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Documentation of identification of clock genes in verticillium genomes

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Documentation of identification of clock genes in verticillium genomes

Note - all this work was performed in the directory: /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/clocks

The following is a summary of the work presented in this Readme.

The following processes were applied to Fusarium genomes prior to analysis: Data qc Genome assembly Repeatmasking Gene prediction Functional annotation

Analyses performed on these genomes involved BLAST searching for:

#Building of directory structure

#Data organisation

Data was copied from the raw_data repository to a local directory for assembly and annotation.

  # For original sequencing runs
  mkdir -p /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/clocks
	cd /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/clocks
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R    
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/51/F/wilt_51_F_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F/.
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/51/R/wilt_51_R_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R/.
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R    
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/53/F/wilt_53_F_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F/.
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/53/R/wilt_53_R_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R/.
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R    
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/58/F/wilt_58_F_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F/.
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/58/R/wilt_58_R_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R/.
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F
	mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R    
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/61/F/wilt_61_F_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F/.
  cp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/wilt/raw_dna/paired/V.dahliae/61/R/wilt_61_R_appended.fastq raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R/.
  # For new sequencing run
  mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F
  mkdir -p raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R
  cp $RawDat/Vd12008_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/F/.
  cp $RawDat/Vd12008_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz raw_dna/paired/$Species/$Strain/R/.

To gzip files:

for File in $(ls raw_dna/paired////.fastq); do gzip $File > $File.gz done

This process was repeated for RNAseq data:

#Data qc

programs: fastqc fastq-mcf kmc

Data quality was visualised using fastqc:

	for RawData in $(ls raw_dna/paired/*/*/*/*.fastq.gz); do
		echo $RawData;
		qsub $ProgDir/ $RawData

Trimming was performed on data to trim adapters from sequences and remove poor quality data. This was done with fastq-mcf

Trimming was first performed on all strains that had a single run of data:

	for StrainPath in $(ls -d raw_dna/paired/*/*); do
		ReadsF=$(ls $StrainPath/F/*.fastq*)
		ReadsR=$(ls $StrainPath/R/*.fastq*)
		echo $ReadsF
		echo $ReadsR
		qsub $ProgDir/ $ReadsF $ReadsR $IlluminaAdapters DNA

Data quality was visualised once again following trimming:

	for RawData in $(ls qc_dna/paired/*/*/*/*.fq.gz ); do
		echo $RawData;
		qsub $ProgDir/ $RawData

kmer counting was performed using kmc This allowed estimation of sequencing depth and total genome size

This was performed for strains with single runs of data

		for TrimPath in $(ls -d qc_dna/paired/*/*); do
		TrimF=$(ls $TrimPath/F/*.fq.gz)
		TrimR=$(ls $TrimPath/R/*.fq.gz)
		echo $TrimF
		echo $TrimR
		qsub $ProgDir/ $TrimF $TrimR

mode kmer abundance prior to error correction was reported using the following commands:

for File in $(ls qc_dna/kmc/*/*/*_true_kmer_summary.txt); do
basename $File;
tail -n3 $File | head -n1 ;

Results were as follows. Where notes next to the kmer coverage reports a fail, the results were initally <5 but manual inspection of the kmer distribution graph revealed the coverage to be greater, an that the <5 result was a result of poor thresholding and did not represeent median coverage.

The mode kmer abundance is:  52
The mode kmer abundance is:  37
The mode kmer abundance is:  71
The mode kmer abundance is:  53


Assembly was performed with:

  • Spades

Spades Assembly

    for StrainPath in $(ls -d qc_dna/paired/*/* ); do
    Strain=$(echo $StrainPath | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
    Organism=$(echo $StrainPath | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev)
    F_Read=$(ls $StrainPath/F/*.fq.gz)
    R_Read=$(ls $StrainPath/R/*.fq.gz)
    Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'submit_SPA' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
    while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do
    sleep 5m
    printf "."
    Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'submit_SPA' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
    printf "\n"
    echo $F_Read
    echo $R_Read
    qsub $ProgDir/ $F_Read $R_Read $OutDir correct 10

Quast --> quality assessment tool for genome assemblies.

for Assembly in $(ls assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs/contigs_min_500bp.fasta); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -f3 -d '/' | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -f4 -d '/' | rev)  
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $OutDir

