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Hard Link Deduplicator

hld finds the duplicated files and hardlinks them together in order to save some disk space. And it's made to be fast!

Here is an example session on a modern (2017) laptop:

$ du -sh myproject ~/.m2
896M    myproject
912M    .m2
$ time hld -r -c ~/.m2 myproject
420.23 MB saved in the deduplication of 675 files
real 0.47
user 1.17
sys 0.22

420MB — 46% of the build directory size — saved in just 0.5 seconds :-)

CI Status


It works with all the available core by default and uses the BLAKE3 hashing function in order to be both very fast and with an extremely low chance of collision.

Because of its caching feature, it is an efficient way to deduplicate files that might have been copied by some automated process — for example a maven build.



hld takes a set of globs as argument. The globs are used to find the candidate files for deduplication. They support the ** notation to traverse any number of directories. For example:

  • hld "target/*.jar" deduplicates all the jar files directly in the target directory;
  • hld "target/**/*.jar" deduplicates all the jar files in the target directory and its subdirectories.

Several globs may be passed on the command line in order to work with several directories and/or several file name patterns. For example: hld "target/*.jar" "images/**/*.png".

Note: the quotes are important to avoid the glob expansion by the shell. In case of large directories, the shell may not be able to pass all the files contained there.


In addition to the raw globs of the previous chapter, some cached globs may be used. They act all the same than the raw globs, but their BLAKE3 digest value is saved for a latter reuse. They must be used on files that are guarenteed to not change. Cached globs are passed with a --cache, or -c option.

For example: hld "target/*" --cache "stable/*" will deduplicate all the files in both target and stable, and will also cache the digests of the files in stable. The cached digests of stable will then be reused at a latter hld call, in order to speed up the execution.

The quotes are very important in this case: without them, the globs would be expanded by the shell, and only the first file of the set would be cached.

The cache path may be specified with the --cache-path option or -C, in order to deal with several sets of caches, depending on the execution context.

The cache may be cleared with the option --clear-cache.


The --recursive or -r option simplify the command line usage when working with all the files in some directories. For example, the two following commands are strictly equivalents:

hld -r -c ~/.m2 myproject
hld -c "$HOME/.m2/**/*" "myproject/**/*"

dry run

Using the option --dry-run or -n prevents hld to modify anytring on the disk, cache included.

For example: hld "target/*" --cache "stable/*" --dry-run only show how many files would be deduplicated and how much space would be saved, but actually does nothing.

log level

The amount of output displayed by hld can be controlled by the --log-level or -l option. It accepts the following values, from the most verbose to the most quiet: trace, debug, info (the default level), warn, error.


By default hld maximize the number of cores it is working on, in order to complete its task as fast of possible. The --parallel or -j options let you change the number of threads to run in parallel.

For example, hld -j1 "myproject/*" forces hld to run single threaded.

shell completion

hld can generate the completion code for several shells (fish, zsh, bash, …). Just run it with the --completion option followed by the shell type, and save the produce code in the appropriate location. For example, for fish:

hld --completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

The completion is usually activated in the new shell instances, but may be activated by sourcing the file. Again for fish:

source ~/.config/fish/completions/


hld is currently only available from sources. To install it, you need a Rust installation. hld compiles with rust stable or newer. In general, hld tracks the latest stable release of the Rust compiler.

$ git clone
$ cd hld
$ cargo install
$ $HOME/.cargo/bin/hld --version
hld 0.1.0


You need a Rust installation. hld compiles with rust stable or newer. In general, hld tracks the latest stable release of the Rust compiler.

To build hld:

$ git clone
$ cd hld
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/hld --version
hld 0.1.0


To run the full test suite, use:

$ cargo test
test result: ok. 12 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

from the repository root.


In order to produce a small easy to download executable, just do a release build followed by:

$ strip target/release/hld
$ upx --ultra-brute target/release/hld

Code coverage

The code coverage may be computed with kcov. Make sure the kcov executable is in the PATH then run:

$ cargo test --features kcov -- --test-threads 1

The report is available in target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/coverage/index.html.


  • factorize the computation of the digest in the cached and non cached files
  • which duplicate do we keep when symlinking? The first one? From the caches if possible?