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geOrchestra on Docker

Quick Start

1. Prerequisite

  • RAM

Grab a machine with a decent amount of RAM (16Gb is mandatory to run the full composition, more is better).

  • Install Docker

An up-to-date docker engine is required.

Note that docker-compose is not necessary anymore.

2. Download sources

Clone this repo and its submodule using:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Choose which branch to run, eg for latest stable:

git checkout 23.0 && git submodule update

3. Run

The default docker-compose file contains all geOrchestra modules.

It's recommended to double-check the docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml files if you need to comment useless modules (e.g extractor, mapstore,... ).

You need to use the new Compose plugin V2, docker-compose (V1) is not supported by default:
If you still want to use the old docker-compose (V1), you need to remove all the parameters depends_on from the files docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml.

To run:

cd docker
docker compose up -d

To stop geOrchestra:

docker compose down

4. Play

Open in your browser.

To login, use these credentials:

  • testuser / testuser
  • testadmin / testadmin

To upload data into the GeoServer data volume (geoserver_geodata), use rsync:

rsync -arv -e 'ssh -p 2222' /path/to/geodata/

(password is: geoserver)

Files uploaded into this volume will also be available to the geoserver instance in /mnt/geoserver_geodata/.

Emails sent by the SDI (eg when users request a new password) will not be relayed on the internet but trapped by a local SMTP service.
These emails can be read on (with login smtp and password smtp).

About the domain name

The current FQDN resolves to, thanks to which provides wildcard DNS for any IP address.

To change it:

  • Rename the traefik service in the docker-compose.override.yml file to match the new domain
  • Modify the three traefik.http.routers.*.rule in the docker-compose.override.yml file
  • Update the FQDN variable in .envs-common file (hint: grep for
  • Put a valid SSL certificate in the resources/ssl folder and declare it in the resources/traefik-config.yml file


These docker-compose files describe:

  • which images / webapps will run,
  • how they are linked together,
  • where the configuration and data volumes are

The docker-compose.override.yml file adds services to interact with your geOrchestra instance (they are not part of geOrchestra "core"):

  • reverse proxy / load balancer
  • ssh / rsync services,
  • smtp, webmail.

Feel free to comment out the apps you do not need.

The base docker composition does not include any standalone geowebcache instance, nor the atlas module. If you need them, you have to include the corresponding complementary docker-compose file at run-time:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.gwc.yml -f docker-compose.atlas.yml up


Images and configuration are updated regularly.

To upgrade, we recommend you to:

  • update the configuration with git submodule update
  • update the software with docker compose pull


This docker composition supports environment variables, if you need to customize something it might be in the different environment variables files.

Here is the list of these files:

If you add variables, be careful because it might be added into the wrong/unwanted container.

You can also add environment variables directly into the docker-compose.yaml if needed.

To check which container is including which envs file you can look at the docker-compose* files and search for the .envs-* filename wanted.

If you don't find the value in it, there is still a lot to adjust the configuration in the config folder according to your needs. Reading the quick configuration guide might help !

Also in production environment don't forget to change the file into the secret/ folder as they are default password.

For geoserver_privileged_user_passwd.txt it needs to be the same that in the datadir :

Most changes will require a service restart, except maybe updating viewer contexts & addons (F5 will do).


Images used in the current composition are pulled from docker hub, which means they've been compiled by github actions. In case you have to build these images by yourself, please refer to the docker images build instructions.


If you want to run the Geofence enabled GeoServer, make sure the correct docker image is being used in docker-compose.yml:

image: georchestra/geoserver:22.0.x-geofence

(replace 22.0.x-geofence by the appropriate version - use latest-geofence on master).

And change the JAVA_OPTIONS in the geoserver environment properties to indicate where the Geofence databaser configuration .properties file is:

      - JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dgeofence-ovr=file:/etc/georchestra/geoserver/geofence/

Then, edit the file config/geoserver/geofence/, and change the line





The optional kibana service is used for dashboarding purposes and is integrated to the GeoNetwork admin UI. See in the Statistics & status / Content statistics admin menu to access it.

A specific configuration is provided in the kibana/ subdirectory.

Please note that it will require to load by hand the following file from the kibana admin ui:


In the current state of the docker composition, no volume is defined, so do not expect persistence of the indexes.

If you are running low on disk space, Elastic has a mechanism to pass the index in a read-only mode. You can deactivate this feature by following this guide:

Developers corner

1. build source on every changes

Beside georchestra/docker directory, you need to clone georchestra/georchestra repo first.

Next, install maven to execute main georchestra Makefile on each modification (e.g console, security-proxy, whatever you change).

For example, if you change some security-proxy code, use :

make docker-build-proxy

... to execute easily this maven command :

2. Compose

In /docker :

docker compose up -d

You can now test modifications locally with the current FQDN (by default

3. Debug

Open docker/docker-compose.yml and identify proxy section.

Change proxy section to insert some JAVA options and ports 5005 to get :

    image: georchestra/security-proxy:latest
      - ldap
      - database
      - georchestra_datadir:/etc/georchestra
      - JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dorg.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.LEVEL=OFF -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=
      - XMS=256M
      - XMX=1G
    restart: always
      - "5005:5005"

Apply Docker changes :

docker compose up -d

You can now attach IDE to debug the code tep by step on port 5005.