51 reults: Assembly contigs_min_500bp contigs_min_500bp broken

contigs 1482 1557

Largest contig 321888 321888
Total length 33065465 33064715
GC (%) 55.93 55.93
N50 64178 59021
N75 34220 32519

53 results:
Assembly contigs_min_500bp contigs_min_500bp broken

contigs 1387 1479

Largest contig 237640 193510
Total length 32389379 32388393
GC (%) 56.40 56.40
N50 47913 45145
N75 26178 24006

58 results: Assembly contigs_min_500bp contigs_min_500bp broken

contigs 1160 1262

Largest contig 294690 294690
Total length 32601233 32600213
GC (%) 55.87 55.87
N50 79211 68028
N75 41540 37617

61 results: Assembly contigs_min_500bp contigs_min_500bp broken

contigs 1239 1364

Largest contig 359375 331650
Total length 32897558 32896308
GC (%) 55.64 55.64
N50 81559 71457
N75 41700 36159


Repeat masking was performed with:

  • Repeatmasker
  • Repeatmodeler

The best assembly was used to perform Repeatmasking

for BestAssembly in $(ls assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs/contigs_min_500bp.fasta);
qsub $ProgDir/ $BestAssembly
qsub $ProgDir/ $BestAssembly

Strain 51: ** % bases masked by hardmasked and softmasked: 3.52% (bases masked:1162406 bp)

** % bases masked by transposon psi: 1.96% (bases masked:647979 bp)

Strain 53: ** % bases masked by hardmasked and softmasked: 2.11% (bases masked:684231 bp)

** % bases masked by transposon psi: 0.6% (bases masked:194701 bp)

Strain 58: ** % bases masked by hardmasked and softmasked: 3.7% (bases masked:1206433 bp)

** % bases masked by transposon psi: 2.13% (bases masked:693007 bp)

Strain 61: ** % bases masked by hardmasked and softmasked: 4.96% (bases masked:1631055 bp)

** % bases masked by transposon psi: 3.42cd % (bases masked:1125600 bp)

Up till now we have been using just the repeatmasker/repeatmodeller fasta file when we have used softmasked fasta files. You can merge in transposonPSI masked sites using the following command:

for File in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/filtered_contigs_repmask/*_contigs_softmasked.fa); do
OutDir=$(dirname $File)
TPSI=$(ls $OutDir/*_contigs_unmasked.fa.TPSI.allHits.chains.gff3)
OutFile=$(echo $File | sed 's/_contigs_softmasked.fa/_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa/g')
bedtools maskfasta -soft -fi $File -bed $TPSI -fo $OutFile
echo "$OutFile"
echo "Number of masked bases:"
cat $OutFile | grep -v '>' | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $0, gsub("[a-z]", ".")}' | cut -f2 -d ' '

#Gene prediction

Gene prediction followed three steps: Pre-gene prediction - Quality of genome assemblies were assessed using Cegma to see how many core eukaryotic genes can be identified. Gene model training - Gene models were trained using assembled RNAseq data as part of the Braker1 pipeline Gene prediction - Gene models were used to predict genes in genomes as part of the the Braker1 pipeline. This used RNAseq data as hints for gene models.

#Pre-gene prediction

Quality of genome assemblies was assessed by looking for the gene space in the assemblies.

cd /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/clocks
for Genome in $(ls repeat_masked/V.*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked.fa); do
echo $Genome;
qsub $ProgDir/ $Genome dna;

** 12251 Number of cegma genes present and complete: 94.76% ** Number of cegma genes present and partial: 97.98% #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho Complete 235 94.76 - 282 1.20 16.17 Partial 243 97.98 - 298 1.23 18.52

** 12253 Number of cegma genes present and complete: 94.35% ** Number of cegma genes present and partial: 97.98% #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho Complete 234 94.35 - 292 1.25 20.94 Partial 243 97.98 - 309 1.27 22.22

** 12158q Number of cegma genes present and complete: 95.16% ** Number of cegma genes present and partial: 97.18% #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho Complete 236 95.16 - 276 1.17 11.44 Partial 241 97.18 - 289 1.20 14.52

** 12261 Number of cegma genes present and complete: 95.56% ** Number of cegma genes present and partial: 97.58% #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho Complete 237 95.56 - 276 1.16 11.39 Partial 242 97.58 - 287 1.19 13.64

cd /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/clocks
for Genome in $(ls repeat_masked/V.*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
echo $Genome;
qsub $ProgDir/ $Genome dna;

