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  • The Invention Management System Database is made to store,

    - Invention details
    - Inventor details
    - Awards Received etc.

Structural diagrams:

  • Structural diagrams show the things in the modeled system.
  • In a more technical term, they show different objects in a system.

Behavioral diagrams:

  • Behavioral Diagrams show what should happen in a system.
  • They describe how the objects interact with each other to create a functioning system.

Use Case Diagram:

  • Use case diagrams give a graphic overview of the actors involved in a system, different functions needed by those actors and how these different functions interact.

  • It's a great starting point for any project discussion because you can easily identify the main actors involved and the main processes of the system.

  • This Use Case Diagram depicts the High-level view of the Invention Management system.

  • It also provides the scenarios in which the application interacts with,

    - Inventor
    - Jury
    - Admin
Actor Category Actor
Primary Actor Jury, Admin
Secondary Actor Inventor

There are total of Twenty-Six use cases that represent the specific functionality of Invention Management System.

Each actor interacts with a particular use case.

Functionality of Admin:

  • Login to take the overall Control of the Data Base
  • Add or Remove Awards
  • Add or Remove Panel
  • Add or Remove Jury
  • Declare Nominations
  • Declare Results
  • Admin takes the overall control of the database or in other words say one of the primary Actors.
  • Admin have to just login inside the database and gets the overall control.

Functionality of Inventor Actor:

  • Register in the database to create Account
  • Register for New Username and Password
  • Login using his/her credentials
  • Add the details of his/her invention
  • View the Invention details
  • View Awards
  • View Nominations
  • View Results
  • Inventor can create the account in the database to register his/her invention.
  • Once registered Inventor needs to set the username and password to login into the database next time.
  • Once Inventor Actor successfully logins, gets option to add the invention to the database.
  • If Inventor is not able to login successfully then, they will get the Error message.
  • Inventor can also view the invention details that he/she have enclosed while registering in the database.
  • Inventor can view the results of the invention.

Functionality of Jury Actor:

  • Login to Invention Management System
  • View Invention Details that are Displayed when logged In.
  • Select the Invention
  • Award Marks for the Selected Invention.
  • Jury can login to the Invention management system using the credentials provided by the Admin.
  • Once they successfully login inside the Portal they get access to all invention.
  • If they are not able to login successfully then they will get the Error message.
  • From the list of inventions given they can select the allotted invention.
  • They can look into the inventions and award marks to the selected Invention.

Class Diagram:

  • Class diagrams are the main building block of any object-oriented solution.
  • It shows the classes in a system, attributes, and operations of each class and the relationship between each class.
  • In most modeling tools, a class has three parts.
  • Name at the top, attributes in the middle and operations or methods at the bottom.
  • In a large system with many related classes, classes are grouped together to create class diagrams.
  • Different relationships between classes are shown by different types of arrows.

Public (+):

  • Public members are visible to all other classes.
  • This means that any other class can access a public field or method.
  • Further, other classes can modify public fields unless the field is declared as final.

Protected (#):

  • The protected keyword is an access modifier used for attributes, methods and constructors, making them accessible in the same package and subclasses.

Private (-):

  • The methods or data members declared as private are accessible only within the class in which they are declared.

  • The access level of a private modifier is only within the class. It cannot be accessed from outside the class.

  • Any other class of the same package will not be able to access these members.

  • User is Implemented from the Interface Login Details.

+ ID:

  • Unique ID to identify the User.
  • It is of type String.

+ Name:

  • Name of the User.
  • It is of type String.

+ Country:

  • Country in which the user resides.
  • It is of type String.

+ Qualification:

  • An experience that makes the user suitable for a particular job or activity
  • It is of type String.

+ Gender:

  • To specify the Gender of the User.
  • It is of type String.

# Email:

  • Email of the User.
  • It is of type String.

# Phone_No:

  • Phone Number of the User.
  • It is of type Integer.

# Username:

  • Unique Username that each user has to login to his/her account.
  • It is of type String.

# Password:

  • Password that each user has to login to his/her account.
  • It is of type String.

Admin class is Inherited from the Parent Class User.

