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0.11.0 Organic Rocks

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@groboclown groboclown released this 30 Jul 22:21
· 28 commits to master since this release

Version 0.11.0 of the Perforce Community-Edition plugin is now available. This has version upgrades for old libraries, deprecation warning message if you're running on an IDE older than 2018.2, and some bug fixes around ignore files and charset selection. You can download it from the IntelliJ plugin interface, or from github.


  • Warning about IDE before 2018.2.
    • Compatibility for these IDE versions will be removed soon.
  • Upgraded older libraries.
    • Direct dependencies:
      • commons-compress from v1.16.1 to 1.20
      • commons-io from v2.5 to v2.7
      • commons-lang3 from v3.7 to v3.10
      • gson from v2.8.2 to v2.8.6
      • httpclient from v4.5.5 to v4.5.12
      • httpcore from v4.4.5 to v4.4.9
      • jna and jna-platform from v5.2.0 to v5.5.0
      • jsr305 from v3.0.1 to v3.0.2
      • Removed the dependency on guava (it's now strictly a test dependency)
    • Test dependencies:
      • guava from v19.0 to 29.0
      • apiguardian from v1.0.0 to v1.1.0
      • junit-platform-commons from v1.1.0 to v1.6.2
      • junit-platform-engine from v1.1.0 to v1.6.2
      • junit-platform-launcher from v1.1.0 to v1.6.2
      • junit-platform-runner from v1.1.0 to v1.6.2
      • junit-platform-suite-api from v1.1.0 to v1.6.2
      • junit-jupiter-api from v5.1.0 to v5.6.2
      • junit-jupiter-engine from v5.1.0 to v5.6.2
      • junit-vintage-engine from v5.1.0 to v5.6.2
      • And more?
  • Created a bill of materials.
    • Because the plugin is distributed as a "fat jar", it means the end-users have no easy way to understand what libraries are implicitly included. The new bill of materials (BOM) describes what the end-user receives.
  • Build improvements
    • Upgraded gradle from 4.10 to 6.5
  • Bug fixes
    • Added some p4ignore compatibility (#219). Note that the p4ignore only applies to files open for add; files already added will not use the ignore. There's a small edge case where, if a file is read-only, not added, ignorable, and the user edits the file through typing, then the file will be added to a changelist.
    • Improved charset interpretation (#217). This wasn't consistently handled before. Now, there's a user preference to select the setting of file encoding - the default is to use whatever the server has. Other options are to use what the IDE thinks is the file encoding, or use the client configured value (P4CHARSET).