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Commands used in the analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolates ex. pea

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Commands used in the analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolates ex. pea

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Fusarium oxysporum f.sp pisi

Commands used during analysis of the F.oxysporum f.sp pisi genome. Note - all this work was performed in the directory:

mkdir -p /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/fusarium_ex_pea
cd /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/fusarium_ex_pea

This makes a new directory in project files called fusarium_ex_pea and then changes directory to this new directory

The following is a summary of the work presented in this Readme: Data organisation:

  • Preparing data
    Draft Genome assembly
  • Data qc
  • Genome assembly
  • Repeatmasking
  • Gene prediction
  • Functional annotation Genome analysis
  • Homology between predicted genes & published effectors

#Data organisation

Data was copied from the raw_data repository to a local directory for assembly and annotation.

mkdir -p $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/F
mkdir -p $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/R
mkdir -p $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/F
mkdir -p $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/R
cp $RawDatDir/FoxysporumPG3_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/F/.
cp $RawDatDir/FoxysporumPG3_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/R/.
cp $RawDatDir/FoxysporumPG18_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/F/.
cp $RawDatDir/FoxysporumPG18_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz $ProjectDir/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/R/.

I also made new directories for FOP1, FOP2 and FOP5 and copied over the data (by being in the folder I wanted the data to be in, and changing the FOP number and file for each)

scp /home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/fusarium/raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/FOP5/F/FOP5_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz .

#Data qc

programs: fastqc fastq-mcf kmc

Data quality was visualised using fastqc:

for RawData in $(ls raw_dna/paired/*/*/*/*.fastq.gz); do
		echo $RawData;
		qsub $ProgDir/ $RawData

The output for this is into the same location that the raw file came from, so e.g. raw_dna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/R. A new directory should appear in F/R directories for each isolate.

Can visualise this by navigating to the file in finder (after cluster mount on a new tab in terminal) and opening the html file in the browser.

##Data Trimming

Trimming was performed on data to trim adapters from sequences and remove poor quality data. This was done with fastq-mcf

for StrainPath in $(ls -d raw_dna/paired/*/*); do
		ReadsF=$(ls $StrainPath/F/*.fastq*)
		ReadsR=$(ls $StrainPath/R/*.fastq*)
		echo $ReadsF
		echo $ReadsR
		qsub $ProgDir/ $ReadsF $ReadsR $IlluminaAdapters DNA

This trims off the adapters from the fastq.gz file in raw_dna/paired/FOP1/F etc directories

Fastqc was performed again to visualise the quality of the data following trimming (using the same script as before):

Data quality was visualised once again following trimming: (with the same fast qc programme as before)

for RawData in qc_dna/paired/*/*/*/*.fq.gz; do
		echo $RawData;
		qsub $ProgDir/ $RawData

##kmer counting was performed using kmc. This allowed estimation of sequencing depth and total genome size:

for TrimPath in qc_dna/paired/*/*; do
		TrimF=$(ls $TrimPath/F/*.fq.gz)
		TrimR=$(ls $TrimPath/R/*.fq.gz)
		echo $TrimF
		echo $TrimR
		qsub $ProgDir/ $TrimF $TrimR

Script ran- not sure where the estimated coverage and genome size comes from?

#Assembly Assembly was performed using: SPAdes

A range of hash lengths were used and the best assembly selected for subsequent analysis

for StrainPath in $(ls -d qc_dna/paired/*/*); do
		Strain=$(echo $StrainPath | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
		Organism=$(echo $StrainPath | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev)
		F_Read=$(ls $StrainPath/F/*.fq.gz)
		R_Read=$(ls $StrainPath/R/*.fq.gz)
		echo $F_Read
		echo $R_Read
	qsub $ProgDir/ $F_Read $R_Read $OutDir correct 10

Assembly stats can be visualised after running Quast.

But first you need to remove contaminants and change the headers to contigs.

#Removing contaminants- changing headers to contigs

This changes headers from Nodes to contigs in the fasta file and renames the file.

for OutDir in $(ls -d assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs); do
		echo $AssFiltered
		printf '.\t.\t.\t.\n' >
		$ProgDir/ --inp $AssFiltered --out $AssRenamed --coord_file


Tools used to summarise assembly statistics- to do with submission of genome to NCBI.

		for Assembly in $(ls assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs/*_500bp_renamed.fasta); do
		Strain=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
		Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
		qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $OutDir

For future reference these report stats can be found in e.g. less assembly/spades/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/filtered_contigs/report.txt

Can note down assembly stats in an Excel file or txt file.