It Inherits all properties of the User and it has its own Methods.

- Add_Awards():

  • This Method is used to add the available Awards to the DataBase.
  • These Awards will be given to the Inventor based on their Invention.
  • It doesn't take any parameter and doesn't return anything.
  • It just asks for the name of the Award that has to added when it is called.

- Remove_Awards():

  • This method is used to remove the Awards from the DataBase.

  • It doesn't take any parameter and doesn't return anything.

- Add_Jury_Members():

  • This Method is used to add the details of the Jury Members to the DataBase.
  • It doesn't take any parameter and doesn't return anything.
  • It just asks for the details of the Jury that has to added when it is called.

- Remove_Jury_Members():

  • This method is used to remove the details of the Jury Members from the DataBase.

  • It doesn't take any parameter and doesn't return anything.

- Add_Panel():

  • This Method is used to add the Panel to the DataBase.
  • It doesn't take any parameter and doesn't return anything.
  • It just asks for the details of the Panel that has to added when it is called.

- Declare_Finalists():

  • This method is used to declare the names of the Inventors who have been selected to the Finals.

- Declare_Results():

  • This method is used to declare Finale results.

+ Invention_ID:

  • Unique ID to identify the Invention.
  • It is of type String.

+ Invention_Name:

  • Name of the Invention.
  • It is of type String.

+ Category:

  • This attribute defines the category In which the Invention belongs to.
  • It is of type String.

+ Year_Of_Invention:

  • Year in which the invention has been invented.

  • It is of type Integer.

+ Story_Behind:

  • This defines the motive and the reason behind Inventing the particular Invention.
  • It is of type String.

# Marks:

  • Marks that has been awarded for the particular invention by the Jury.

+ Job_Type:

  • This attribute stores the current job of the Inventor
  • This is of type String.

+ Specialization:

  • This stores the academic specialization of the inventor.
  • This is of type String.

+ Year_Of_Experience

  • This attribute stores the years of experience of the inventor.
  • It is of type integer(int).

- Add_Invention()

  • Using this method, we add the inventions of the inventor which has been nominated to the database.

- View_Nomination()

  • This method displays the inventions of the inventor which have been nominated.

- View_Result()

  • This method displays the inventions which has been shortlisted as winners.

- Add_Inventor_Details()

  • This method is used to add the details of the invention into the database.

+ Award_ID

  • This attribute is used to store the id of the award.
  • This is of type String.

+ Award_Name

  • This attribute is used to store the name of the award.
  • This is of type String.

+ Award_Category

  • The invention category is stored in this attribute.
  • This is of type String.

+ Reward_Amount

  • The prize money given to the winner in this category is stored in this attribute.
  • This is of type integer(int).

+ Sponsored_By

  • The sponsor for the prize money is stored in this attribute.
  • This is of type String.

+ Category

  • The category in the award ceremony where the particular person is part of the jury is stored in this attribute.
  • This is of type String.

+ Year_Of_Experience

  • The years of experience of the Jury Member is stored in this attribute.
  • It is of type Integer(int).

# Award_Marks

  • It stores the marks that has been awarded for the invention.
  • This takes marks as the parameter which is of type Float.
  • It doesn't return anything.

+ Panel_ID

  • This attribute stores the ID of the particular panel.
  • It is of type String.

+ Award_ID

  • This attribute stores the ID of the award for which the particular panel is judging.
  • It is of type String.

+ Year:

  • It stores the year of the award ceremony.
  • It is of type Integer(int).

+ Award_Category:

  • This attribute stores the category of the award for which the panel is judging for.
  • It is of type String.

- View_Jury_Members()

  • This method displays the jury members present in the particular panel.

- View_Inventions()

  • This method displays the inventions which are part of the category the panel is judging over.

- Select_Winner()

  • This method is used to determine the winner in the particular category.
  • The winner is returned as a String.

- Select_Finalists()

  • This method is used to find out the qualifying inventions in the preliminary round.
  • The qualifying inventions are returned as a String.

+ Invention_ID

  • This attribute stores the invention ID of the particular invention which has been nominated.
  • It is of type String.

