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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with squash_tm
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module install squash-tm software on Debian 9


What squash_tm affects OPTIONAL

  • /etc/default/squash configuration file
  • Add apt repository and key
  • Install squash-tm package

Setup Requirements OPTIONAL

For external database you need to create an empty db and load the db files first ie :

cd /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/squash-tm/install/
psql -h dbserver -p 5432 -U squashtm -W squashtm < pgsql


Simply include/contain/required/declare the squash_tm class :

include 'squash_tm'

It includes a few sane defaults, so it should work out of the box. However, we recommend that you declare the class and override a few parameters:

  • In the module
class { 'squash_tm':
     apt_proxy => 'http://myproxy.domain.local:3128'
     db        => 'postgresql'
  • In hieradata
squash_tm::apt_proxy: http://myproxy.domain.local:3128
squash_tm::db: postgresql
squash_tm::db_username: squashtm
squash_tm::db_password: mypassword
squash_tm::db_server: mydbserver
squash_tm::db_port: 5432


Only tested for Debian 9 with puppet 5. Currently this module doesn't support upgrade of squash-tm and set on held the squash-tm package.


If you want to improve this module, send us a patch of pull request!


  • add support for other OS
  • add option for managing apache2 frontend,
  • find a way to automatically load data into remote DB,
  • add option for deploying local DB (postgresql or mysql)
  • add some rspec test