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Apache Sling NodeJS Scripting.

This project is intended to provide a way to build isomorphic JavaScript applications on top of Apache Sling, rendered natively in NodeJS.

A script must end in a .jsx extension and export an object with a renderServerResponse() method. The renderServerResponse() method can return generated content as string which will be written to response, or write directly to response via out variable.

Installation Requirements

A running Apache Sling or Adobe AEM server.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download (or clone this project) and install one of the pre-compiled J2V8 OSGi bundles from the dependencies folder via Felix Console.
  2. Whitelist bundle for administrative login (may skip on older versions of Sling or AEM).
    • Open configuration manager page in Felix Console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr on default AEM author port).
    • Find Apache Sling Login Whitelist Configuration Fragment and click + icon.
    • Enter nodejs as Name and as Whitelisted BSNs. Then click Save.
  3. Clone this project locally and from the root project folder run the following maven command:

    mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle -Dsling.port=4502

The above command will install an OSGi bundle to AEM Author instance on default port 4502. Without sling.port parameter the build will try to install it on the default Sling port 8000.


Place files .babelrc and package.json at the root of Sling JCR repository.


  "presets" : [ "es2015", "react"]


 "name": "sling-nodejs",
 "version": "1.0.0",
 "description": "Sling NodeJs apps.",
 "scripts": {
   "build": "babel src -d out"
 "author": "",
 "dependencies": {
   "react": "^16.2.0",
   "react-dom": "^16.2.0"
 "devDependencies": {
   "babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
   "babel-core": "^6.26.0",
   "babel-loader": "^7.1.2",
   "babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1",
   "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
   "babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1"

Verify Installation

After installing the OSGi bundles go to Felix Console and navigate to OSGi -> Bundles. Verify that bundles is active.

You should also see a new menu item in Felix Console named Sling NodeJS. Navigate to Sling NodeJS -> Sling NodeJS Version. Verify node version. If you installed J2V8 bundle from this project (Installation Instruction above) node version should be 7.4.0.

Install Demo Example

To install a demo application cd into examples folder and run mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle -Dsling.port=<port>. The -Dsling.port= is optional if you have Sling running on the default port 8000.

To access the demo application point your browser to http://localhost:port/content/todo.html. Try to add a new item. Try to click on each item.

If you are trying this out on AEM author then go to Apache Felix Components page (http://localhost:4502/system/console/components) and disable CSRFFilter. Otherwise you will get an error. The demo application does not handle AEM CSRF token (sorry).

Server Side Rendering Objects

The following variables are available to scripts for server side rendering.

  • sling - global sling variable as defined by SlingScriptHelper interface.
  • out - global scripting variable providing access to object for writing to response.
  • request - current request object defined by SlingHttpServletRequest interface.
  • response - current request object defined by SlingHttpServletResponse interface.
  • resolver - current ResourceResolver. This is the same object as returned by request.getResourceResolver() method.
  • resource - current resource. This is the same object as returned by request.getResource() method.
  • properties - current resource properties or the ValueMap for the current resource.
  • jcrSession - current JCR session.
  • node - current JCR node.
  • log - server side log object.

Sling Include

Another sling resource can be included in current response rendering using slingInclude(config) function. The single parameter passed to this function is a configuration object that can have the following properties.

  • resource - Resource object to include. Either resource or path mast be specified. If both are present then resource object takes precedence.
  • path - Path of the resource to include. Either resource or path mast be specified. If both are present then resource object takes precedence.
  • var - Name of JavaScript variable to assign resource output to. If not present it is written directly to response output.
  • resourceType - The resource type to use when rendering target resource.
  • replaceSelectors - Replace current request selectors with the value specified.
  • addSelectors - Add the value specified to current request selectors.
  • replaceSuffix - Replace current request suffix with the value specified.
  • flush - If set to true response output will be flushed before including the target resource.

Usage Examples

slingInclude({"path":"/content/mysite/en/jcr:content/aresource", "var":"myVar"});
const resourceToInclude = resolver.getResource("/content/mysite/en/jcr:content/aresource");
slingInclude({"resource":resourceToInclude, "var":"myVar"});
slingInclude({"path":"/content/mysite/en/jcr:content/aresource", "resourceType":"mayapp/conponents/mycomp"}); 

Client Side Rendering

There are 2 options for client side rendering.

Option 1

Reference client side JavaScript bundle generate by the scripting engine.

The engine will automatically collect all JSX resources used to generate server side markup and dynamically build client side bundle. All a developer needs to do is reference the generated bundle via src attribute of a script tag and write some client side JavaScript to initialize client side rendering.

The URL to generated JavaScript bundle follows this pattern - /clientlib/<resource path>/jsbundle.js. For example if a path to rendered page resource is /content/mycompany/en/article.html then the path to client side js bundle would be /clientlib/content/mycompany/en/article/jsbundle.js (it should be possible to shorten /clientlib/content to just /content via Sling Resource Resolver).

The initialize code would of course depend on specific application logic and JS framework chosen to implement it. Bellow is an example using React.

if (typeof document != "undefined") {
	ReactDOM.hydrate(<AppPage />, document.getElementById('appRoot'));

Option 2

Pre-compiled a JavaScript bundle using your favorate build tools (webpack, grunt), upload/deploy it to Sling repository and statically include it in server side generated markup to provide client side rendering.

Simple Script Example

Bellow is a simple script that demonstrates how some of the server side objects can be used to render Sling content.

"use strict";

class ReadresourceTest {
	renderServerResponse() {
        var myPath = resource.getPath();
        var title = properties.get("title", "Read Resource Test");
        var n = properties.get("number", 15);"Displaying path {}!", myPath);
		var text = "<html><head><title>Read Resource.</title></head><body><h1>" 
        			+ title 
                    + "</h1>Displaying Resource: " 
                    + myPath + "<br/>" 
                    + "Number: " + n
                    + "</body></html>";;

        return text;

module.exports = new ReadresourceTest();

To test this do the following:

  1. Create a file in Sling (or AEM) /apps/nodetest/components/readresourceTest/readresourceTest.jsx
  2. Copy/paste the code above into this file and save.
  3. Create a JCR node somewhere in the repository and set it's sling:resourceType property to nodetest/components/readresourceTest.
  4. Try to access the path you just created with .html extension on your Sling instance in a browser.
  5. Add "title" property of type String and "number" property of type Long.
  6. Change these properties and refresh the browser several times to see how rendered page changes.

React JSX Example

Bellow is a simple script that does the same thing as previous example using React with JSX syntax.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';

class ResourceTest extends React.Component {
	render() {
        const myPath = resource.getPath();
        const title = properties.get("title", "Read Resource Test");
        const n = properties.get("number", 15);"Displaying path {}!", myPath);
        return ( 
            	<head><title>Read Resource {myPath}.</title></head>
            		Displaying Resource: {myPath}<br/>
            		Title Property: {title}<br/>
            		Number Property: {n}<br/>

    renderServerResponse() {
    		const text = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(this.render());

Note that unlike the previous example renderServerResponse() here does not return anything and writes output directly to the response via out variable.

To test this do the following:

  1. Create a file in Sling (or AEM) /apps/nodetest/components/resourceTest/resourceTest.jsx
  2. Copy/paste the code above into this file and save.
  3. Create a JCR node somewhere in the repository and set it's sling:resourceType property to nodetest/components/resourceTest.
  4. Try to access the path you just created with .html extension on your Sling instance in a browser.
  5. Add "title" property of type String and "number" property of type Long.
  6. Change these properties and refresh the browser several times to see how rendered page changes.


Apache Sling NodeJS Scripting Bridge using J2V8






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