+ Award_ID

  • This attribute stores the award ID of the invention which has been nominated.
  • It is of type String.

+ Category

  • This attribute stores the category of the invention,
  • It is of type String.

+ View_Nominations:

  • It shows all the nominations of the finalists .


  • This takes the Username and Password as arguments which is of type String.
  • It doesn't return anything.
  • Using this credential, the user can login to the Portal/System.


  • One Award can be given to one or more Invention.
  • Panel selects only one winner for a particular Award.
  • One Award can be selected by only One Panel.


  • User implements an interface Login Details , thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the Login details.


  • Admin Inherits the properties of User.
  • Inventor Inherits the properties of User.
  • Jury Member Inherits the properties of User.


  • Finalists Dependent on the Nominations since an object of Nominations is being used by the Finalists.


  • The Jury Member can exist independently of the Panel.


  • Invention cannot exist without the Inventor.


  • Here user is the parent class and it has three child class or sub class.

    - Admin
    - Inventor
    - Jury Members
  • User have all data members and attributes that are common to all three sub classes.

  • Here the basic Details are taken as the common attributes and made the sub classes to inherit from the parent class.

  • ID

  • Name

  • Country

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Qualification

  • Gender

  • Username

  • Password

The common operation for admin, inventor, jury members is that all have to login to the portal before entering into the database.

  • So, login operation and it's common attributes are included in the parent class.
  • All those three actors can view both the Invention and Award details.


  • Here we have used static variable to differentiate the ADMIN and the JURY.
  • Here we have declared as if the flag is 1 then the admin class will be triggered and all functionalities associated with the admin will be visible.
  • If the flag is 0 then the jury class will be triggered and all functionalities associated with the jury will be visible.
  • Static holds the same value in all places and thus it is helpful in interacting with different object.


  • If a subclass provides the specific implementation of the method that has been declared by one of its parent class, it is known as method overriding.
  • Here we have used over riding concept in the operations viewnomination() and viewawards() rather than declaring them individually.
  • This improves readability and helps in better implementation.


  • JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity, which is a standard Java API for database-independent connectivity between the Java programming language and a wide range of databases.
  • The JDBC library includes APIs for each of the tasks mentioned below that are commonly associated with database usage.
  • Making a connection to a database.
  • Creating SQL statements.
  • Executing SQL queries in the database.
  • Viewing & Modifying the resulting records.

Create a Connection

  • Before doing any work, we must create a connection to the database:
  • Class**.forName(" org.postgresql.Driver"****);**
  • Connection c =** DriverManager . getConnection( " jdbc: postgresql :DATABASELOCATION " );**
  • Replace _ DATABASELOCATION _with the (preferably relative) path to your database file.

Close a Connection

After finishing working with the database, we must close its connection:


Using Statements

  • Statements can be used to make updates, like this INSERT:
  • Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
  • String sql ="INSERT INTO employees (name, salary, address) "+"VALUES ('"+ name +"', "+ salary +", '"+ address +"')";
  • stmt.executeUpdate(sql);

Or queries, like this SELECT:

  • Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
  • String sql ="SELECT * FROM employees";
  • ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  • When making queries, the results are returned as a Result Set.
  • We must always remember to close the Statement:
  • stmt.close();

Prepared Statements

  • Statements are not recommended for queries, and they can't be used at all for queries that include anything other than INTEGERs, REALs or TEXTs.
  • In this situation, and when we're concerned about security, we use Prepared Statements.
  • Prepared Statements can be used to make updates, like this INSERT:
  • String sql ="INSERT INTO employees (name, phone, salary, dob, photo) "+"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";

PreparedStatement prep = c.prepareStatement(sql);

prep.setString(1, "Bob");

prep.setInt(2, 666666666);

prep.setDouble(3, 35000.00);

prep.setDate(4, anSqlDateObject);

prep.setBytes(5, aBytesArray);


Or queries, like this SELECT:

