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Provided Tools and Classes (API)

Pierre-Luc Carmel Biron edited this page Nov 26, 2015 · 27 revisions


Quite a number of the objects below define lat and lng properties. Any reference to lat and lng in the following documentation refers to the latitude and longitude values of the object currently under discussion. Each of the lat and lng properties are of type number.

The Main {{google-map}} Component

The centerpiece of this addon is of course the map component. You can use the component by placing the following within your templates: {{google-map}}.

All of the other attributes of the map are defined as properties. Each of these properties is described below. Each of the properties listed are bound using two way data-binding. This means that when any of the property values is changed within your Ember application code the new values will be reflected on the map and that any changes the user makes to the map itself will will be reflected in your Ember objects. As a consequence of two way data binding, you should not use the same object or properties to, for example, define the center of the map and to define the position of the first marker. If you want to implement functionality that binds the same property to multiple objects, you'll need to have another property defined in your controller that links to the first marker position using Ember.computed.reads (or oneWay).

Basic properties

  • lat and lng (type: number, default value: 0)

    These properties are used to define (and track) the center of the map.

  • type (type string, default value: road)

    The type of the map. Possible values are road, satellite, terrain and hybrid.

  • zoom (type number, default value: 5)

    How zoomed in the map is. Zoom must be a number between 0 and 18 but it is limited depending on the type of map you're using. See the Google Documentation.

  • fitBoundsArray (type: Array.<{lat: number, lng: number}>, default value: automatically calculated depending on the value of autoFitBounds)

    An array of objects containing lat and lng coordinates. All of the points within the array will be used to center and zoom the map so that it can render all of the given positions within the google map canvas. Do not set this if you have defined autoFitBounds to something else than false (see below).

  • autoFitBounds (type: boolean or string, default value: false)

    If it is a boolean, setting autoFitBounds to false will do nothing. If autoFitBounds is set to true it will automatically center and zoom the map so that all of the objects you defined on the map will be visible.

    If it is a string, autoFitBounds should contain a list of the type of objects which will all be fit onto the map. Providing a list of the types of objects to fit on the map, will cause the component to behave similarly to if you had set autoFitBounds to true, except the map will only zoom and focus to accommodate objects of the given type(s) . For example, providing a value of markers,circles would center and zoom the map so that all markers and circle are visible, but would not try to ensure that other objects (such as polylines or 'polygons') are within the map's bounds. Valid types to be included in the list of object types are: markers, infoWindows, circles, polylines and polygons.

Google options as properties

Any Google Maps option which is not handled by a component property can be set using prefixed the option name given by Google with gopt_.

For example, to disable the zoom controls (Google Maps option named zoomControl):

{{google-map ... gopt_zoomControl=false}}

Any view corresponding to a Google Maps object can also be bound to an option provided by Google in the same manner. Refer to the Google Maps documentation for possible settings.

Note that any Google Maps options that are set using property names prefaced with gopt_ will be read only after initialization.

Send action on Google event

You can trigger Ember action easily on any Google event. For this, simply define the name of the action to be called when an event is triggered on the component: ev_[eventName]=[actionName] where [eventName] has to be replaced with the name of the event you want to handle (like click), and [actionName] has to be replaced with the name of the action you want to send when that event occurs.

The action method (defined by default on the controller holding the component) will then receive the view which triggered the event (in our case here the instance of the component), and any other arguments will be the arguments Google will give on that event (usually the event itself).

