion corresponding to rotation R.

Example usage

#include "superpose3d.hpp"
using namespace superpose3d;

// ...
int N = 147913; // the number of points in each cloud
double **X;     // <-- Nx3 array of coordinates for the "frozen" point cloud
double **x;     // <-- Nx3 array of coordinates for the "mobile" point cloud

// Allocate space for X and x, and load their coordinates (omitted) ...

// Create an instance of the "Superpose3D" class.

Superpose3D<double, double **> superposer(N);

// "double **" is the type of array for storing coordinates in this example.
// (If the arrays are read-only, then you can use "double const* const*".)
// You can also use vectors or other objects which support indexing, for example
//    Superpose3D<double, vector<vector<double>>&> superposer(N);

// Calculate the optimal supperposition between the two point clouds (X and x)

double rmsd = superposer.Superpose(X, x);

// Note: The optimal rotation, translation, and scale factor will be stored in
//       superposer.R, superposer.T, and superposer.c, respectively.
//       (A quaternion describing the rotation is stored in superposer.q)

(A complete working example can be found here.)

By default scale transformations are disabled. (By default c=1.) If you want to allow scale transformations, then use:

superposer.Superpose(X, x, true);

Example using non-uniform weights

By default point in the point cloud will be given equal weights when calculating RMSD. If you want to specify different weights for each point (ie. wn in the formula above), then see the following example:

// ...

double *w;    // optional: weights used in calculation of RMSD
// Fill the "w" array (omitted)

Superpose3D<double, double **, double*> superposer(N, w);
double rmsd = superposer.Superpose(X, x);
// "double*" is the type of array for the weights in this example ("w").
// (For read-only arrays, you can use use "double const*".)


This repository has a dependency so you must use the --recursive argument when cloning it. For example:

git clone --recursive ~/superpose3d_cpp


This is a header-only library.

Copy the hpp file(s) in the include subdirectory, and the hpp files in the jacobi_pd/include subdirectory to a location in your include path. (Both repositories share the same license.)


The performance of the algorithm is O(N). The computation time required (per point in the cloud) is approximately 2.0e-06 + N×4.0e-08 seconds.

(Details: This was measured on a single 1.7GHz i5-4210U CPU core. For this test, the [tests/test_superpose3d.cpp](tests/test_superpose3d.cpp) file was compiled using g++ with the "-Ofast" compiler flag, and then run with and without the line invoking Superpose3D::Superpose() commented out.)

Development Status: Stable

The code in superpose3d.hpp has been tested for accuracy, coverage, memory safety and speed using thousands of large randomly generated point clouds.


superpose3d_cpp is available under the terms of the MIT license.