Outputs were summarised using the commands:

for File in $(ls gene_pred/cegma/V.*/*/*_dna_cegma.completeness_report); do
Strain=$(echo $File | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev);
Species=$(echo $File | rev | cut -f3 -d '/' | rev);
printf "$Species\t$Strain\n";
cat $File | head -n18 | tail -n+4;printf "\n";
done > gene_pred/cegma/cegma_results_dna_summary.txt

#Gene prediction

Copy raw_rna data from verticillium_dahliae/pathogenomics to verticillium_dahliae/clocks This contained the following data: 12008PDA

12008-PDA_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 12008-PDA_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz 12008-PDA_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq 12008-PDA_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq


12008-CD_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 12008-CD_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz 12008-CD_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq 12008-CD_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq


Insert sizes of the RNA seq library were unknown until a draft alignment could be made. To do this tophat and cufflinks were run, aligning the reads against a single genome. The fragment length and stdev were printed to stdout while cufflinks was running.

for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
for RNADir in $(ls -d qc_rna/paired/V.*/12008PDA); do
Timepoint=$(echo $RNADir | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
echo "$Timepoint"
FileF=$(ls $RNADir/F/*_trim.fq.gz)
FileR=$(ls $RNADir/R/*_trim.fq.gz)
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $FileF $FileR $OutDir

51 --> 81.7% overall read mapping rate. 73.0% concordant pair alignment rate. 53 --> 76.5% overall read mapping rate. 68.5% concordant pair alignment rate. 58 --> 73.7% overall read mapping rate. 65.7% concordant pair alignment rate. 61 --> 78.8% overall read mapping rate. 70.1% concordant pair alignment rate.

for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
for RNADir in $(ls -d qc_rna/paired/V.*/12008CD); do
Timepoint=$(echo $RNADir | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
echo "$Timepoint"
FileF=$(ls $RNADir/F/*_trim.fq.gz)
FileR=$(ls $RNADir/R/*_trim.fq.gz)
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $FileF $FileR $OutDir

51 --> 80.4% overall read mapping rate. 70.8% concordant pair alignment rate. 53 --> 77.4% overall read mapping rate. 68.3% concordant pair alignment rate. 58 --> 70.2% overall read mapping rate. 61.2% concordant pair alignment rate. 61 --> 73.2% overall read mapping rate. 63.8% concordant pair alignment rate.

Alignments were concatenated prior to running cufflinks: Cufflinks was run to produce the fragment length and stdev statistics:

if run the commands in a node other than cluster, using the script:

qlogin -pe smp 8 -l virtual_free=1G
for Assembly in $(ls /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/pathogenomics/repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
for AcceptedHits in $(ls /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/verticillium_dahliae/pathogenomics/alignment/$Organism/$Strain/*/accepted_hits.bam); do
Timepoint=$(echo $AcceptedHits | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev)
echo $Timepoint
# qsub $ProgDir/ $AcceptedHits $OutDir
cufflinks -o $OutDir/cufflinks -p 8 --max-intron-length 4000 $AcceptedHits 2>&1 | tee $OutDir/cufflinks/cufflinks.log

if run the commands on cluster other than a node:

# qlogin -pe smp 8 -l virtual_free=1G
  for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
  Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
  Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
  echo "$Organism - $Strain"
  for AcceptedHits in $(ls alignment/$Organism/$Strain/*/accepted_hits.bam); do
  Timepoint=$(echo $AcceptedHits | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev)
  echo $Timepoint
  qsub $ProgDir/ $AcceptedHits $OutDir
  # cufflinks -o $OutDir/cufflinks -p 8 --max-intron-length 4000 $AcceptedHits 2>&1 | tee $OutDir/cufflinks/cufflinks.log

cat cufflinks.log

PDA 12251 [11:41:29] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 18133 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 11194717.42 Raw Map Mass: 11194717.42 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 237.09 Estimated Std Dev: 62.78 [12:00:19] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 18270 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 237.09 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -243bp 237-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12253 [11:41:37] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 18220 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 10448663.00 Raw Map Mass: 10448663.00 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 232.95 Estimated Std Dev: 59.55 [11:57:49] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 18359 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 232.95 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -247bp 233-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12158 [11:41:16] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 19135 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 10106512.62 Raw Map Mass: 10106512.62 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 236.26 Estimated Std Dev: 63.98 [11:55:35] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 19296 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 236.26 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -244bp 236-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12161 [11:47:48] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 19194 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 10828749.04 Raw Map Mass: 10828749.04 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 235.63 Estimated Std Dev: 63.60 [12:04:22] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 19343 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 235.63 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -244bp 236-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