Defining objects to draw

Each type of drawable object (objects which Google calls _overlay_s) that can be displayed on the map has a corresponding array property on the component. Setting each property with an array you define let's you define what will be drawn on the map. There is a list of the things that you can draw on the map below. Note that each of these arrays are bound to the map with two way data binding so that they will track changes that are made by the user and the map will reflect updates when you change the content of the arrays from within your code:


- Google type: [google.maps.Marker]( - Component property: **`markers`** - Events: **`click`**, **`dblclick`**, **`drag`**, **`dragend`**, **`dragstart`**, **`mousedown`**, **`mouseout`**, **`mouseover`**, **`mouseup`** and **`rightclick`** - Special component properties: - **`markerController`**: name of the controller to use for each marker, must extend `google-map/marker` controller - **`markerViewClass`**: name or class of the view to use for each marker, must extend `google-map/marker` view - **`markerInfoWindowTemplateName`**: name of the template to use for all marker info-windows - **`markerHasInfoWindow`**: the default `hasInfoWindow` value if not set for each marker (see below)

Each marker has these properties:

  • lat and lng: coordinates of the marker, mandatory
  • isClickable (boolean): whether the marker is clickable or not
  • isVisible (boolean): whether the marker is visible or not
  • isDraggable (boolean): whether the marker is draggable or not
  • title (string): title of the marker (visible on hover)
  • opacity (number): opacity of the marker
  • icon (string or google.maps.Icon): icon of the marker
  • zIndex (number): z-index of the marker
  • hasInfoWindow (boolean): whether there is an info-window attached to this marker or not
  • description (string): will be used to fill the attached info-window if no template has been specified
  • isInfoWindowVisible (boolean): whether the attached info-window is visible or not
  • infoWindowTemplateName (string): template to be used for the info-window

Info Windows

- Google type: [google.maps.InfoWindow]( - Component property: **`infoWindows`** - Events: **`closeclick`** and **`domready`** - _If you want to attach an info-window to a marker, use the built-in marker's info-window properties instead (see above)_ - Special component properties: - **`infoWindowController`**: name of the controller to use for each info-window, must extend `google-map/info-window` controller - **`infoWindowViewClass`**: name or class of the view to use for each info-window, must extend `google-map/info-window` view - **`infoWindowTemplateName`**: name of the template to use for each info-window

Each info-window has these properties:

  • lat and lng: coordinates of the info-window, mandatory
  • isVisible (boolean): whether the info-window is visible or not
  • zIndex (number): z-index of the info-window
  • title (string): title of the info-window
  • description (string): body of the info-window
  • templateName (string): name of the template to use for the info-window


- Google type: [google.maps.Circle]( - Component property: **`circles`** - Events: **`click`**, **`dblclick`**, **`drag`**, **`dragend`**, **`dragstart`**, **`mousedown`**, **`mouseout`**, **`mouseover`**, **`mouseup`** and **`rightclick`** - Special component properties: - **`circleController`**: name of the controller to use for each circle, must extend `google-map/circle` controller - **`circleViewClass`**: name or class of the view to use for each circle, must extend `google-map/circle` view

Each circle has these properties:

  • lat and lng: coordinates of the circle, mandatory
  • radius (number): radius of the circle (in meters), mandatory
  • isClickable (boolean): whether the circle is clickable or not
  • isVisible (boolean): whether the circle is visible or not
  • isDraggable (boolean): whether the circle is draggable or not
  • isEditable (boolean): whether the circle is editable or not
  • strokeColor (string): css color of the circle's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeOpacity (number): opacity of the circle's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeWeight (number): weight of the circle's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • fillColor (string): css color of the circle's fill (read-only after creation)
  • fillOpacity (number): opacity of the circle's fill (read-only after creation)
  • zIndex (number): z-index of the circle


- Google type: [google.maps.Polyline]( - Component property: **`polylines`** - Events: **`click`**, **`dblclick`**, **`drag`**, **`dragend`**, **`dragstart`**, **`mousedown`**, **`mouseout`**, **`mouseover`**, **`mouseup`** and **`rightclick`** - Special component properties: - **`polylineController`**: name of the controller to use for each polyline, must extend `google-map/polyline` controller - **`polylinePathController`**: name of the controller to use for each polyline path, must extend `google-map/polyline-path` controller - **`polylineViewClass`**: name or class of the view to use for each polyline, must extend `google-map/polyline` view

Each polyline has these properties:

