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Releases: hrkalona/Fractal-Zoomer


19 Aug 18:09
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-Implemented a KFR parser in order to map a number of KF formulas/coloring algorithms into the software. The mapping
was done as a best effort approach. Some features will not be supported and others might have slight differences.
-Implemented Stretch plane transformation.
-Implemented some coloring transfer algorithms from KF.
-Implemented some convergent condition bailout methods from KF.
-Added A and B coefficients to all N-Norm instances.
-Added real and imaginary axis flipping as an extra plane transformation that can be done on top of any other transformation.
-Added a new escaping smoothing algorithm and a banding coloring option during smoothing.
-Revamped the icons into a flat version
-Bug fixes and stability changes.


14 Jun 20:13
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-Reimplemented the image size format (width, height), in order to allow images of any dimension
-Changed the UI to flatlaf, so the application will be consistent between windows and linux
-Modified some UI elements to make them more consistent with the overall theme of flatlaf
-Implemented an additional zooming and rotating mechanism, a selection rectangle.
-The blending algorithm can now be configured for the post-processing algorithms independently. This option
along with the processing order can produce a multi-layer image format
-Added a preview to Image Expander
-Added image support for bmp, jpg, ppm, pgm
-Added some charts in the statistics and task statistics
-Added metrics functionality which displays the JVM memory usage and CPU usage in a time-series
-Added 2 trap coloring algorithms, 2 out coloring algorithms and 1 in coloring algorithm
-Fixed a bug concerning the v1-v30 user variables
-Reimplemented the final calculation order of the statistic coloring, in order for user statistical coloring to be able
to be used in user out coloring or user in coloring methods via the usage of v1-v30 variables
-Bug fixes and stability changes


27 Mar 19:42
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-Implemented Zhuoran's reference compression algorithm as a memory/speed tradeoff for locations with high memory requirement
-Optimized the custom BigNum implementation, which decreases the reference calculation time in shallow areas
-Optimized the mpfr/mpir reference calculations by reducing the number of JNA calls
-Implemented Zhuoran's multithreaded BLA table generation code. (It mostly affects areas with high iteration count, when using compression)
-Modified the drawing algorithms to include more tiling options
-Added convergent bailout as an option
-The zoom sequence renderer of Image Expander will now save the render settings and also the zoom factor on every step
-Added an aspect ratio option in zoom sequence renderer as a temporary workaround, until I implement non-square image format
-Bug Fixes and general improvements


15 Dec 18:23
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-Implemented a non-blocking (Only for the pixel calculation part) successive refinement method with pixel guessing
-Optimized the pixel calculation for Mandelbrot by unwrapping some calculations
-Added a new option in the Perturbation Theory dialog which sets the Complex Extended Range mode (Combined Exponent/Two Exponents)
-Implemented a thread pool to reduce the amount of spawned threads
-Implemented some new thread grid splits to allow for different grid dimensions (MxN)
-Increased the amount of available samples in Anti-Aliasing
-Added more options in Light post-processing method (Windows, fractional value transfer)
-Ported the Slope and Numerical Distance Estimator methods from Kalle's Fraktaler as post-processing methods
-Added the fractional value transfer in Bump-Mapping, Contour Coloring, Smoothing, and in the 3D Mode
-Added a new plane transformation for multiple inflections
-Added a new plane influence "C-Sliding"
-Added more options in Custom Domain Coloring
-Added a new function z = z^2 + c^2 which supports Perturbation Theory
-Added functions Buffalo Mandelbrot, Celtic Mandelbrot, Perpendicular Mandelbrot, Perpendicular Burning Ship, Perpendicular Buffalo Mandelbrot, Perpendicular Celtic Mandelbrot which support Perturbation Theory
-Added more options to the Custom Direct Palette dialog
-Added more color maps to the Direct Palette Loader
-Modified the Color Transfer algorithms
-Added a new Orbit Trap using an image
-Added a new Statistical Coloring algorithm "Checkers"
-Histogram coloring can be ordered in the Processing Order dialog
-Modified some application flows to reuse the stored data for Anti-Aliasing to avoid the image recalculation
-Added a new option to the Generated Palettes to support some cosine related Palettes (by Inigo Quilez)
-Added some new random palette generation algorithms that use noise (Perlin/Simplex)
-Added a new dialog "Task Statistics" which displays some statistics per thread
-Added more options to the normal "Statistics" dialog
-Added a new option debug bar on the bottom of the window
-Bug Fixes and general improvements


15 Aug 11:46
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-Added a new BigNum type based on BigInteger which is faster than the built-in type in low zoom levels
-Added Rank Order in histogram coloring
-Implemented multi-threaded reference calculation for Mandelbrot for very high precisions (excluding MPFR)
-Added an option for Normal Map to be combinable with other statistical coloring methods
-Fixed some bugs related to rotation
-Added interpolation mode in custom direct palette editor
-Refactored some code after doing some tests with java 20 version


