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What is it?

This is a graphical Infinispan visualizer based on the 2011 JBoss World Keynote presented by Burr Sutter (

This visualizer works with out of the box with Infinispan JMX and Management User configured (see below for instructions).

1 Configuring the Demo

This demo application uses a single instance of Wildfly server, and a cluster of Infinispan servers. The following steps document how to configure the servers whether you plan to build the demo from source or deploy a precompiled demo app.

1.1 System requirements

  • Infinispan 8
  • Wildfly 10
  • Maven 3

1.2 Add Management User to JBoss Data Grid

Use the example shown below to add an user

cd $ISPN_HOME/bin
 ./ -u admin -p p455w0rd

Follow instructions to add a user with your username/password of your choice. ALL nodes should have the exact same login credentials in order for this visualizer to run correctly.

1.5 Create Instance Profiles

Each JBoss Data Grid instance should have its own instance directory. Make four copies of the $ISPN_HOME/standalone directory. When starting up Infinispan the -Djboss.server.base.dir=<instance-directory-name> will be used to select the instance's execution directory.

cp -r $ISPN_HOME/standalone $ISPN_HOME/standalone1
cp -r $ISPN_HOME/standalone $ISPN_HOME/standalone2
cp -r $ISPN_HOME/standalone $ISPN_HOME/standalone3 

1.6 Configuring the Network Interface

For this visualizer to work in a clustered environment, each Infinispan node must use the standalone-ha.xml configuration (for clustering), and each Infinispan node must be running on a dedicated network interface. This can be achieved through IP aliasing or port offsets. This can be achieved through:

a. Running each data grid instance on the same IP address, but with port offsets.

b. The use of IP Aliasing. You may need to look up more documentation regarding IP Aliasing for your Operating System.

c. Running each Infinispan node in a virtual machine instance, each with a different IP address.

1.6a Using Port Offsets

Further configuration is not necessary. Port offsets may be specified on the command line startup, e.g.:

./ -c clustered.xml -b -bmanagement= -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=1 ...
./ -c clustered.xml -b -bmanagement= -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=2 ...

1.6b Using IP Aliases

An example to create local IP Aliases in Mac OS X:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Each Infinispan instance must bind to a specific IP address, e.g.:

./ -b -bmanagement= ...
./ -b -bmanagement= ...

1.6c Using Virtual Machines

If running Infinispan inside a VM, please make it is bound to the non-local network interface. (Infinispan binds to localhost unless otherwise specified), e.g.:

./ -c clustered.xml -b -bmanagement= ...

1.7 Deploy the Visualizer

  • Copy the Visualizer to the Wildfly deployments directory:

     cp infinispan-visualizer.war $WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/deployments```

2 Running the Demo

2.1 Starting the Data Grid Instances

Open a command line and navigate to the root of the JBoss Data Grid server directory $ISPN_HOME for each instance you want to start.

Start each instance, ensuring the address and ports will not conflict with each other or the JBoss EAP instance.

bin/ -c clustered.xml -b localhost -bmanagement=localhost -Djboss.server.base.dir=standalone1 -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=1

bin/ -c clustered.xml -b localhost -bmanagement=localhost -Djboss.server.base.dir=standalone2 -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=2

bin/ -c clustered.xml -b localhost -bmanagement=localhost -Djboss.server.base.dir=standalone3 -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=3
  • use bin/ for Linux/Unix and bin\standalone.bat for Windows
  • -c specifies the configuration file to use; standalone-ha.xml must be used to form a cluster.
  • -b and -bmanagement specify the IP Address to bind the data grid to. If running the the demo on an isolated host then specify localhost. If running the demo with other hosts on a network the specify the IP Address of the network interface you would like to bind to. Both the NIC configuration and the network must support multicast for the data grid to be dynamically formed.
  • must be unique for each Infinispan instance
  • -Djboss.server.base.dir should point to a profile dirctory tree under the $ISPN_HOME directory. This should not be shared between instances.
  • -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset specifies the offset from the default port bindings. 11222+offset for Hotrod. 9990+offset for JMX

2.2 Start the Application Server

Open a command line and navigate to the root of the JBoss EAP server directory $WILDFLY_HOME.

Start the application server and specify the visualizer's demo parameters.

bin/ -b -bmanagement= -Dinfinispan.visualizer.jmxUser=admin -Dinfinispan.visualizer.jmxPass=p455w0rd -Dinfinispan.visualizer.serverList=localhost:11223
  • use bin/ for Linux/Unix and bin\standalone.bat for Windows
  • -b and -bmanagement should be set to the external IP address of your host
  • infinispan.visualizer.jmxUser and infinispan.visualizer.jmxPass should be set to the credentials of the JBoss Data Grid servers you configured in step '1.2 Add Management User to JBoss Data Grid'
  • infinispan.visualizer.serverList must set to the <IPAddress>:<HotRodPort> combination of at least one of the Infinispan servers you started in step '2.1 Starting the Data Grid Instances'. To specify multiple addresses wrap with quotes and delimit with a semicolon, e.g.: -Dinfinispan.visualizer.serverList='localhost:11223;localhost:11224'
  • infinispan.visualizer.refreshRate This is refresh rate determines how often Visualizer should poll data from Infinispan servers. If onset, this defaults to 2000 - which means 2000ms delay between data polling.

2.3 View the Demo Application

The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/infinispan-visualizer/.

NOTE: Before accessing the application, please ensure an Infinispan server is up and running!

2.4 Load Data into the Grid

Use the hotrod-demo application to load data into the grid:

3 Building from Source

3.1 Building the Application

To build the application, invoke.

mvn clean package

3.2 Build and Deploy from Source

_NOTE: The following build command assumes you have configured your Maven user settings.

a. Make sure you have started the Infinispan Server as described above.

b. Open a command line and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.

c. Type this command to build and deploy the archive:

mvn clean package wildfly:deploy

d. This will deploy target/infinispan-visualizer.war to the running instance of the server.


A visualization of the data grid






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