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WXDSb - IHE-XDSb implementation

A programmable server and client IHE-XDSb.


  • git clone
  • mvn clean install - this will produce wxdsb.war in target directory
  • mvn dependency:copy-dependencies - this will copy jars in target/dependency directory
  • mvn clean install -f pom2.xml - this install wxdsb as library

Create a Docker image

  • docker build -t <image_name> . this will create a Docker image named <image_name>

See this Docker Cheat Sheet for more info.

Debug network issues

Trace HTTP traffic

tcpdump --list-interfaces (to show interfaces) or ip link show tcpdump -i eth0 -A port 8080 -s 65535 -w tcpdump.log & (-i interface, -A Print each packet in ASCII, -s snaplen, -w file in binary pcap format) tcpdump -r tcpdump.log -A (to read pcap file, -A include ASCII content)

Enabling SSL debugging

mvn test -DargLine="-Ddew.test.op=findDocuments"

mvn test -DargLine="-Ddew.test.op=findDocuments,handshake"

mvn test -DargLine="-Ddew.test.op=findDocuments"

mvn test -DargLine="-Ddew.test.op=findDocuments"