Repeat masking

Repeat masking was performed and used the following programs: Repeatmasker Repeatmodeler

The best assembly was used to perform repeatmasking

for BestAss in $(ls assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs/*_500bp_renamed.fasta); do
		echo $BestAss
		qsub $ProgDir/ $BestAss
		qsub $ProgDir/ $BestAss

Takes like 24 hours

The number of bases masked by transposonPSI and Repeatmasker were summarised using the following commands:

for RepDir in $(ls -d repeat_masked/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/*/filtered_contigs_repmask); do
		Strain=$(echo $RepDir | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev)
		Organism=$(echo $RepDir | rev | cut -f3 -d '/' | rev)  
		RepMaskGff=$(ls $RepDir/*_contigs_hardmasked.gff)
		TransPSIGff=$(ls $RepDir/*_contigs_unmasked.fa.TPSI.allHits.chains.gff3)
		printf "$Organism\t$Strain\n"
		printf "The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker:\t"
		sortBed -i $RepMaskGff | bedtools merge | awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{SUM=0}{ SUM+=$3-$2 }END{print SUM}'
		printf "The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI:\t"
		sortBed -i $TransPSIGff | bedtools merge | awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{SUM=0}{ SUM+=$3-$2 }END{print SUM}'
		printf "The total number of masked bases are:\t"
		cat $RepMaskGff $TransPSIGff | sortBed | bedtools merge | awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{SUM=0}{ SUM+=$3-$2 }END{print SUM}'

Results for ^ :

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP1 The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker: 8091753 The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI: 2341584 The total number of masked bases are: 8415943

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP2 The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker: 4710956 The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI: 1485557 The total number of masked bases are: 4972874

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP5 The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker: 3841697 The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI: 1313995 The total number of masked bases are: 4180881

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi PG18 The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker: 5247951 The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI: 1627744 The total number of masked bases are: 5575676

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi PG3 The number of bases masked by RepeatMasker: 4898473 The number of bases masked by TransposonPSI: 1680264 The total number of masked bases are: 5170668

#Gene Prediction

##Pre-gene Prediction - CEGMA

Pre-gene prediction - Quality of genome assemblies were assessed using Cegma to see how many core eukaryotic genes can be identified- looks for gene space.

for Assembly in $(ls assembly/spades/*/*/filtered_contigs/*_500bp_renamed.fasta); do
qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly dna

Results can be found in: e.g/ less gene_pred/cegma/fusarium_ex_pea/PG18/ Look for the in completeness report

Output were summarised using the commands:

for File in $(ls gene_pred/cegma/*/*/*_dna_cegma.completeness_report); do
		Strain=$(echo $File | rev | cut -f2 -d '/' | rev);
		Species=$(echo $File | rev | cut -f3 -d '/' | rev);
		printf "$Species\t$Strain\n";
		cat $File | head -n18 | tail -n+4;printf "\n";
	done > gene_pred/cegma/cegma_results_dna_summary.txt

To view:

less gene_pred/cegma/cegma_results_dna_summary.txt

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP1 #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho

Complete 238 95.97 - 282 1.18 11.76

Group 1 61 92.42 - 71 1.16 11.48 Group 2 54 96.43 - 62 1.15 11.11 Group 3 58 95.08 - 75 1.29 15.52 Group 4 65 100.00 - 74 1.14 9.23

Partial 243 97.98 - 297 1.22 14.81

Group 1 64 96.97 - 74 1.16 10.94 Group 2 55 98.21 - 65 1.18 14.55 Group 3 59 96.72 - 81 1.37 23.73 Group 4 65 100.00 - 77 1.18 10.77

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP2 #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho

Complete 236 95.16 - 283 1.20 11.86

Group 1 60 90.91 - 71 1.18 11.67 Group 2 53 94.64 - 61 1.15 7.55 Group 3 58 95.08 - 79 1.36 20.69 Group 4 65 100.00 - 72 1.11 7.69

Partial 241 97.18 - 294 1.22 13.28

Group 1 63 95.45 - 75 1.19 11.11 Group 2 54 96.43 - 64 1.19 11.11 Group 3 59 96.72 - 80 1.36 20.34 Group 4 65 100.00 - 75 1.15 10.77

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi FOP5 #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho

Complete 241 97.18 - 277 1.15 10.37

Group 1 62 93.94 - 74 1.19 11.29 Group 2 54 96.43 - 59 1.09 7.41 Group 3 61 100.00 - 76 1.25 16.39 Group 4 64 98.46 - 68 1.06 6.25

Partial 244 98.39 - 290 1.19 12.70

Group 1 64 96.97 - 76 1.19 10.94 Group 2 55 98.21 - 62 1.13 10.91 Group 3 61 100.00 - 81 1.33 21.31 Group 4 64 98.46 - 71 1.11 7.81

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi PG18 #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho

Complete 242 97.58 - 295 1.22 15.70

Group 1 62 93.94 - 75 1.21 12.90 Group 2 54 96.43 - 63 1.17 12.96 Group 3 61 100.00 - 79 1.30 22.95 Group 4 65 100.00 - 78 1.20 13.85

Partial 246 99.19 - 311 1.26 18.70

Group 1 65 98.48 - 79 1.22 12.31 Group 2 55 98.21 - 67 1.22 18.18 Group 3 61 100.00 - 81 1.33 24.59 Group 4 65 100.00 - 84 1.29 20.00

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi PG3 #Prots %Completeness - #Total Average %Ortho

Complete 241 97.18 - 288 1.20 12.86

Group 1 62 93.94 - 73 1.18 12.90 Group 2 54 96.43 - 63 1.17 14.81 Group 3 60 98.36 - 81 1.35 18.33 Group 4 65 100.00 - 71 1.09 6.15

Partial 245 98.79 - 300 1.22 15.10

Group 1 65 98.48 - 76 1.17 12.31 Group 2 55 98.21 - 66 1.20 18.18 Group 3 60 98.36 - 85 1.42 21.67 Group 4 65 100.00 - 73 1.12 9.23

##Gene prediction 1 - Braker1 gene model training and prediction (taken/adapted from the Fusarium repos) Gene prediction was performed using Braker1.

First, RNAseq data was aligned to Fusarium genomes.

qc of RNA seq data is detailed below:

for Folder in $(ls -d ../fusarium/raw_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/*); do
FolderName=$(echo $Folder | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev);
echo $FolderName;
ls $Folder/F;
ls $Folder/R;

Results here for ^ commands:

55_72hrs_rep1 sample013_1.combined.fastq.gz sample013_2.combined.fastq.gz 55_72hrs_rep2 sample014_1.combined.fastq.gz sample014_2.combined.fastq.gz 55_72hrs_rep3 sample015_1.combined.fastq.gz sample015_2.combined.fastq.gz control_72hrs_rep1 sample002_1.combined.fastq.gz sample002_2.combined.fastq.gz control_72hrs_rep2 sample004_1.combined.fastq.gz sample004_2.combined.fastq.gz control_72hrs_rep3 sample005_1.combined.fastq.gz sample005_2.combined.fastq.gz FO47_72hrs_rep1 sample006_1.combined.fastq.gz sample006_2.combined.fastq.gz FO47_72hrs_rep2 sample007_1.combined.fastq.gz sample007_2.combined.fastq.gz FO47_72hrs_rep3 sample012_1.combined.fastq.gz sample012_2.combined.fastq.gz Fus2_0hrs_prelim 1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_16hrs_prelim 3_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 3_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_24hrs_prelim_rep1 4_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 4_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_24hrs_prelim_rep2 Fus2_36hrs_prelim 36hr-root_S10_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 36hr-root_S10_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_48hrs_prelim 6_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 6_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_4hrs_prelim 4hr-root_S7_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 4hr-root_S7_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_72hrs_prelim 7_S5_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 7_S5_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_72hrs_rep1 sample016_1.combined.fastq.gz sample016_2.combined.fastq.gz Fus2_72hrs_rep2 sample018_1.combined.fastq.gz sample018_2.combined.fastq.gz Fus2_72hrs_rep3 sample019_1.combined.fastq.gz sample019_2.combined.fastq.gz Fus2_8hrs_prelim 8hr-root_S8_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 8hr-root_S8_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_96hrs_prelim 8_S6_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 8_S6_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_CzapekDox 6_S2_L001_R1_001_fastqc 6_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 6_S2_L001_R2_001_fastqc 6_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_GlucosePeptone 7_S3_L001_R1_001_fastqc 7_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 7_S3_L001_R2_001_fastqc 7_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_PDA 9_S4_L001_R1_001_fastqc 9_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 9_S4_L001_R2_001_fastqc 9_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz Fus2_PDB 4_S1_L001_R1_001_fastqc 4_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz 4_S1_L001_R2_001_fastqc 4_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz

... if doing this with my own RNAseq data there would be additional steps here between these 2 commands.

Then Rnaseq data was aligned to each genome assembly:

for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/FOP5/*/*_contigs_unmasked.fa); do
        Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
        Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
        echo "$Organism - $Strain"
        for RNADir in $(ls -d ../fusarium/qc_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/*); do
            Timepoint=$(echo $RNADir | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev)
            echo "$Timepoint"
            FileF=$(ls $RNADir/F/*_trim.fq.gz)
            FileR=$(ls $RNADir/R/*_trim.fq.gz)
            Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
            while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do
                sleep 10
                printf "."
                Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l)
            printf "\n"
            qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $FileF $FileR $OutDir $InsertGap $InsertStdDev

ran again without: (as it stopped running when I quit terminal)

Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l) while [ $Jobs -gt 1 ]; do sleep 10 printf "." Jobs=$(qstat | grep 'tophat' | grep 'qw' | wc -l) done