  • lat and lng: coordinates of the polyline, mandatory
  • path (Array.<{lat: number, lng: number}>): path of the polyline (each item represents a point on the path), mandatory
  • icons (Array.<google.maps.IconSequence>): the icons to be rendered along the polyline
  • isClickable (boolean): whether the polyline is clickable or not
  • isVisible (boolean): whether the polyline is visible or not
  • isDraggable (boolean): whether the polyline is draggable or not
  • isEditable (boolean): whether the polyline is editable or not
  • isGeodesic (boolean): whether the polyline is geodesic or not (when true the edges follow the curvature of the Earth)
  • strokeColor (string): css color of the polyline's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeOpacity (number): opacity of the polyline's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeWeight (number): weight of the polyline's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • zIndex (number): z-index of the polyline


- Google type: [google.maps.Polygon]( - Component property: **`polygons`** - Events: **`click`**, **`dblclick`**, **`drag`**, **`dragend`**, **`dragstart`**, **`mousedown`**, **`mouseout`**, **`mouseover`**, **`mouseup`** and **`rightclick`** - Special component properties: - **`polygonController`**: name of the controller to use for each polygon, must extend `google-map/polygon` controller - **`polygonPathController`**: name of the controller to use for each polygon path, must extend `google-map/polygon-path` controller - **`polygonViewClass`**: name or class of the view to use for each polygon, must extend `google-map/polygon` view

Each polygon has these properties:

  • lat and lng: coordinates of the polygon, mandatory
  • path (Array.<{lat: number, lng: number}>): path of the polygon (each item represents a point of the path), mandatory
  • icons (Array.<google.maps.IconSequence>): the icons to be rendered along the polygon
  • isClickable (boolean): whether the polygon is clickable or not
  • isVisible (boolean): whether the polygon is visible or not
  • isDraggable (boolean): whether the polygon is draggable or not
  • isEditable (boolean): whether the polygon is editable or not
  • isGeodesic (boolean): whether the polygon is geodesic or not (when true the edges follow the curvature of the Earth)
  • strokeColor (string): css color of the polygon's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeOpacity (number): opacity of the polygon's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • strokeWeight (number): weight of the polygon's stroke (read-only after creation)
  • fillColor (string): css color of the polygon's fill (read-only after creation)
  • fillOpacity (number): opacity of the polygon's fill (read-only after creation)
  • zIndex (number): z-index of the polygon



While you do not need to specify and extend any controller, you have the possibility of extending them in order to have full control over your map overlay objects. This allows you to have models for these objects which do not reflect the expected property names, for example, or to handle specific actions when a property value changes.

All controllers are injected in the app/controllers/google-map path when the application is built. Suppose for example that you want to extend the marker controller in app/controllers/my-marker.js:

import GoogleMapMarkerController from './google-map/marker';

export default GoogleMapMarkerController.extend({
  // ...

Available controllers

Each overlay object type has a controller which is used as the itemController for the associated array of objects. These controllers are named in line with their object types extend Ember.ObjectController.

The polylines and polygons each have an additional path controller (google-map/polyline-path and google-map/polygon-path). The polyline-path and polygon-path controllers each extend Ember.ArrayController so that you can handle the behavior of their paths, for instance if you wanted to listen for changes along an entire path or if you wanted to round values of a path, etc.

Here is the list of all controllers created by the add-on. Each of them is injected into the path app/controllers/google-map:

  • marker
  • info-window
  • circle
  • polyline
  • polyline-path
  • polygon
  • polygon-path

Example use-case: custom lat and lng property names

Let's say that your marker model does not have lat and lng properties but instead a coords object with latitude and longitude properties. To make the component work properly, you'll need to:

  1. extend the google-map/marker controller (we will do this in app/controllers/map/my-marker.js):

    import GoogleMapMarkerController from '../google-map/marker';
    export default GoogleMapMarkerController.extend({
      lat: Ember.computed.alias('coords.latitude'),
      lng: Ember.computed.alias('coords.longitude')
  2. inform the component that you want to use your own controller (in app/templates/map.hbs):

    {{google-map ... markerController='map/my-marker'}}

...and voila, now your records/objects will be used correctly and updated if the markers are draggable and the user moves them.



