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Gatsby Starter by ANOUN | Material Business - Markdown


  • MDC React Components
  • MDC Theming
  • Modern Design
  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • Contact Page
  • Blog
    • Featured images for blog posts
    • Markdown post format
  • SEO
    • Open Graph Tags
    • Dynamic Titles and Descriptions
    • Sitemap.xml
  • Prettier code formatting
  • CSS Fluid Typography
  • PWA Support
  • Google Analytics Support

Performance Test

View Lighthouse Test Results

Deploy to Netlify

Deploy to Netlify


Website Data

Edit config/website.js

module.exports = {
  // SEO
  title: "Gatsby Starter #1 | ANOUN | Markdown", // Navigation and Site Title
  titleTemplate: "%s · Gatsby Starter #1", // Template for Page Titles
  description: "This is Gatsby Starter #1 by ANOUN with content sourcing from Markdown files. Don't be shy, clone it on Github if you'd like!",
  siteUrl: "", // Domain of your site. No trailing slash!
  image: "/images/anoun-share-image.png", // Used for SEO Share Image

  // Manifest
  icon: "src/favicon.png", // Used for manifest favicon generation
  short_name: "ANOUN", // shortname for manifest. MUST be shorter than 12 characters
  owner: "ANOUN", // Author
  theme_color: "#663399",
  background_color: "#ffffff",

  // Social and Analytics
  twitterUsername: "@anouncompany", // Twitter Username
  googleAnalyticsID: "", // Google Analytics Tag ID


Edit src/styles/theme.scss

:root {
    --mdc-theme-primary: #663399;
    --mdc-theme-on-primary: #ffffff;
    --mdc-theme-secondary: #000000;
    --mdc-theme-on-secondary: #ffffff;
    --mdc-theme-surface: #fefefe;
    --mdc-theme-background: #ffffff;
    --mdc-theme-on-background: #000000;


Edit config/typography.js

import Typography from "typography"

const typography = new Typography({
  title: "Gatsby Starter Material Business",
  baseFontSize: "18px",
  baseLineHeight: 1.666,
  headerFontFamily: [
    "Segoe UI",
    "Apple Color Emoji",
    "Segoe UI Emoji",
    "Segoe UI Symbol",
  bodyFontFamily: [
    "Segoe UI",
    "Apple Color Emoji",
    "Segoe UI Emoji",
    "Segoe UI Symbol",
  scaleRatio: 3.157,
  headerWeight: 400,
  overrideStyles: () => ({
    img: {
      marginBottom: 0,

export default typography

About Page

Edit content/pages/

# About

Welcome to the Material Business Starter by <span class="anoun-title">[ANOUN](</span>! This is the first in our series of Gatsby Starters inspired by Google's [Material Design]( The Material Business starter features all the basics for a typical business' website such as a home page, about page, contact page with an email form, and a fully featured blog. This one is sourced from Markdown but we'll have others that use a headless CMS (stay tuned). So don't be shy, feel free to clone the [Github Repo]( and get started!


Contact Form

Create a form at

Replace "YOUR-FORM-ID" with your formspark form's ID in src/components/ContactForm/ContactForm.js


  handleSubmit = event => {
    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        Accept: 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify(this.state)
      .catch(function(error) {


Designed by Jaydan Urwin

Made in Idaho