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Godot Android Text to Speech plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher


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Godot Android Text to Speech

This is a Android plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher.

This plugin supports:

  • Text to speech in different locale


  • Configure, install and enable the "Android Custom Template" for your project, just follow the official documentation;
  • go to the release tab, choose a version and download the respective package;
  • extract the package and putGodotTTS.gdap and GodotTTS.x.y.z.release.aar inside the res://android/plugins directory on your Godot project.
  • on the Project -> Export... -> Android -> Options ->
    • Custom Template: check the Use Custom Build
    • Plugins: check the Godot # Godot Tts (this plugin)

API Reference


# Init TTS engine with language and country (example -> "en", "US")
setLanguage(String lang, String country)

# Is languange can be used in engine, returns constant
isLanguageAvailable(String lang, String country)

# TTS, play text with specified voice
speak(String text)

# Is TTS busy speaking

# Set speech pitch
setPitch(float pitch)

# Set speech rate
setSpeechRate(float speechRate)

# Stop playing voice

Available Signals



Example implementation

var tts

func _ready():
    if Engine.has_singleton("GodotTTS"):
        tts = Engine.get_singleton("GodotTTS")

		tts.connect("start", self, "_on_tts_start")
		tts.connect("done", self, "_on_tts_done")

		if tts.isLanguageAvailable("en", "EN"
            tts.setLanguage("en", "EN")

func _on_Button_pressed():
    var text = "Hello World!"

    if tts:
            tts.setPitch(rand_range(0.5, 1.5))
            tts.setSpeechRate(rand_range(0.5, 1.5))

func _on_tts_start():
	# do stuff when TTS starts speaking

func _on_tts_done():
	# do stuff when TTS stops speaking

Compiling the Plugin (optional)

If you want to compile the plugin by yourself, it's very easy:

  1. clone this repository;
  2. checkout the desired version;
  3. open godot-text-to-speech directory in Android Studio
  4. don't forget to put godot-lib.release.aar to godot-lib.release directory

If everything goes fine, you'll find the .aar files at godot-text-to-speech/godot-tts/build/outputs/aar/.


  • First of all, please make sure you're able to compile the custom build for Android without plugin, this way we can isolate the cause of the issue.

  • Using logcat for Android is the best way to troubleshoot most issues. You can filter Godot only messages with logcat using the command:

adb logcat -s godot


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