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Controlling/Use-case framework for accessing personal health records in the telematic infrastructure. API Documentation:


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Controlling/Use-case framework for accessing personal health records in the telematic infrastructure.


The ePA-FdV-ModulKit (Frontend des Versicherten für die elektronische Patientenakte) is intended for reference purposes when implementing a system that performs the communication between an Aktor (ePA-Aktensystemsimulator) and an individual authorization instance, e.g. a German Health Card (elektronische Gesundheitskarte).

This document describes the functionalitiy and structure of the ePA-FdV-ModulKit (Frontend des Versicherten für die elektronische Patientenakte).

API Documentation

Generated API docs are available at


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Getting Started

ePA-FdV-ModulKit requires Swift 5.1.

Setup for integration

  • Carthage: Put this in your Cartfile:

    github "gematik/ref-ePA-FdV-ModulKit" ~> 1.0

Setup for development

You will need Bundler, XcodeGen and fastlane to conveniently use the established development environment.

  1. Update ruby gems necessary for build commands

    $ bundle install --path vendor/gems
  2. Checkout (and build) dependencies and generate the xcodeproject

    $ bundle exec fastlane setup
  3. Build the project

    $ bundle exec fastlane build_all [build_mac, build_ios]


The ePA-FdV-module-kit bundles submodules that provide the functionality (service localization, authentication, authentication via health card, key management) necessary for the access to the electronic patient record. As for now the key management submodule remains unimplemented. As a reference for each submodule see also the IntegrationTests.

FdV Authentication

The authentication submodule provides the functionality for authenticating the user to use the electronic patient record.

Instantiate a Authn object with the URL of an Aktor authentication service you obtained by the ServiceLocalization.

Instantiate a class conforming to the Authenticator protocol that serves as an agent to authenticate the individual user. This can be carried out by a German Health Card, see the submodule HealthCardAuthentication>>` for reference.

The Authn object then performs the required authentication operations (login create challenge / login create token / renew token / logout) according to ws-Trust to authenticate the user.

The EPA_FdV_AUTHN_I_Authentication_Insurant_Binding_Soap12 class forms the entry point for establishing the connection to the authentication web service.

let authn = Authn(service: URL(string: self.aktorAuthnURL)!)
let authenticator = HealthCardAuthn(healthCard: CardSimulationTerminalTestCase.healthCard)

try? verifyMrPinForSigning()
expect {
    authn.login(authenticator: authenticator).test()


One way to authenticate the individual user for the use of the electronic personal health record (ePA, elektronische Patientenakte) is using a German Health Card (eGK).

HealthCardAuthn is a class implementing the Authenticator protocol to perform an authentication for the the ePA service. It has to be instantiated with a HealthCardType which usually would be provided by a CardReaderType (see: OpenHealthCardKit @ GitHub).

Consider also the working example of an NFC-Demo App, which employs above mentioned frameworks to communicate with real work (NFC-ready) German Health Cards via the NFC interface provided by Apple: OpenHealthCardApp @ GitHub)

let eGk21Authenticator = HealthCardAuthn(healthCard: CardSimulationTerminalTestCase.healthCard)

let certificateInfo = eGk21Authenticator.certificateInfo().test()
expect(certificateInfo?.signatureAlgorithm) == Authn.SignatureAlgorithm.ecdsaSha256

let signature = CardSimulationTerminalTestCase.healthCard.verify(pin: format2Pin,
                                                                 type: EgkFileSystem.Pin.mrpinHome)
        .flatMap { _ in
            eGk21Authenticator.authenticate(challenge: self.challenge)
expect(signature?.count) == 64


The submodule contains the protocol ServiceLocatorType as an entry point to localize ePA service components., which - after successful lookup - returns an endpointURL for a given interface name.

The protocol ServiceLocatorType is implemented by ServiceLocator. It performs a DNS lookup for retrieving endpoint URLs of various ePA gateway services. Once the lookup has completed successfully, the endpoint URLs for the different ePA services can be retrieved.

let fqdn = "valid.fqdn.service.url"
let loc = ServiceLocator()
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)

loc.lookup(name: fqdn, callbackQueue: .userInteractive)) { result in
    let endpoints: [ServiceInterfaceName: String] =
            ServiceInterfaceName.allCases.reduce(into: [:]) { acc, serviceName in
                if let endpoint = result.endpointURLForInterface(interface: serviceName) {
                    acc[serviceName] = endpoint.absoluteString

            == "https://\(fqdn):443/authn/I_Authentication_Insurant"


Controlling/Use-case framework for accessing personal health records in the telematic infrastructure. API Documentation:








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