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Michael Gogins

Deprecation Notice

Currently, I am not maintaining this repository. In general, my priority is composing music, not programming. However, I do create open-source GitHub repositories in order to share tools that I make for composing. As my working methods change, so do the tools I make.

I now use the commercial (and very excellent!) Organtec plugin from Modartt to synthesize the sounds of pipe organs.

However, this repository will remain available.


This project provides a set of Csound plugin opcodes encapsulating the Aeolus software organ by Fons Adriaensen. I have always loved how this instrument actually sounds, and how it uses the whole battery of pipes and stops from organ history. I am now making Aeolus available in Csound.

Aeolus can of course already be used with Csound via Jack, but these opcodes are considerably easier to use.


Please log any bug reports or requests for enhancements at


I take this as canonical:

Aeolus and supporting libraries are licensed as GPLv3. See:

The vexing question of using GPLv3 code to create a plugin for LGPv2.1 Csound is as follows:

"GPLv2 is compatible with GPLv3 if the program allows you to choose 'any later version' of the GPL, which is the case for most software released under this license." This "any later version" language appears in the COPYING file of the Csound repository, and in the license text of csound.h.

I take this to mean I can build and run the Aeolus plugin with Csound, but the plugin itself must be GPLv3.


On Linux, download the Debian package from this repository and install it in the usual way, e.g. sudo apt install ./csound-aeolus-1.0.0-Linux.deb. A set of default organ stops are installed in usr/share/csound-aeolus/stops-0.3.0.


Aeolus stops and instruments must defined using the Aeolus program. The Csound opcodes can load stops, instruments, and presets, and select and modify stops and presets.

See doc/csound_aeolus.pdf for documentation of the opcodes.


Install these Debian packages by running bash install-dependencies.bash:

libasound2-dev libclthreads-dev libclxclient-dev libjack-dev libreadline-dev libzita-alsa-pcmi-dev

Change to the aeolus/source directory and execute make and sudo make install. You should now be able to run the regular Aeolus application as a test of your system.

To build the Csound opcodes, change to the root directory of the repository and execute:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Design notes

The Csound opcodes are based on the Aeolus application's loadable module and the text mode's main function.

All of the actual opcodes are defined in src/csound_aeolus.cpp. Customized versions of some of the Aeolus source files from the aeolus/source directory have been created in the src directory. As few changes as possible have been made to these files, for the purpose of maintainability in the future.

Internally, Aeolus uses several threads that communicate with each other by message passing. The Csound opcodes follow the same design.


See for the commit log.