CD 12251 [10:34:30] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 17030 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 8313367.45 Raw Map Mass: 8313367.45 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 225.19 Estimated Std Dev: 63.29 [10:37:11] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 17170 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 225.19 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -255bp 225-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12253 [10:34:30] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 17094 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 8000277.15 Raw Map Mass: 8000277.15 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 226.85 Estimated Std Dev: 64.80 [10:36:56] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 17239 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 226.85 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -253bp 227-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12158 [10:27:12] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 18592 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 7320481.83 Raw Map Mass: 7320481.83 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 222.72 Estimated Std Dev: 62.99 [10:29:35] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 18761 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 222.72 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -257bp 223-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

12161 [10:33:29] Inspecting reads and determining fragment length distribution.

Processed 18620 loci. [] 100% Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 7639017.83 Raw Map Mass: 7639017.83 Fragment Length Distribution: Empirical (learned) Estimated Mean: 224.52 Estimated Std Dev: 64.72 [10:36:08] Assembling transcripts and estimating abundances. Processed 18786 loci. [] 100%

The Estimated Mean: 224.52 allowed calculation of of the mean insert gap to be -255bp 225-(240*2) where 240? was the mean read length. This was provided to tophat on a second run (as the -r option) along with the fragment length stdev to increase the accuracy of mapping.

Then Rnaseq data was aligned to each genome assembly:

for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
for RNADir in $(ls -d qc_rna/paired/*/12008PDA | grep -v -e '_rep'); do
Timepoint_PDA=$(echo $RNADir | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
echo "$Timepoint_PDA"
FileF=$(ls $RNADir/F/*_trim.fq.gz)
FileR=$(ls $RNADir/R/*_trim.fq.gz)
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do
sleep 10
printf "."
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
printf "\n"
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $FileF $FileR $OutDir $InsertGap $InsertStdDev

cd alignment/repeat_masked/ mkdir 12008PDA_accurate cp -r 12008PDA/* 12008PDA_accurate/

51 --> 81.7% overall read mapping rate. 73.0% concordant pair alignment rate.
53 --> 76.5% overall read mapping rate. 68.5% concordant pair alignment rate.
58 --> 73.7% overall read mapping rate. 65.7% concordant pair alignment rate.
61 --> 78.8% overall read mapping rate. 70.1% concordant pair alignment rate.
for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
for RNADir in $(ls -d qc_rna/paired/*/12008CD | grep -v -e '_rep'); do
Timepoint_CD=$(echo $RNADir | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
echo "$Timepoint_CD"
FileF=$(ls $RNADir/F/*_trim.fq.gz)
FileR=$(ls $RNADir/R/*_trim.fq.gz)
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do
sleep 10
printf "."
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
printf "\n"
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $FileF $FileR $OutDir $InsertGap $InsertStdDev

51 --> 80.4% overall read mapping rate. 70.8% concordant pair alignment rate. 53 --> 77.4% overall read mapping rate. 68.3% concordant pair alignment rate. 58 --> 70.2% overall read mapping rate. 61.2% concordant pair alignment rate. 61 --> 73.2% overall read mapping rate. 63.8% concordant pair alignment rate.

##Braker prediction

Before braker predictiction was performed, I double checked that I had the genemark key in my user area and copied it over from the genemark install directory:

ls ~/.gm_key
cp /home/armita/prog/genemark/gm_key_64 ~/.gm_key

Braker predictiction was performed using softmasked genome, not unmasked one.

for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep -w 'r' | wc -l)
while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do
sleep 10
printf "."
Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep -w 'r' | wc -l)
printf "\n"
Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
echo "$Organism - $Strain"
mkdir -p alignment/$Organism/$Strain/concatenated
samtools merge -f $AcceptedHits \
alignment/V.dahliae/*/12008CD/accepted_hits.bam \
rm -r /home/lopeze/prog/augustus-3.1/config/species/"$Organism"_"$Strain"_braker_sixth
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $OutDir $AcceptedHits $GeneModelName


Documentation of identification of clock genes in verticillium genomes






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