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So you want me to write you a letter of recommendation

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So you want me to write you a letter of recommendation ...

You should know upfront that 99% of the time I decline writing letters of recommendation. My 2 main reasons for doing this are:

  1. I Don't Have Time: I'm already too busy with my teaching responsibilities, and with my personal life outside academia.

  2. I don't know you enough: I haven't known you long enough to get an accurate idea of your qualifications and skills to endorse you. Plus, I don't write generic letters of recommendation (and you should not ask for them either).

Assuming that I have a bit of spare time, and that I know you enough, to consider the possibility of writing a strong letter of recommendation I use the following criteria:

  • 📆 I have known you for at least one year: I know your name, what your major/minor is, and I also know a bit about your personal story. The more I know about you, the better.

  • 💯 You took a course of at least 3-units with me (e.g. Stat 133, 151A, 154) and received, preferably, a score in the top 25th percentile.

  • 📖 You often came to my office hours, where we talked not just about class materials but also about "life" in general.

  • ✉️ We have met periodically (or stayed in touch) after you took a course with me.

  • 🎓 We have developed a good collegial relationship.

  • 📅 You should give me enough time to write your letter, requesting it at least one month in advanced.

With that said, you can come to my OH, and if I'm not busy helping other students, we can talk about your intentions, wishes and dreams for going to grad school. While I may not help you with a letter-of-rec, I'm confident that I can add my 2 cents and enrich your framework about your intentions to go to grad school.

For example, we can talk about one or more of the following topics.

Why do you want to go to grad school?

Is it because of:

  • love and passion about a certain knowledge domain?
  • genuine curiosity (but not passion) about a certain knowledge domain?
  • career advancement?
  • career change?
  • peer pressure?
  • family pressure?
  • societal pressure?
  • self imposed pressure?
  • job market pressure?
  • cannot find job?
  • considering a phd program?
  • pie-in-the-sky dream?
  • don't have a clear idea of next step in life?
  • a mix of the above?
  • none of the above (some other reason)?

Have you done Due Diligence regarding the program(s) you are interested in?

  • Have you carefully looked at the program you are interested in?
    • Is it a fairly new program? Or is it a well established program?
    • Is there any data about the reputation of the program?
    • Is it an in person program?
    • Is it an online program?
    • Is it a hybrid (mix of in-person & online) program?
    • Is it a full-time program? Or is it a part-time program?
    • What is the length of the program (e.g. 1yr, 1.5yrs, 2yrs, >2yrs)?
  • What is the focus of the program?
    • Is it very practical?
    • Is it very theoretical?
    • Is it a mix of theory and practice?
    • Is it tailored towards industry?
    • Is it tailored towards government?
    • Is it tailored towards research/academia?
  • What are the requirements for the program?
  • Have you looked at the faculty members of the program?
    • What are their areas of expertise?
    • Have you read some of their important papers?
    • Do they have experience in industry/government?
  • Is there a strong alumni network?
  • Have you talked to students currently enrolled in the program?
  • Have you talked to alumni of the program?
  • If you care about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice, have you seen if the program supports these values?

What is the expected professional future after grad school?

  • Do you know what kind of "typical" jobs are available after finishing grad school?
  • Do you know how hard/easy is it to find jobs after finishing grad school?
  • Have you talked to people making a living in that domain/discipline?
    • Have you asked them what would they do different if they were to start again?

Have you considered postponing going to grad school?

  • What is your opportunity cost for going to grad school?
  • Have you considered going to industry for a couple of years before applying to grad school?
  • Have you considered going to industry instead of grad school?
  • Have you considered taking some time off from academia before going to grad school?
  • Is this the best time for you to go to grad school?
    • Do you have other responsibilities?
    • Do you have other commitments?
    • Do you have other alternatives?
    • Do you have other options?
    • Do you have other dreams?

Do you have a plan B, C, D, ...?

You know the saying "You plan, God laughs." So, do you have a backup plan if:

  • you can't attend grad school?
  • you find that grad school is not for you?
  • you find that the program and/or school you chose don't meet your expectations?
  • you find that there is no chemistry between you and your advisor (assuming you are in a PhD program)?
  • you find an incredible (once in a lifetime) opportunity but it requires leaving grad school?
  • you need or were forced to quit grad school?

Do you know how much is going to cost you?

How much–on average–are you going to pay (e.g. every week, every month, every semester, every year) for:

  • tuition?
  • other educational expenses?
  • housing?
  • utilities (e.g. electricity, water, gas, cell phone, internet)?
  • food?
  • transportation?
  • healthcare?
  • entertainment?
  • other?

How are you going to cover the costs?

  • Will your family cover all the expenses?
  • Will your family cover some of the expenses?
    • Have they saved for this purpose?
  • Will you have to find a part-time (or full-time) job?
  • Will you have to get financial aid?
  • Will you have to get student loans?
    • how much money should you borrow (in a financially prudent way)?
    • at what interest rate?
    • what the payment schedule could look like? Run an amortization calculator to get a rough idea.
  • Will you have to apply for scholarships, fellowships, grants, funds?
  • Will you consider more affordable schools and/or programs?


So you want me to write you a letter of recommendation







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