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Ulam Spiral Visualization

uspiral is a Linux only command line tool that visualizes the Ulam Spiral. The visualization is a PNG whose white pixels represent composite numbers and whose black pixels represent prime numbers.


Included is a build script that supports a number of command line options:

build ulam spiral visualizer
usage: [OPTION]...
	-g    enable debug info
	-t    build unit tests
	-d    build doxygen docs
	-h    print this help message

You will need the following libraries and tools to build:

  • CMake3.16+
  • C++ compiler supporting C++20 features
  • libpng developer libraries
  • zlib developer libraries
  • Boost version 1.76.0+
  • Doxygen

To build, run the script with arguments of your choosing. For example, to build the application, Doxygen docs, and unit tests:

cd ulam_spiral/scripts
./ -d -t

Build artefacts install to the following locations:

  • Binaries: ulam_spiral/bin
  • Doxygen Docs: ulam_spiral/docs/html
  • Unit Tests: ulam_spiral/build

Program Usage

Running uspiral -h displays the program usage message:

usage: uspiral [OPTION]... IMAGE
visualize the Ulam spiral
		output png filepath
	-d, --dimension DIM
		square matrix dim (default 201)
	-h, --help
		print this help page

You can produce a Ulam Spiral of any dimension. The dimension is controlled by the --dimension DIM option. The output of the program is always a PNG with length/width equal to DIM. For example,

./uspiral -d 1024 spiral.png

Produces a 1024x1024 Ulam Spiral image. The black pixels in the image are the prime numbers. The white pixels are the composite numbers.

Unit Testing

Included in this repo are number of GoogleTest unit tests. Follow the steps below to build and run the unit tests:

  1. Change directory to ulam_spiral/scripts/.

  2. Run the build script with the -t option:

./ -t
  1. Change directory to ulam_spiral/build/.

  2. Run CTest:


Doxygen Docs

Project source is documented using Doxygen. To build the docs, follow these steps:

  1. Change directory to ulam_spiral/scripts/.

  2. Run the build script with the -d option:

./ -d
  1. Open ulam_spiral/docs/html/index.html in your browser.