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Admission control for Containerd/Docker

This is not an officially supported Google product.

Kubernetes supports the concept of admission control - which is effectively a webhook that is triggered upon certain action (e.g. pod creation). The admission controller can then inspect the request and decide whether the action is to be allowed or rejected.

The ctrdac and acjs projects try to adopt this technology for workloads that rely on container images but are not hosted in Kubernetes. The primary motivation with these projects is to provide a way to verify image signatures and provenance where having a full Kubernetes deployment is not an option.


The ctrdac project is a super lightweight proxy in front of Containerd that intercepts the / gRPC method invocation, repackages it into a Kubernetes AdmissionReview and forwards it to the specified Admission controller.

ctrdac setup

Stop docker (that kills containerd with the same shot):

pkill -f dockerd

Restart containerd yourself:

containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml --log-level info

Start ctrdac:

./ctrdac -proxy-listener-socket /tmp/ctrdac.sock -validating-webhook https://some.tld/to/an/admission/controller

And restart dockerd pointing to ctrdac:

dockerd --containerd /tmp/ctrdac.sock

ctrdac and Container Optimized OS (COS)

You can use the following recipe to configure COS to verify images at container creation. This can be done by adding a user-data key of the GCE instance metadata with the following content:


- path: /etc/systemd/system/ctrdac.service
  permissions: 0644
  owner: root
  content: |
    Description=ctrdac forwards container creation requests to K8s admission controllers

    ExecStart=/var/lib/containerd/ctrdac/ctrdac -containerd-socket /var/run/containerd/containerd.vanilla.sock -proxy-listener-params 0660:root:docker -proxy-listener-socket /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock -validating-webhook ''
    ExecStop=pkill ctrdac

- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl start ctrdac.service

- |
  set -e
  mkdir /etc/containerd
  containerd config default | sed 's#/run/containerd/containerd.sock#/run/containerd/containerd.vanilla.sock#' > /etc/containerd/config.toml
  systemctl restart containerd

  mkdir -p "$dir"
  access_token="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" | jq -r .access_token)"
  curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "" -o "$dir/ctrdac"
  echo "1a167ebd30dcab4502fc3954265391f43baefd4189aaef178ecf684f60f7ec1d $dir/ctrdac" > "$dir/ctrdac.sum"
  if ! sha256sum --check "$dir/ctrdac.sum"; then
    echo "Integrity check of ctrdac has failed"
    rm "$dir/ctrdac"
    exit 1

  chmod 755 "$dir/ctrdac"

Note: you'll need to customize:

  • the URL of the admission controller

  • the source URL of the ctrdac executable

  • the SHA checksum of ctrdac

ctrdac and raw runc payloads

If you don't plan to integrate with any "real" Kubernetes services, you may flip the -no-k8s-conversion command line flag of ctrdac. The gateway will then simply forward the complete Containerd requests to the specified Admission Controller intact. The Containerd request will be available as the object (just like the Pod is when conversion is in use). This allows inspecting and modifying the full runc specification without any compromise: the K8s pod definition is not 100% compatible with K8s - e.g. kubernetes lacks the concept of effective/permitted/bounding capabilities, the fine grained list of seccomp syscalls, etc.


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