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This repo consists of implementations of Trees in Go. The Tree can store built-in types and custom types.

Currently covered are -

  • BST
  • Heap (Priority Queue)
  • Trie

All the trees have three basic functionalities

  • Insertion of new elements
  • Pop the root

All the trees also have their own public methods, owing to their semantics and structures.


Here's a basic example of adding to a tree

// Creating a new BST
numberTree := tree.CreateBST()

// Adding entries
// Supports integer and strings by default
numberTree.Insert(3, 5, 1, 10)

// Here's a BST from a string
stringTree := tree.CreateBST()
stringTree.Insert("Infinity", "and", "beyond!") 

// Other methods

This example shows how to add custom objects into the tree

// Here is my custom object
type myObject struct {
	name string
	age  int
	sal  float64

// To create a BST with a custom object,
// a comparator is needed, according to which
// the BST will be structured

// A comparator function takes 2 args, compares them,
// and returns, -1, 0 and 1, for less than, equal to and greater
// than values. Ofcourse, you can tailor it to your needs.
// Here is a basic comparator function 
comparatorFunc := func(obj1, obj2 *interface{}) int {
    new_obj1 := (*obj1).(myObject)
    new_obj2 := (*obj2).(myObject)

    // This needn't be simple
    // Can fit any use case
    metric1 := new_obj1.sal + float64(20*(new_obj1.age))
    metric2 := new_obj2.sal + float64(20*(new_obj2.age))

    if metric1 < metric2 {
        return -1
    } else if metric1 > metric2 {
        return 1
    return 0

// Here's creating a tree with passing the comparator pointer
customObjTree := tree.CreateBSTWithComparator(&comparatorFunc)

// All the functions are available to this tree as well
    myObject{name: "james", age: 51, sal: 230.000},
    myObject{name: "mustaine", age: 55, sal: 140.000},
    myObject{name: "tom", age: 20, sal: 1240.000},

poppedObj, isPopSuccess := customObjTree.Pop()
// Remember to type assert back your popped object
poppedMyObj := (*poppedObj).(myObject)

    myObject{name: "tom", age: 20, sal: 1240.000}

The above functionality for custom objects is uniform across different types of trees.

Heap (Priority Queue)

Here's a basic set of functions in the Heap.

heapObj := tree.CreateMinHeap() // tree.CreateMaxHeap() also exists
// Insertion
heapObj.Insert(10, 20, 1001, 1)

// Pop operation
minimumObj, isValExists := heapObj.Pop() // Returns 1
if isValExists {
    minimumNum := (*minimumObj).(int)

The heap works with strings and custom objects similar to how it was shown above using BST.

The huffman tree internally uses a MinHeap by passing it's custom structure and comparator.


Here's a basic example for using a Trie

// Create a trieObject. It also allows some parameters
trieObj := tree.CreateTrie()

// Insert as many values as you want
trieObj.Insert("I", "am", "gonna", "love", "you", "till", "the", "heaven", "starts", "to", "rain")

// Search
trieObj.HasVal("gonna")  // true:  Exact match
trieObj.HasVal("GONna")  // true:  Case insensitive match
trieObj.HasVal("heav")   // true:  Partial match
trieObj.HasVal("absent") // false: Mismatch

The Trie is by default case insensitive and allows partial substring searches. The case insensitivity and partial matching ability can be controlled by passing the valid parameters to the CreateTrieWithOptions

// These two are true by default
partialMatch := false
caseInsensitive := false
trieOptObj := tree.CreateTrieWithOptions(partialMatch, caseInsensitive)
trieOptObj.Insert("Wherever", "I", "may", "roam", "where", "I", "lay", "my", "head", "is", "home")

trieOptObj.HasVal("wherever")  // false:  Case sensitive match 
trieOptObj.HasVal("Wherever")  // true
trieOptObj.HasVal("hea")       // false:  It's a partial match
trieOptObj.HasVal("head")      // true

You can also use the CreateTrieWithOptionsMap to try out all the flags used for a Trie. The below example represents all the options available. This primarily showcases how to remove the stopwords before insertion, using the strip_stopwords.

options := map[string]bool{
    "case_insensitive":   false,
    "partial_match":      false,
    "strip_punctuations": true,
    "strip_stopwords":    true,

trieObj := tree.CreateTrieWithOptionsMap(options)

    `Darkness, Imprisoning me.
     All that I see, Absolute horror! 
     I cannot live, 
     I cannot die,
     Trapped in myself, 
     Body my holding cell!`,

trieObj.HasVal("i")         // False: Stopword
trieObj.HasVal("my")        // False: Stopword
trieObj.HasVal("absolute")  // False: Case-Insensitive
trieObj.HasVal("Body")      // True 
trieObj.HasVal("Absolute")  // True


Trees implementation in Golang






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