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Merge pull request #8 from IrtsaDevelopment/experimental
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irtsa-dev committed Jan 30, 2024
2 parents 17a8781 + 2810209 commit 8cff52f
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 103 deletions.
199 changes: 96 additions & 103 deletions Steganopy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,145 +11,161 @@

#Extra Functions
def pri(x: int = 1): print('\n' * x)
#Parser Declarations
SteganopyParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)

SteganopyParser.add_argument('source', help = 'Picture source location.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('action', help = 'Specifies whether to be encrypting or decrypting.')

SteganopyParser.add_argument('-v', '--values', help = 'Values used for encryption.', default = 'rgb')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-t', '--text', help = 'Text to be added when encrypting is selected for "action" argument.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help = 'File location of text to be added when encrypting is selected for "action" argument.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help = 'Specifies output file name.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', help = 'Specifies the base the information is to be or is encoded in.', default = 'binary')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type = int, help = 'Specifies key to use for xor operation.')

def error(errorType: str, value: str):
printColor(errorType, 'red', end = ': ')
printColor(value, 'lightyellow')

def baseConvert(number: int, base: int):
if number == 0: return '0'
digits = []

digits = []
while number:
digits.append(int(number % base))
number //= base
return ''.join([str(i) for i in digits[::-1]])

def expandKey(key: int, length: int, base: int) -> str:
if key < 2: error('ValueError', 'Argument "key" must be greater than 2.')
while len(baseConvert(key, base)) < length: key *= key
return baseConvert(key, base)[0:length]

def testArgument(argument: str, value: str):
AcceptedArguments = {'action' : ('e', 'encrypt', 'd', 'decrypt'), 'values' : ('r', 'g', 'b'), 'encoding' : ('binary', 'trinary', 'quaternary', 'quinary', 'senary', 'septenary', 'octal', 'nonal')}
if argument in AcceptedArguments and value:
if argument == 'values':
for value in list(value):
if value not in AcceptedArguments[argument]: error('KeyError', 'Invalid value for argument "values".')
if value not in AcceptedArguments[argument]: error('KeyError', 'Invalid value for argument "' + argument + '".')

#Parser Declarations
SteganopyParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)

SteganopyParser.add_argument('source', help = 'Picture source location.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('action', help = 'Specifies whether to be encrypting or decrypting.')

SteganopyParser.add_argument('-v', '--values', help = 'Values used for encryption.', default = 'rgb')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-t', '--text', help = 'Text to be added when encrypting is selected for "action" argument.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help = 'File location of text to be added when encrypting is selected for "action" argument.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help = 'Specifies output file name.')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', help = 'Specifies the base the information is to be or is encoded in.', default = 'binary')
SteganopyParser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type = int, help = 'Specifies key to use for xor operation.')

def imageInformation(filePath: str) -> bool:
AcceptedFileExtensions = ('png', 'webp', 'jpg', 'jpeg')
if not path.isfile(filePath): error('FileNotFoundError', filePath)
if filePath.split('.')[-1] not in AcceptedFileExtensions: error('ValueError', 'Invalid File Extension')

iname = path.splitext(path.basename(filePath))[0]
ipath = path.dirname(path.abspath(filePath))
return (True, iname, ipath)

#Global Variables
Arguments = vars(SteganopyParser.parse_args())
AcceptedArguments = {'action' : ('e', 'encrypt', 'd', 'decrypt'), 'values' : ('r', 'g', 'b'), 'encoding' : ('binary', 'trinary', 'quaternary', 'quinary', 'senary', 'septenary', 'octal', 'nonal')}
AcceptedFileExtensions = ('png', 'webp', 'jpg', 'jpeg')
EncodingFills = (8, 6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3)
EncodingLengthFills = (16, 11, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6)
EncodingBases = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

def getEncodingInformation(base: str):
Values = ('binary', 'trinary', 'quaternary', 'quinary', 'senary', 'septenary', 'octal', 'nonal')
EncodingFills = (8, 6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3)
EncodingLengthFills = (16, 11, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6)
EncodingBases = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

return EncodingFills[Values.index(base)], EncodingLengthFills[Values.index(base)], EncodingBases[Values.index(base)]

#Primary Function Section
def primary():
for argument in Arguments:
if argument in AcceptedArguments:

argValue = Arguments[argument]
if argument == 'values': argValue = list(argValue)
else: argValue = [argValue]

for value in argValue:
if value not in AcceptedArguments[argument]:
raise ValueError('Invalid argument passed for "' + argument + '". Accepted values are: ' + ', '.join(AcceptedArguments[argument]))
def main():
Arguments = vars(SteganopyParser.parse_args())
for argument in Arguments: testArgument(argument, Arguments[argument])
if Arguments['text'] is not None and Arguments['file'] is not None: error('ValueError', 'Cannot have "file" and "text" arguments both be in use.')
Indexes = [{'r' : 0, 'g' : 1, 'b' : 2}.get(i) for i in Arguments['values']]

if not path.isfile(Arguments['source']): return 'File not Found.'
if Arguments['source'].split('.')[-1] not in AcceptedFileExtensions: return 'Invalid File Extension.'
encodingFill = EncodingFills[AcceptedArguments['encoding'].index(Arguments['encoding'])]
encodingLengthFill = EncodingLengthFills[AcceptedArguments['encoding'].index(Arguments['encoding'])]
encodingBase = EncodingBases[AcceptedArguments['encoding'].index(Arguments['encoding'])]
fileTest = imageInformation(Arguments['source'])
imageName, imagePath = fileTest[1], fileTest[2]
encodingFill, encodingLengthFill, encodingBase = getEncodingInformation(Arguments['encoding'])

imageName = path.splitext(path.basename(Arguments['source']))[0]
imagePath = path.dirname(path.abspath(Arguments['source']))
imageData =['source'], 'r')
width, height = imageData.size
imageData = list(imageData.getdata())
for i in tqdm(range(len(imageData)), desc = 'Preparing Image: '): imageData[i] = list(imageData[i])
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Prepare Image.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Prepare Image.\n' + str(exception))

match Arguments['action'][0]:
case 'e':
if Arguments['file'] is not None and Arguments['text'] is not None: return 'Cannot have "file" and "text" arguments both be in use.'

