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INACTIVE - A reference architecture for deploying nodes on the ICON Blockchain


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Work in progress - Please get in touch

To Use

  1. Export AWS keys to environment variables or profile
  2. Install terraform and terragrunt. Best way is with tfswitch and tgswitch

For Development

  1. Install meta - npm i -g meta
  2. Run meta git clone . from the root to clone modules locally
  3. If you find things that need work, when you cd into the module directory you are now in a separate repo

For Deployment

  1. Fill in the necessary values from the account-example.tfvar and place that file in the environment directory (ie prod / dev / stage) - Right now we are only working in dev

  2. Run the appropriate or script

  3. If there are errors you can nudge the process along by applying in each subdirectory. A common error is that you try to apply or destroy something before all of its dependencies are met. Destroy in particular as it is easier to destroy something and have the error creep up on you compared to apply.

  4. You can now ssh into the box and get it going.

    • We are currently implementing configuration steps with Ansible
  5. Make modifications

  6. Repeat

Note to users

  • This repo is changing fast, be warned...
  • Ultimately the production deployments will be ripped out and put in separate repo to be run under a single account
  • Right now, the setup is assumed to be multi-account though new users will want to try this setup before starting new accounts
    • As 9/6 you will need to manually populate an NS record on the domain to point to the hosted zone that you will use to deploy the ACM SSL cert for the ALB
    • This is automated though so just make sure dig @ +short NS returns the right name servers on the subdomain, ie. dev / prod
    • dev is for testnet
  • If you are just trying to see what that will look like, it would basically be a copy and paste of the whole environment directory, ie dev/prod/stage, into a new repo and it should run without issues.

Current state

  • Focused on single-p-rep-single-citizen deployment until sentry layer is done
  • Still need to update user-data so that it bootstraps properly - had it working in last testnet just need to copy over
  • Ripping out any IAM and putting it in global directory next to region - ie us-east-1
  • Spot instance autoscaling group for sentry layer
  • Fix lambda security group update process - assigned to
  • Running multiple environments (prod, stage, dev) each tied to their own respective accounts
  • 8 Insight fellow project seeds can be found here
  • Building centralized logging and monitoring
    • Insight project seed will cover these two areas separately
    • See proposals
  • Building identity account
    • Already assigned project to Justin Grosvner
    • Building vault cluster and web ui login to gain access to applications

Basically a lot more replication and then filling in with proper features. Alarms and other enterprise security features will be more important when the basic stack is up and when we move to HA.

Child Modules

To pull in a local copy of associated modules, install meta - npm i -g meta. Then run meta git clone . and the modules will show up in associated cloud folder.


The workflow to edit modules is to import them with meta git clone ., change the source in the module level terragrunt.hcl to point directly to the module like below and run terragrunt apply. Normal nuances of terraform apply.

terraform {
//  source = ""
//  source = ""
  source = "../../../../../modules/terraform-aws-icon-p-rep-node"

The idea is that you can make changes in dev locally not worrying if you break things, then you promote changes up to stage (a mirror of prod), then on to prod. More on this later.


INACTIVE - A reference architecture for deploying nodes on the ICON Blockchain



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