  • String sql ="SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE ?";
  • PreparedStatement prep = c.prepareStatement(sql);
  • prep.setString(1, "%XYZ%");
  • ResultSet rs = prep.executeQuery();
  • Again, when making queries, the results are returned as a Result Set.
  • As always, rememeber to close the Prepared Statement:
  • prep.close();

Processing Result Sets

  • When making queries, either with Statements or Prepared Statements, the results are returned as a Result Set.
  • We can iterate over a Result Set and access its contents:
  • Again, we mustn't forget to close the Result Set:
  • rs.close();


  • A component is an independent visual control and Java Swing Framework contains a large set of these components which provide rich functionalities and allow high level of customization.
  • They all are derived from JComponent class.
  • All these components are lightweight components.
  • This class provides some common functionality like pluggable look and feel, support for accessibility, drag and drop, layout, etc.
  • A container holds a group of components.
  • It provides a space where a component can be managed and displayed. Containers are of two types.
  1. Top level Containers
  • It inherits Component and Container of AWT.
  • It cannot be contained within other containers.
  • Heavyweight.
  • Example: JFrame, JDialog.
  1. Lightweight Containers
  • It inherits JComponent class.
  • It is a general purpose container.
  • It can be used to organize related components together.
  • Example: JPanel


  • new JFrame(String title)make a new frame with optional title
  • setVisible(true)make a frame appear on the screen
  • add(Component comp) place the given component or container inside the frame
  • setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) make it so that the program exits when the frame is closed
  • setSize(int width, int height) gives the frame a fixed size in pixels


  • new JDialog(Frame parent, String title, boolean modal)make a new JDialog with given parent and title. If modalis set, the parent will be locked until the dialog is closed
  • JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, message) static method to pop up a dialog with just a message and OK button
  • JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, message) static method to pop up a dialog with a message and Yes and No buttons
  • JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parent, message) static method to pop a dialog with a message and a textfield for entering information


  • new JLabel(String text)creates a new label with the given text
  • getText()returns the text showing on the label
  • setText()sets label's text JButton
  • new JButton(String text) creates a new button with text
  • getText()returns the text showing on the button
  • setText(String text)sets button'stext
  • new JTextArea(int lines, int columns) create a new text area with preferred size for the given number of lines and columns JTextField
  • new JTextField(int columns)create a new field, the given number of columns wide.


  • Event Object that contains detailed information about the event

  • getSource() returns a reference to the object to which the event occurred


  • getActionCommand() returns the command string associated with this action.
  • getWhen()returns a timestamp of when this event occurred.


  • Listener Object that can be attached to a component to listen for events.
  • Contains a method that is automatically called when an event occurs.

Swing JButton

  • JButton class provides functionality of a button.
  • It is used to create button component.


  • JTextField is used for taking input of single line of text. It is most widely used text component.


  • The JcheckBox class is used to create checkbox in swing framework.


  • Radio button is a group of related button in which only one can be selected.
  • JRadioButton class is used to create a radio button in Frames.


  • Combo box is a combination of text fields and drop-down list.
  • JComboBox component is used to create a combo box in Swing.


  • In Java, Swingtoolkit contains a JLabel Class.
  • It is under package javax.swing.JLabel class.
  • It is used for placing text in a box.
  • Only Single line text is allowed and the text cannot be changed directly.


  • In Java, Swing toolkit contains a JTextArea Class.
  • It is under package javax.swing.JTextArea class.
  • It is used for displaying multiple-line text.


  • In Java, Swing toolkit contains a JPasswordField Class.
  • It is under package javax.swing.JPasswordField class.
  • It is specifically used for password and it can be edited.


  • In Java, Swing toolkit contains a JTable Class.
  • It is under package javax.swing.JTable class.
  • It used to draw a table to display data.


  • In Java, Swing toolkit contains a JList Class.
  • It is under package javax.swing.JList class.
  • It is used to represent a list of items together.
  • One or more than one item can be selected from the list.

Done By,

  • S. Abhishek - AM.EN.U4CSE19147
  • Rahan Manoj – AM.EN.U4CSE19144
  • Harsha Sathish – AM.EN.U4CSE19123
  • Arvind Kumar K – AM.EN.U4CSE19109


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