if Arguments['file']:
if not path.isfile(Arguments['file']): return 'File not Found.'
if not path.isfile(Arguments['file']): error('FileNotFoundError', Arguments['file'])
with open(Arguments['file'], 'r', errors = 'ignore') as f: Arguments['text'] = ''.join(f.readlines())

information = []
for i in tqdm(range(len(Arguments['text'])), desc = 'Encoding Information: '): information.append(baseConvert(ord(Arguments['text'][i]), encodingBase).zfill(encodingFill))
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Encode Information.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Encode Information.\n' + str(exception))

if Arguments['key'] is not None:
if Arguments['key'] < 2: return 'Argument "key" is too small of a value.'
information = list(''.join(information))
key = expandKey(Arguments['key'], len(information), encodingBase)

for i in tqdm(range(len(key)), desc = 'Encrypting Information: '): information[i] = str(int(information[i]) ^ int(key[i]))
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Encrypt Information.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Encrypt Information.\n' + str(exception))
information = list(baseConvert(int(len(''.join(information)) / encodingFill), encodingBase).zfill(encodingLengthFill) + ''.join(information))

c, p = 0, 0
Indexes = [{'r' : 0, 'g' : 1, 'b' : 2}.get(i) for i in Arguments['values']]
for i in tqdm(range(len(information)), desc = 'Inserting Information: '):
if p > len(Indexes) - 1:
p = 0
c += 1

pixel = list(str(imageData[c][Indexes[p]]))
pixel[-1] = information[i]
pixel = str(imageData[c][Indexes[p]])[-1] + information[i]
imageData[c][Indexes[p]] = int(''.join(pixel))
p += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Insert Information.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Insert Information.\n' + str(exception))

if Arguments['output'] is None: newImagePath = imagePath + '\\' + imageName + '-steganopy.png'
else: newImagePath = imagePath + '\\' + Arguments['output'] + '.png'
if Arguments['output']: newImagePath = imagePath + '\\' + Arguments['output'] + '.png'
else: newImagePath = imagePath + '\\' + imageName + '-steganopy.png'

newImageData = []
for i in tqdm(range(len(imageData)), desc = 'Saving Image: '): newImageData.extend(imageData[i])
format = {3 : 'RGB', 4 : 'RGBA'}.get(len(imageData[0]))
newImageData = Image.frombytes(format, (width, height), bytes(newImageData))
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False

imageFormat = {3 : 'RGB', 4 : 'RGBA'}.get(len(imageData[0]))
newImage = Image.frombytes(imageFormat, (width, height), bytes(newImageData))
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Save Image.', exception)

printColor('Image Successfully Saved: ', 'green', end = '')

Expand All @@ -158,72 +174,49 @@ def primary():
case 'd':
newImageData = []
Indexes = [{'r' : 0, 'g' : 1, 'b' : 2}.get(i) for i in Arguments['values']]
for i in tqdm(range(len(imageData)), desc = 'Extracting Values: '):
pixel = imageData[i]
for v in Indexes: newImageData.append(list(str(pixel[v]))[-1])
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Extract Values.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Extract Values.\n' + str(exception))

information = []
length = int(''.join([str(i) for i in newImageData[:encodingLengthFill]]), encodingBase)
for i in tqdm(range(length * encodingFill), desc = 'Collecting Necessary Values: '): information.append(newImageData[encodingLengthFill + i])
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Collect Necessary Values.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Collect Necessary Values.\n' + str(exception))

if Arguments['key'] is not None:
if Arguments['key'] < 2: return 'Argument "key" is too small of a value.'
if Arguments['key']:
key = expandKey(Arguments['key'], length * encodingFill, encodingBase)
for i in tqdm(range(len(key)), desc = 'Decrypting Information: '): information[i] = str(int(information[i]) ^ int(key[i]))
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Decrypting Information.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Decrypt Information.\n' + str(exception))

decodedInformation = []
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(information), encodingFill), desc = 'Decoding Information: '):
char = int(''.join(information[i:i + encodingFill]), encodingBase)
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Decode Information.', exception)
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(information), encodingFill), desc = 'Decoding Information: '): decodedInformation.append(chr(int(''.join(information[i:i + encodingFill]), encodingBase)))
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Decode Information.\n' + str(exception))

if Arguments['output'] is not None:
if Arguments['output']:
outputPath = imagePath + '\\' + Arguments['output'] + '.txt'
with open(outputPath, 'w+', errors = 'ignore') as f: f.write(''.join(decodedInformation))
printColor('Information Output: ', 'green', end = '')
except KeyboardInterrupt: return False
except Exception as exception: return ('Could not Save Information to Output File.', exception)
except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except Exception as exception: error('RuntimeError', 'Could not Save Information to Output File.\n' + str(exception))

printColor('Information Found: ', 'green', end = '')

return True

#Main Function
def main():
message = primary()
if type(message) != bool:
if type(message) == tuple:
printColor('\n\n' + message[0], 'red')
else: printColor('\n\n' + message, 'red')

elif not message: print('\n\nProcess Stopped')

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