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Vianney DOLEANS edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 2 revisions


Display is particular, that's why it's important that I explain you how it works in a section. Original operation comes from Isogeo ArcMap AddIn, it was remade in another packaging form (mediator)

  • Step 1 :
    • User select an item from filter (for example dataset inside Resource types)
    • This filter will ask Network Manager to make a search on Isogeo API.
  • Step 2 :
    • Network manager will make a request on Isogeo API and store data results in (global variable used as read only by other parts than NetworkManager)
    • It notify subscribers with different notifications : results, offset, etc.
  • Step 3 :
    • Components receive theses notifications, and refresh their visuals in consequence
      • For example, Search button will change the total result items displayed
      • Other example : Quick Search viewModel will compare all quick searches saved, and try to find the same as results from API responses
        • If it find it, it will display it in its filter displayed
        • For this reason, it's possible, although you didn't select a quick search, that it will be displayed if it correspond to current search (bonus)
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