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Marc Jansing edited this page May 26, 2014 · 3 revisions

iQvoc supports exporting SKOS vocabularies on the command line or directly via the web interface (Dashboard > Export - requires administrator role).

To use the CLI exporter:

rake iqvoc:export TYPE=<ttl|nt|xml> NAMESPACE='<URI>'

For example, to export your current iQvoc database as N-Triples execute the following command from the repository's root directory:

rake iqvoc:export TYPE=nt NAMESPACE=''

iQvoc supports exporting RDF data as Turtle (.ttl), N-Triples (.nt) and RDF/XML (.xml) serialisation. Please use their associated file extensions to request your export. You can find your database dump in public/export.

Note: Import data must be in N-Triples format. Export your data in N-Triples or use tools like the Raptor to **convert your data.