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Elixir: Towers of Hanoi

An implementation of Towers of Hanoi written in Elixir.


  1. Simple example of how to use phoenix live-view, genserver and tailwind
  2. Can play yourself (manual mode) or be shown how to do it (auto-play)
  3. Tracks how many steps are taken to complete
  4. Can run locally or be built into a docker image
  5. Decent test coverage inc static analysis with dialyzer
  6. API documentation including architecture diagrams

When I was learning elixir, the examples I saw felt ideomatically OO (e.g. [1]) rather than functional so I decided to write one myself, leaning into FP. Having got the CLI running, I didn't stop there and ended up building a LiveView web-app because, why not?

Obviously having written this as a critique of structure - feel free to comment on what I have done. All greatfully accepted.

How to run

Full details on how to run either as a webapp, gen_server or command line can be on this page.


Web Architecture


Command-line Architecture


