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Please check the file for details.


Omni reporter for Lein projects. This project is still on a very experimental stage. It essentially provides the same functionality as other two plugins I've made, Generic badge and Generic badge, with some exceptions.

The plugin is still not ready for multi-module projects. It differs between these other two projects because Lein differs quite a lot from Gradle and Maven. The functionality to search for extra reports and sources is there though, so you can try and use that for multi-module projects.

The configuration should be done in the same way as the maven and gradle plugins, except that it is done in this case in a json file called omni-config.json:

  "coverallsUrl": "",
  "codacyUrl": "",
  "codecovUrl": "",
  "sourceEncoding": "UTF-8",
  "projectBaseDir": "projectDir",
  "failOnNoEncoding": false,
  "failOnUnknown": false,
  "failOnReportNotFound": false,
  "failOnReportSendingError": false,
  "failOnXmlParsingError": false,
  "disableCoveralls": false,
  "disableCodacy": false,
  "disableCodecov": false,
  "ignoreTestBuildDirectory": false,
  "useCoverallsCount": true,
  "branchCoverage": false,
  "fetchBranchNameFromEnv": false,
  "coverallsToken": null,
  "codecovToken": null,
  "codacyToken": null,
  "codacyApiToken": null,
  "codacyOrganizationProvider": null,
  "codacyUserName": null,
  "codacyProjectName": null,
  "extraSourceFolder": "sampledir1,sampledir2",
  "extraReportFolders": "sampledir1,sampledir2",
  "reportRejectList": "reportFileName1, reportFileName2"

The filename is fixed to be omni-config.json for the time being.


Keep up to date with current releases by checking the file.


FIXME: Use this for user-level plugins:

Put [omni-coveragereporter-lein "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile.

FIXME: Use this for project-level plugins:

Put [omni-coveragereporter-lein "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

FIXME: and add an example usage that actually makes sense:

$ lein omni-coveragereporter-lein

Deploying in Nexus/Maven Central

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
lein deploy


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