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Anki Add-on Builder

An opinionated build tool for Anki add-ons. Used in most of my major Anki projects.


Project State

This is still very much a work-in-progress. Neither the API, nor the implementation are set in stone. At this point the project's main purpose lies in replacing the variety of different build scripts I am employing across all of my add-ons, making the build chain more standardized and maintainable.

Platform Support

aab has only been tested on Linux so far, but it might also work on other POSIX-compliant environments like macOS.


Installing the latest release

pip install aab

Installing from the master branch

pip install --upgrade git+

Installing with Qt support

aab optionally supports building UI forms created with Qt designer. To make sure you have all the pre-requisites installed you can add [qt5,qt6] to the command above, i.e.:

pip install --upgrade git+[qt5,qt6]

This will enable aab to build Qt forms that are compatible with both Qt5 and Qt6 builds of Anki. If you are only targeting Qt5 or Qt6, you can adjust the command above to only install that particular Qt version.


You can get an overview of all supported actions by accessing the built-in help (options below reflect latest main branch state and might not be available in pypi builds, yet):

$ aab -h
usage: aab [-h] [-v] {build,ui,manifest,clean,create_dist,build_dist,package_dist} ...

positional arguments:
    build               Build and package add-on for distribution
    ui                  Compile add-on user interface files
    manifest            Generate manifest file from add-on properties in addon.json
    clean               Clean leftover build files
    create_dist         Prepare source tree distribution for building under build/dist. This is
                        intended to be used in build scripts and should be run before `build_dist`
                        and `package_dist`.
    build_dist          Build add-on files from prepared source tree under build/dist. This step
                        performs all source code post-processing handled by aab itself (e.g.
                        building the Qt UI and writing the add-on manifest). As with `create_dist`
                        and `package_dist`, this command is meant to be used in build scripts
                        where it can provide an avenue for performing additional processing ahead
                        of packaging the add-on.
    package_dist        Package pre-built distribution of add-on files under build/dist into a
                        distributable .ankiaddon package. This is inteded to be used in build
                        scripts and called after both `create_dist` and `build_dist` have been

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output

Each subcommand also comes with its own help screen, e.g.:

$ aab build -h
usage: aab build [-h] [-t {qt6,qt5,all,anki21}] [-d {local,ankiweb,all}] [version]

positional arguments:
  version               Version to (pre-)build as a git reference (e.g. 'v1.2.0' or 'd338f6405').
                        Special keywords: 'dev' - working directory, 'current' – latest commit,
                        'release' – latest tag. Leave empty to build latest tag.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {qt6,qt5,all,anki21}, --target {qt6,qt5,all,anki21}
                        Anki release type to build for. Use 'all' (deprecated alias: 'anki21') to
                        target both Qt5 and Qt6.
  -d {local,ankiweb,all}, --dist {local,ankiweb,all}
                        Distribution channel to build for


Build latest tagged add-on release

aab build -d local -t all release

or simply

aab build

The output artifacts will be, by default, written into ./build/.

Compile Qt UI forms and resources for Qt6 builds of Anki

aab ui -t qt6


Project Structure

In order for aab to work correctly, your project should generally follow the directory structure below:

project root
├── src [required] (contains add-on package)
│   ├── {module_name} [required] (add-on package)
├── designer [optional] (contains Qt designer .ui files that aab should compile)
├── resources [optional] (contains Qt designer .qrc files that aab should compile)
└── addon.json [required] (contains add-on meta information read by aab)

For a more detailed look at the entire directory tree please feel free to take a look at some of the add-ons I've published recently.


All of the metadata needed by aab to work correctly is stored in an addon.json file at the root of the project tree. For more information on its fields and their specifications please refer to the schema file.

Importing Qt Forms Compiled with aab

aab creates a package under src/<module_name>/gui/forms that automatically takes care of choosing between forms for Qt5 builds of Anki and Qt6 builds. For instance, to import a UI form saved as options.ui in the designer folder, in your add-on you would do:

from gui.forms.options import Ui_Dialog  # or whichever class name you chose for the widget/dialog

Using Qt Resources Compiled with aab

Starting with Qt6, PyQt no longer supports Qt resource files. To make the transition easier for add-on authors, aab will automatically try to convert any resource files found under ./resources into a Qt6-supported file structure that is then registered as a QDir searchpath.

Alongside creating the file structure as such, aab will also attempt to convert any references to the respective resources in your Qt forms to point to the QDir structure. That way icons and other resources embedded into designer forms via the Qt resource system should continue working. References in other parts of your source code will have to be updated manually.

To utilize this feature, please do the following:

Pre-supposing that you have generated the gui module using aab ui (during development) or aab build (for builds), initialize the QDir searchpath by adding the following to your add-on's

from .gui.resources import initialize_qt_resources


This only has to execute once at add-on initialization time.

License and Credits

Anki Add-on Builder is Copyright © 2019-2022 Aristotelis P. (Glutanimate)

With code contributions by the following awesome people:

Anki Add-on Builder is free and open-source software. Its source-code is released under the GNU AGPLv3 license, extended by a number of additional terms. For more information please see the license file that accompanies this program.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the license file for more details.