You do not need to define and extend the views to be used with your controllers, but defining them can be useful if you need to listen for the click event, for example.

All views are injected in the app/views/google-map path when the application is built. Let's say for example that you wanted to extend the marker view in app/views/my-marker.js:

import GoogleMapMarkerView from './google-map/marker';

export default GoogleMapMarkerView.extend({
  // ...

Available views

Each overlay object type has a view which is used to represent it. The views may only be generated in memory, but they always exist and represent each overlay object drawn on the map. Each view is named after the particular object type it represents and extends Ember.View.

Here is the list of all views available. Each of them are injected into the app/views/google-map path:

  • marker
  • info-window
  • circle
  • polyline
  • polygon


To listen for any of the available Google events that are listed in the section for each overlay type above, you will need to extend the view for a particular overlay type and define what you want to do for the events you want to handle in the googleEvents property.

The googleEvents property is a hash where each key is the name of the event to listen to and the value being the name of the action to send when the event listed for the key is triggered. You can also define each event as an object instead of a string, in which case it has the following options:

  • target (Object): the target used to send the action or the context of the method to call
  • action (string): the name of the action to send
  • method (string or Function): the name or method to call, ignored if action is defined, defaults to the name of the event
  • prepend (boolean): whether to prepend arguments with the event name or not. The default behavior is that the event name is automatically prepended when it is a method, but not when it is an action.

The action method, or simple method will be called with:

  • name (string): the event name if prepend is true or if it's undefined and it's not an action
  • target (Ember.Object): the Ember target of the event
  • event (Object): the event object

For the sake of clarity, here is a bit more about the events. Events can either 1) send an ember action or 2) call a method/function. By default the target of an event is the controller holding the google-map component. If a different target is given, target.send(<action>, ..) will be called if action is defined and target.method(...) will be called if method is defined instead.

  • When using an action:

    • If prepend is set to true the arguments will be: (<event-name>, <ember-object-where-googleEvents-is-defined>, <event>)
    • If prepend is not set or it is set to false the arguments sent will be: (<ember-object-where-googleEvents-is-defined>, <event>)
  • When using a method/function:

    • If prepend is not set or prepend is set to true, the arguments will be (<event-name>, <ember-object-where-googleEvents-defined>, <event>)
    • If prepend is set to false the arguments will be: (<ember-object-where-googleEvents-defined>, <event>)

Example use-case: responding to events

Let's say you want to handle the click event on your circles to send the didClick Ember action (as if {{action 'didClick'}}) was thrown from a template. To achieve this you'll need to:

  1. create your own circle view extending the one created by this addon and define the event in the view you've created. (We will do this in app/views/map/my-circle.js.):

    import GoogleMapCircleView from '../google-map/circle';
    export default GoogleMapCircleView.extend({
      googleEvents: {
        click: 'didClick'
  2. tell the component that you want to use a specific view for each circle (in app/templates/map.hbs for example):

    {{google-map ... circleViewClass='map/my-circle'}}

...and the didClick action will be sent when a circle is clicked.


Google provides the ability to define custom styles for the map on an option called styles. As explained above, this can be set with the gopt_styles component property.

For example, in your view (let say app/views/map.js) define the mapStyles property:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.View.extend({
  mapStyles: [
      featureType: "",
      elementType: "labels",
      stylers: [
        { visibility: "off" }

And then in your template (file app/templates/map.hbs):

{{google-map ... gopt_styles=view.mapStyles}}

Find the full Google Maps documentation on styles here.

Accessing the Google map object (not recommended)

This is strongly not recommended, but if you really need to access the Google Maps core googleObject object, you can bind the googleObject property to your view and then it will be accessible from that view:

{{google-map ... googleObject=view.googleMap}}

In the view you can then access the googleMap object and it will be an instance of google.maps.Map used to handle the map.