03 May 17:10
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-Implemented a period detection algorithm based on derivative for Mandelbrot 2-5 powers
-Added new functions Magnet Pataki 2-5 and N powers
-Implemented perturbation theory for Magnet Pataki 2-5 powers
-Added MPIR as a BigNum library for some intel cpu variants (It is assembly optimized and supports AVX2 instructions). This will decrease the reference calculation time.
-Implemented Zhuoran's BLA method.
-Refactored Magnet 1 and Newton Parameter Space perturbation implementation (disclaimer Newton Parameter Space has glitches on some locations. A multiple ref implementation will be investigated in the future)
-Implemented Anti-Aliasing for all post processing algorithms.
-Added a new "zoom on mouse cursor" option (thanks claude)
-A subsequent render after quick draw will reuse the calculated points
-Added a color spaces for Anti-Aliasing (thanks claude)
-Added an option for some Statistical Coloring algorithms to take into account only the last X samples (thanks claude)
-Added an option for Orbit Traps to take into account only the last X samples (thanks claude)
-Added an option to use jittered grid for Anti-Aliasing
-Added outlier detection option on Histogram Coloring and on 3d rendering.
-Added a new 3d render tool using Processing (
-Added a new custom direct palette editor
-Added a new drawing algorithm which renders the image on a circular pattern. (It is only visible if Show Drawing Progress is enabled)
-Added more color spaces
-Windows OS executables will export a l4jini for configurable JVM max heap
-Fixed a bug on Distance Estimation calculation, from Statistical Coloring methods, in deep locations.


15 Jan 19:11
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-The contents of UserDefinedFunctions can now be saved as part of the settings, and then loaded into a new file (SavedUserDefinedFunctions) upon settings load
-Added a new high-precision module which renders all functions that support perturbation theory with full precision for every pixel calculation (It should be used only for debug as it has very bad performance)
-Optimized the reference calculation for some functions when using MPFR
-The detected period can now be used in BLA and Nanomb1 calculations (Disclaimer, it was found that the current implementation calculates the atom period. It will be changed on the next update)
-Added an option for greedy drawing algorithms that take into account the iteration data and the color
-Processing algorithms and statistical coloring methods will use smoothing by default
-Added an image preview option (Always Use Quick Draw) in Quick Draw options, that creates an image in low resolution before the full render.
-Fixed a bug on the scaled iterations algorithm, which caused some deep zoom images to render incorrectly.
-Bug fixes and stability changes


10 Dec 12:17
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-Added a scaled iterations perturbation implementation for Mandelbrot (No Approximation/Series Approximation/Nanomb1)
-Fixed distance estimation with Polar Projection
-Fixed a bug with julia sets and perturbation theory
-Added the option to render a batch of parameters to Image Expander tool
-Added the option to create zoom sequences (Images) to Image Expander tool
-Added the option to split the loaded parameters into multiple images to Image Expander tool
-Added the option to render large polar projection images (Mercator maps) to Image Expander tool
-Bug fixes and stability changes


18 Nov 20:31
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-Added mpfr lib as an option for the reference calculations which adds a lot of speed-up in very deep zooms
-Added and an option to choose the high precision library: Double (53 bits), DoubleDouble(106 Bits), Built-in, Mpfr, Automatic
-Added semi-automatic precision setting
-Optimized the Complex extended exponent library to increase performance
-Optimized the pixel calculation when using high precision libraries
-Added the Nanomb1 approximation method for Mandelbrot
-Added Normal Map (and distance estimation) Statistical coloring method support for Series Approximation and Nanomb1
-Fixed the Julia Perturbation algorithm in order to use a dedicated second reference for glitch checks
-Changed the Julia seed to support high precision
-Added the multiwave algorithm with some presets under the "Generated Palette option"
-Changed the thread mechanism to support different type of splits (Grid, Vertical, Horizontal)
-Added a direct palette loader (Map files in rgb triplet format) and included a lot of presets
-Added pixel jitter as an option
-Added an option to cancel the current render
-Modified quick-draw in order to have a configurable delay before the full render, and also added an option to zoom only to current center
-Fixed a bug with BLA and period
-Bug fixes and stability changes


14 Sep 17:51
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-Fixed Normal Map (and distance estimation) Statistical coloring method to work correctly with BLA
-Changed the 1-Step BLA radius which increased the performance
-Added memory optimizations for BLA construction
-Optimized performance of BigNum library
-Added new Root Finding Methods
-Added Escaping or Converging method in user formulas
-Added an option to abort the current render
-Added more options in Normal Map and Root Coloring Statistical coloring methods
-Bug fixes and stability changes