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Repository files navigation

Single Page Web Application - ReactJS App & API.

App link:


It is a portfolio app wherein the user can login, add their details such as Education, experiences and can view other users too.

. . . . . List of user features . . . .

  • Used redux for state management
  • Testing with the Redux Chrome extension
  • Prop-Type validation used.
  • Authenticated and signed up users email and password and other data stored in MongoDB Atlas
  • Protected routes against unauthenticated users
  • Front end and backend form validation
  • Used concurrently to run both front end and backend in parallel.
  • All routes tested in Postman
  • Unit testing for the models
  • Deployed to Heroku with a postbuild script
  • Used font awesome for styling
  • React Hooks, Async/Await & modern practices
  • Created extensive API but could not complete it in the front end
  • Custom backend middleware (auth) to check for token
  • nodemon used during app development
  • Leveraged WebStorm IntelliSense and prettier File Watcher for auto imports and formatting code automatically.

Installation requirements.

Run npm install and then npm run dev to run both frontend and backend concurrently

Test Suites in Postman.

Diagram of sample of the test data used in Postman.

Diagram of the redux dev tools extension highlighting some of the action types used.

App Component Design (Backend).

This displays the organization of files for the Backend API with the placement of business logic in controllers, routes, models having the schema and middleware which checks if a user possesses a valid token or not.

UI Design.

Add education route

Add experience route

Create profile route

Dashboard route

Routing and API Design.

Users and Auth:

  • /auth - POST - login user
  • /auth - GET - get authenticated user
  • /users - POST - register user


  • /profile - POST - Create and update profile
  • /profile/me - GET - get logged in profile
  • /profile - GET - get all profiles
  • /profile/user/:user_id - GET - get profile by user id
  • /profile - DELETE - delete a profile
  • /profile/experience - PUT - add a experience(which is a part of profile- hence PUT is used)
  • /profile/education - PUT - add education
  • /profile/experience/:exp_id - DELETE - delete a experience by its id
  • /profile/education/:edu_id - DELETE - delete education by its id
  • profile/github/:github_username - GET - get 5 github repositories.


  • /posts - POST - add a post
  • /posts - GET - get all posts
  • /posts/:user_id - GET - get post by user id
  • /posts/:user_id - DELETE - delete post by user id
  • /posts/comment/:id - POST - add a comment by user id
  • /posts/comment/:id - DELETE - delete a comment by user id

All routes except get all users and login and register are protected.

Web API Deployment and CI

The app is deployed on Heroku.

Travis CI

Web API Install and Operation

  • npm run test runs the test cases specified and also produces coverage report for which nyc test coverage tool is used

  • npm run dev runs server and client using concurrently package

  • heroku-postbuild is a post build script so that client and server run in heroku without any issues.

API Configuration

The configuration approach for the API:

PORT=5000 in server.js in root folder for running server side.
PORT=3000 for running client side.

Extra features

  • Used bcryptjs for hashing the passwords
  • Used Gravatar for getting every user profile picture if uploaded to Gravatar email.
  • Used Morgan for logging in development
  • Used express-validator
  • Used New Relic for analytics
  • Used prettier as a File Watcher on WebStorm to prettify code on save.
  • Protection from CORS errors in app.js (server side)

Independent learning.

  • React Redux for efficient state management.
  • Redux middleware (Thunk) for asynchronous tasks
  • Used react hooks
  • Prop type validation