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A libpurple/Pidgin protocol plugin for Signal (formerly textsecure) using presage.



  1. Create a new Pidgin account. Enter your Signal account UUID as username. In case you do not know your UUID, just enter anything. The plug-in will tell you what to use.
  2. Enable the connection. A window with the QR-code should pop-up. Scan it with your master device. Wait for the window to close.



  • Can link as secondary device via QR-Code.
  • Receives a simple text message from a contact or a group.
  • Displays quotes, reactions and incoming calls.
  • Receives attachments (see caveats below).
  • Can reply with a simple text message.
  • Will add buddies to contact list unconditionally.
  • Can list groups as rooms and open the chat.


These lists are not exhaustive.

To Be Done Soon™
  • Add chats to contact list unconditionally.
  • Forward all errors to front-end properly.
  • Send an attachment (example exists in flare).
On Hold
  • Mark messages as "read" (currently not implemented in back-end, see whisperfish/presage#141). At time of writing, notifications on main device are deleted after answering via linked device. So that is working alright.
  • Reply to a specific message (no example exists in back-end).
"Contributions Welcome"
  • Configuration option whether to add contacts to buddy list or not
  • Reasonable generation of C headers and rust constants
  • Stickers, mentions, replies, styles,…
  • Display typing notifications
  • Display receipts (not important)
  • Support for alternative UIs (Spectrum, Bitlbee)
  • Support for adding contacts via phone number

Known Issues

  • Handling errors when sending messages is barely tested.
  • Attachments end up in the conversation of the sender, not the destination (espeically confusing when a group chat is involved).



  • libpurple-dev
  • libqrencode-dev
  • protobuf (or any other package which provides the protoc compiler)
git clone --recurse-submodules
mkdir purple-presage/build
cd purple-presage/build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install .


purple-presage is known to compile with MSVC 19.30 and rust 1.75. You need the version of rust mentioned in libsignal-service-rs. A newer version will probably work, too. Using the "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022" is recommended.


Install dependencies via vcpkg:

vcpkg.exe install libqrencode:x86-windows-static

protoc needs to be in your PATH. You can install it with any method you like, including vcpkg:

vcpkg.exe install protobuf

Same as Linux build instructions, but may need to modify the configuration:

  1. Generate project:

     cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="…/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x86-windows-static -DRust_CARGO_TARGET="i686-pc-windows-msvc" ..

    If necessary, the rust toolchain version can be specified via -DRust_TOOLCHAIN="1.75-i686-pc-windows-msvc".

  2. Build, Install and Run:

     cmake --build .
     cmake --install .
     cmake --build . --target run

purple-presage must be built with MSVC. MinGW's GCC encountered a number of issues such as incompatibility with rustc versions newer than 1.69 and not shipping libbcrypt by default.

Needs a whooping 6 GB of disk space during build! :o