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Core Contracts

  1. FxContractRegistry: Registry contract that manages all deployed smart contracts registered by fxhash

  2. FxGenArt721: ERC-721 implementation contract that allows for minting of new tokens, burning of existing tokens and managing of token royalties

  3. FxIssuerFactory: Factory contract that clones the FxGenArt721 implementation to create new Generative Art Projects

  4. FxMintTicket721: ERC-721 implementation contract that allows for minting of new tickets, burning of exisiting tickets, and enforcing of harberger taxes over ticket ownership

  5. FxRoleRegistry: Registry contract that implements AccessControl to manage different roles within the system, such as admin, creator, minter, and moderator

  6. FxTicketFactory: Factory contract that clones the FxMintTicket721 implementation to create new Mint Tickets for an existing FxGenArt721 project

Periphery Contracts

  1. DutchAuction: Minter contract that distributes new FxGenArt721 and FxMintTicket721 tokens at a linear price over a fixed interval of time

  2. FixedPrice: Minter contract that distributes new FxGenArt721 and FxMintTicket721 tokens at a fixed price

  3. IPFSRenderer: Renderer contract that constructs offchain metadata of FxGenArt721 and FxMintTicket721 tokens pinned to IPFS

  4. PseudoRandomizer: Randomizer contract that provides a pseudo-randomness keccak256 hash using the token ID, sender's address, current block number, and hash of the previous block

  5. ONCHFSRenderer: Renderer contract that constructs onchain metadata of FxGenArt721 and FxMintTicket721 tokens stored through ONCHFS

  6. TicketRedeemer: Minter contract that burns an existing FxMintTicket721 token and mints a new FxGenArt721 token


  1. Clone repository
git clone
  1. Create .env file in root directory
  1. Install dependencies
forge install
npm ci
  1. Activate husky and commitlint
npx husky install
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg  'npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1}'
  1. Run tests
npm run test
  1. Run prettier
npm run prettier
  1. Deploy contracts
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --broadcast
  1. View documentation locally
forge doc --serve --port 3000