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Loot (for Forkers). A hardhat development environment bootstrapped with the Loot smart contract

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Loot (for Forkers)

Quick proof of concept for my boi @codyb and all the cryptokeepers at Definitely Crypto

  1. It's @dhof's beautiful little LOOT contract

  2. But with the flattened OpenZeppelin contracts extracted back into their original imports, for cleanliness

  3. Then a healthy dose of npx hardhat boilerplate (Advanced Example) which is A Pretty Great Way To Write Solidity

  4. And then this brilliant README

  5. Good luck, we're all counting on you

Speed Project Approved: 1 Hour


Checkout this repo and install dependencies

git clone
cd loot-fork
npm install

compile the contract and deploy to the internal hardhat network

npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

Here's the next level

a real example requires you to run a local Ganache blockchain simulator (AKA the localhost network, chainId 31337):

# in one terminal, run a lil blockchain
npx hardhat node --show-stack-traces

# in another terminal, deploy the contract and copy the deployed address
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js

then start npx hardhat console and you can interact with said contract

npx hardhat console --network localhost

in the console, connect to our newly deployed LootFork:

const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory('LootFork');
const contract = await Contract.attach("ADDRESS_FROM_DEPLOYMENT_GOES_HERE");

then let's call some contract methods:

// 'LootFork'

(await contract.totalSupply()).toString();
// '0'
// (because we haven't minted anything yet)

(await contract.getWeapon(1)).toString();
// '"Grim Shout" Grave Wand of Skill +1'

if you want some loots, mint them to one of the default accounts setup by hardhat node (ganache). they cryptorich, they got like 10k ETH each

let tokenId = 1;
let account = (await ethers.getSigners())[0];
let txn = (await contract.connect(account).claim(tokenId));
let receipt = (await txn.wait());
  from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  to: '0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266',
  tokenId: BigNumber { _hex: '0x03', _isBigNumber: true }

did it work though?

(await contract.totalSupply()).toString();
// '1'

(await contract.tokenURI(1));

looks good to me

congratulations jeffrey bezos u did it

put that bad boy on mainnet and get lootrich

or perhaps start with rinkeby, my favorite testnet

This largely requires funding a wallet and registering API keys with Alchemy and Etherscan

Copy .env.sample to .env and edit in your keys


npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

you can interact with this contract via npx hardhat console the same way as above, just substitute --network rinkeby for --network localhost

You can also use the hardhat-etherscan-verify plugin to verify the contract on Etherscan, which is required to be truly eleet

npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

Substitute mainnet for rinkeby to deploy for realsies. good luck

more reading


Loot (for Forkers). A hardhat development environment bootstrapped with the Loot smart contract




