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a frontend helper class for projects using robogo and axios


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Robolt is a frontend helper class for projects using Robogo and Axios. The aim is to provide an easy to use and flexible way to communicate with robogo.

Table of contents


We take no responsibility for any demage done by this package.

If you find anything that isn't working or not up to the documentation, please open issue or a pull request over on github.

Thank You in advance!

Getting started

A very simple example:

import Robolt from 'robolt'
import axios from 'axios'

// configure axios here if needed (eg.: baseURL) before creating the robolt instance

const robolt = new Robolt(axios, 'api')

// robolt is ready to be used!

The constructor uses the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Default
axios Function The axios function preconfigured
prefix String The prefix that was used when the routes of robogo were registered to express.js
serveStaticPath String The path where the files are static hosted. Same as in the constructor of robogo 'static'
defaultFilter Object A MongoDB filter object. Every request's filter will be this object if no filter was provided {}


This section will describe the methods of robolt that are available to use. These are organized in seven categories: Create, Read, Update, Delete, Service, File and Special.

Create methods

Every create method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a POST request to the '/create/:model' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: POST
  • Resolves: Object (MongoDB document)
this.$API.Create(modelName, documentObject)
.then( document =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description
modelName String Name of the model registered in robogo
documentObject Object Object matching the schema of the model

Read methods

Every read method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a GET request to the '/read/:model' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves: Array<Object (MongoDB document)>
this.$API.Read(modelName[, optionsObject ])
.then( documents =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description example
filter Object Mongodb query {friends: 'Chandler'}
projection Array<String> Fields to include in results. Uses MongoDB projection. ['username', 'friends']
sort Object Mongodb sort { age : 1 }
skip Number The number of documents to skip in the results set. 10
limit Number The number of documents to include in the results set. 5


Sends a GET request to the '/get/:model/:id' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves: Object (MongoDB document)
this.$API.Get(modelName, documentId[, optionsObject ])
.then( document =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description example
projection Array<String> Fields to include in projection. ['username', 'friends']


Sends a GET request to the '/search/:model' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves: Array<Object (MongoDB document)>
this.$API.Search(modelName[, optionsObject ])
.then( documents =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description example
filter Object Mongodb query {friends: 'Chandler'}
projection Array<String> Fields to include in results. Uses MongoDB projection. ['username', 'friends']
threshold Number Fuse.js threshold, defaults to 0.4 0.6
keys Array<String> Keys of the document that are searched in. If no keys are provided all keys of the document will be used. ['username']
depth Number If no keys are provided, we can limit the depth of the keys to be picked from the schema, starts from 0, defaults to Infinity 2
term String Search term that is searched for 'search term'

Update methods

Every update method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a PATCH request to the '/update/:model' route of robogo with the given data.

this.$API.Update(modelName, documentObject)
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )

An object with an _id field containing the ObjectId of the document we want to update and the fields we want to change with their new values.

Delete methods

Every delete method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a DELETE request to the '/delete/:model/:id' route of robogo with the given document _id.

this.$API.Delete(modelName, documentId)
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )

Service methods

Every service method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a POST request to the '/runner/:service/:function' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: POST
  • Resolves: Any
this.$API.RunService(serviceName, functionName, params)
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description
serviceName String Name of the service (.js file) registered in robogo
functionName String Name of the function inside the service
params Any The parameters that the service awaits


Sends a GET request to the '/getter/:service/:function' route of robogo with the given data.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves: Any
this.$API.GetService(serviceName, functionName, params)
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description
serviceName String Name of the service (.js file) registered in robogo
functionName String Name of the function inside the service
params Any The parameters that the service awaits

File methods


Sends a POST (multipart/form-data) request to the '/fileupload' route of robogo with the given file.

this.$API.UploadFile(file[, percentCallback])
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )
key type description
file File File instance, eg.: from a file input
percentCallback Function Callback that will be called multiple times, while the file is uploading. Its parameter is a number between 0 and 100


Returns the file's absolute and relative URLs where it is static hosted by robogo. If a thumbnail was also created it also returns the thumbnail's URLs.

  • Returns: {absolutePath, relativePath[, absoluteThumbnailPath, relativeThumbnailPath]}

RoboFile document to the file


Downloads the file for a RoboFile document from robogo.

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: Promise<File>
this.$API.GetFile(file[, percentCallback])
key type description
file String/Object Either the whole RoboFile document of the file or its _id
percentCallback Function Callback that will be called multiple times, while the file is downloading. Its parameter is a number between 0 and 100


Downloads the file for a RoboFile document from robogo and returns a local URL for it.

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: Promise<String>
this.$API.GetFileURL(file[, percentCallback])
key type description
file String/Object Either the whole RoboFile document of the file or its _id value
percentCallback Function Callback that will be called multiple times, while the file is downloading. Its parameter is a number between 0 and 100


Downloads the thumbnail file for a RoboFile document from robogo.

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: Promise<File>
this.$API.GetThumbnail(file[, percentCallback])
key type description
file String/Object Either the whole RoboFile document of the file or its _id value
percentCallback Function Callback that will be called multiple times, while the file is downloading. Its parameter is a number between 0 and 100


Downloads the thumbnail file for a RoboFile document from robogo and returns a local URL for it.

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: Promise<String>
this.$API.GetThumbnailURL(file[, percentCallback])
key type description
file String/Object Either the whole RoboFile document of the file or its _id value
percentCallback Function Callback that will be called multiple times, while the file is downloading. Its parameter is a number between 0 and 100


Sends a DELETE request to the '/filedelete/:id' route of robogo with the given file id.

  • Method: DELETE
  • Returns: Promise<Empty>
.then( result =>  ...  )
.catch( error =>  ...  )

Either the whole RoboFile document of the file or its _id.

Special methods

Every special method returns a Promise that is resolved with the result or rejected with an error.


Sends a GET request to the '/model' or the 'model/:model' route of robogo, depending on wether the modelName parameter was given.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves into: Array<Object>|Object
.then( model => ... )
.catch( error => ... )


Sends a GET request to the '/schema/:model' route of robogo.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves into: Object
.then( schema => ... )
.catch( error => ... )


Sends a GET request to the '/fields/:model' route of robogo.

  • Methods: GET
  • Resolves into: Array of Objects
this.$API.Fields(modelName, depth)
.then( fields => ... )
.catch( error => ... )

Number that limits the depth of the fields to be returned. Starts from 0, defaults to Infinity.


Returns the same result as the Schema method, but reintroduces circular references, that were stripped out by Robogo before sending the data to the frontend.

  • Method: GET
  • Resolves into: Object
.then( schema => ... )
.catch( error => ... )


Sends a GET request to the '/count/:model' route of robogo.

  • Methods: GET
  • Resolves into: Number
this.$API.Count(modelName[, filter])
.then( count => ... )
.catch( error => ... )

MongoDB filter object


Sends a GET request to the '/searchkeys/:model' route of robogo.

  • Methods: GET
  • Resolves into: Array<String>
this.$API.SearchKeys(modelName[, depth])
.then( keys => ... )
.catch( error => ... )

Number, that limits the depth of the keys to be picked from the model's schema


Every contribution is more then welcomed. If you have an idea or made some changes to the code, please open an issue or a pull request at the package's github page.


  • Horváth Bálint
  • Zákány Balázs


a frontend helper class for projects using robogo and axios







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