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Thepworth95 edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 32 revisions

20th February 2023

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT Penalties v1.0 Released into Production

  • You are now able to retrieve vat penalties

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT financial data v1.0 Released into Production

  • You are now able to retrieve vat financial data relating to penalties

10th October 2022

πŸ“– Retrieve VAT Penalties v1.0 Documentation Released to Sandbox Endpoint Released to Sandbox

πŸ“– Retrieve VAT Financial data v1.0 Documentation Released to Sandbox Endpoint Released to Sandbox

17th August 2022

πŸ”§ Addressed HTML being passed from rare downstream errors

9th November 2021

πŸ”§ Api updated to point to new stub

19th October 2021

πŸ“¦ Internal updates to all endpoints:

  • Logging levels updated to prevent over-logging

16th August 2021

πŸ“¦ Internal updates to all endpoints:

  • BP_KEY logging tweaked to prevent over-logging

27th July 2021

πŸ“¦ Internal updates to all endpoints:

  • Dependency play 28 upgrade

15th March 2021

πŸ”§ New error 'RULE_INSOLVENT_TRADER' for insolvent traders for all endpoints v1.0 Released to Sandbox and Production Documentation

  • Retrieve VAT obligations
  • Submit VAT return for period
  • View VAT Return
  • Retrieve VAT liabilities
  • Retrieve VAT payments

28th May 2020

πŸ”§ Internal improvements to vat-api v1.0 Released to Sandbox and Production

9th January 2020

πŸ”§ Internal library updates to vat-api v1.0 Released to Production

  • Internal library updates
  • Auditing of client IDs

7th November 2019

πŸ“¦ Updated View VAT Obligations to align with adjusted backend specifications v1.0 Released to Sandbox and Production

29th October 2019

πŸ“¦ Internal library updates to vat-api v1.0 Released to Production

25th October 2019

πŸ“¦ Internal library updates to vat-api v1.0 Testable in Sandbox

6th June 2019

πŸ“– VAT Endpoints v1.0 Documentation change

  • Improved description of 'CLIENT_OR_AGENT_NOT_AUTHORISED' errors.

31st May 2019

πŸ“– VAT Endpoints v1.0 Documentation change

  • Improved description of 'DATE_RANGE_INVALID' errors.
  • Amended description of 'INVALID_MONETARY_AMOUNT' errors.

πŸ“¦ Internal updates to:

  • Submit VAT Return endpoint.

28th May 2019

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT obligations v1.0

  • Fix edge case where 404 response is returned with an empty body

1st May 2019

πŸ“¦ Internal updates to:

  • All endpoints - Dependency updates

24th April 2019

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT Obligations, Retrieve VAT Payments, Retrieve VAT Liabilities v1.0 Testable in Sandbox

  • Added Gov-Test Scenarios for 2018, new scenarios added to Documentation.

πŸ”§ Submit VAT Return v1.0 Released into Production

  • Removed the redundant information from the error message returned when submitting an invalid json.

27th March 2019

πŸ“– All GET endpoints v1.0 Documentation change

  • Clarification in the documentation that 'Content-Type' is not required for GET requests.

πŸ”§ Updated internal library dependencies v1.0 Released into Production

14th March 2019

πŸ“– Retrieve VAT obligations v1.0 Documentation change

  • Clarification in the Documentation that you can omit the status parameter to retrieve all obligations.

1st March 2019

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT obligations v1.0 Released into Production

  • You are now able to retrieve open obligations without supplying a from and to date range. You can simply supply status=O and you will receive all open obligations.

27th February 2019

ℹ️ Information only Testable in Sandbox

25th February 2019

πŸ“– Retrieve VAT liabilities v1.0 Documentation

  • Clarified 'to' and 'from' date

πŸ“– Retrieve VAT payments v1.0 Documentation

  • Clarified 'to' and 'from' date

πŸ“– Submit VAT return for period v1.0 Documentation

  • Clarified box 6-9 only accept whole pounds with or without decimals

πŸ“– View VAT return v1.0 Documentation

  • Added error NOT_FOUND, previously missing from documentation

12th February 2019

πŸ”§ Retrieve VAT obligations v1.0 Testable in Sandbox

  • You are now able to retrieve open obligations without supplying a from and to date range. You can simply supply status=O and you will receive all open obligations.

24th January 2019

πŸ”§ Submit VAT return for period v1.0 Released to Production

  • Added additional error for Submit VAT Return when made too early: TAX_PERIOD_NOT_ENDED
  • Added Gov-Test-Scenario for additional error

Earlier Changes

They can be found here