Re-ran again as was getting an error message in the next section

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - FOP5 open: No such file or directory [bam_merge_core] fail to open file alignment/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/FOP5/55_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam Your job 6666661 ("") has been submitted

So ran again for FOP5, PG18 and PG3 separately 16.11.16

#Dont do again Up until now we have been using just the repeatmasker/repeatmodeller fasta file when we have used softmasked fasta files. You can merge in transposonPSI masked sites using the following command:

  for File in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/filtered_contigs_repmask/*_contigs_softmasked.fa); do
        OutDir=$(dirname $File)
        TPSI=$(ls $OutDir/*_contigs_unmasked.fa.TPSI.allHits.chains.gff3)
        OutFile=$(echo $File | sed 's/_contigs_softmasked.fa/_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa/g')
        bedtools maskfasta -soft -fi $File -bed $TPSI -fo $OutFile
        echo "$OutFile"
        echo "Number of masked bases:"
        cat $OutFile | grep -v '>' | tr -d '\n' | awk '{print $0, gsub("[a-z]", ".")}' | cut -f2 -d ' '
Number of masked bases:
Number of masked bases:
Number of masked bases:
Number of masked bases:
Number of masked bases:

#Braker prediction 

Before braker predictiction was performed, I double checked that I had the genemark key in my user area and copied it over from the genemark install directory:

    ls ~/.gm_key
    cp /home/armita/prog/genemark/gm_key_64 ~/.gm_key
for Assembly in $(ls repeat_masked/*/*/*/*_contigs_softmasked_repeatmasker_TPSI_appended.fa); do
    printf "\n"
    Strain=$(echo $Assembly| rev | cut -d '/' -f3 | rev)
    Organism=$(echo $Assembly | rev | cut -d '/' -f4 | rev)
    echo "$Organism - $Strain"
    mkdir -p alignment/$Organism/$Strain/concatenated
    samtools merge -f alignment/$Organism/$Strain/concatenated/concatenated.bam \
    alignment/$Organism/$Strain/55_72hrs_rep1/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/55_72hrs_rep2/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/55_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/FO47_72hrs_rep1/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/FO47_72hrs_rep2/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/FO47_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_0hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_16hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_24hrs_prelim_rep1/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_36hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_48hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_4hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_72hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_72hrs_rep1/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_72hrs_rep2/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_8hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_96hrs_prelim/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_CzapekDox/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_GlucosePeptone/accepted_hits.bam \
	alignment/$Organism/$Strain/Fus2_PDA/accepted_hits.bam \
    qsub $ProgDir/ $Assembly $OutDir $AcceptedHits $GeneModelName

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - FOP1 Your job 6666565 ("") has been submitted

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - FOP2 Your job 6666660 ("") has been submitted

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - FOP5 open: No such file or directory [bam_merge_core] fail to open file alignment/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/FOP5/55_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam Your job 6666661 ("") has been submitted

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - PG18 open: No such file or directory [bam_merge_core] fail to open file alignment/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG18/FO47_72hrs_rep1/accepted_hits.bam Your job 6666662 ("") has been submitted

F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi - PG3 open: No such file or directory [bam_merge_core] fail to open file alignment/F.oxysporum_fsp_pisi/PG3/55_72hrs_rep3/accepted_hits.bam Your job 6666663 ("") has been submitted jenkis@bio72:/home/groups/harrisonlab/project_files/fusarium_ex_pea$

........................................................................................... NOTES FROM SKYPE

for the gene pred bit:

when you get here: for Folder in $(ls -d raw_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/*); do FolderName=$(echo $Folder | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev); echo $FolderName; ls $Folder/F; ls $Folder/R; done

Do this:
for Folder in $(ls -d ../fusarium/raw_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/*); do FolderName=$(echo $Folder | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | rev); echo $FolderName; ls $Folder/F; ls $Folder/R; done

To prevent copying over too much info. It will use Andrews folder instead.

ignore all commands between the above commands and: ‘Then Rnaseq data was aligned to each genome assembly:’ (qc and estimating insert size of reads - dont need any of this) Need command below this line ^ use initiative when running these- they will need adapting e.g grep -w "FUS2' (filters something out) I would not use this line as im not doing FUS2

the following command (in the last script after Then Rnaseq..) has the line: for RNADir in $(ls -d qc_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/* | grep -v -e '_rep'); do

again, you want to use the rnaseq data in my folder, so change this to: for RNADir in $(ls -d ../fusarium/qc_rna/paired/F.oxysporum_fsp_cepae/* | grep -v -e '_rep'); do

alignig RNAseq to data

From here the commands will be similar- they submit the braker job using the bam file you have just merged together (see 46mins)


Commands used in the analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolates ex. pea






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