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Ansible Modules and Sample Playbooks for Fujitsu Software Infrastructure Manager


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Ansible Modules for Infrastructure Manager

This is the modules to manage Infrastructure Manager using Ansible playbooks.


  • Ansible Server
    • Ansible 2.4 or later
    • Python 2.6 or later
  • FUJITSU Software Infrastructure Manager
    • 2.2.0 or later


Sample playbooks and instructions on how to run the modules can be found in the examples directory.


To run the Ansible modules and sample playbooks provided in this project, you should execute the following steps:

1. Clone the repository

Run on the Ansible Server:

cd /etc/ansible
git clone

2. Configure the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environmental variable

Set the environment variables ANSIBLE_LIBRARY and ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS, PYTHONPATH, specifying the library full path from the cloned project.

Run on the Ansible Server:

export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/etc/ansible/ism-ansible/library
export ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS=/etc/ansible/ism-ansible/library/module_utils/

3. Certificate assignment for Infrastructure Manager

Acquire the certificate used for https communication and assign in the Ansible server. For information on how to assign certificates, refer to "3.1.1 Preparation" in "FUJITSU Software Infrastructure Manager V2.2 REST API Reference Manual".

4. Setting config file

Set the account information of Infrastructure Manager for the confg file (ism_config.json). Execute with Ansible server as follows.The config file is created in the current directory when executing it.
Refer from [Note1] to [Note5].


$ cd /etc/ansible/ism-ansible/
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./

> Enter IP address or FQDN:
  <IP address> or <FQDN>
> Enter port number:
  <Port No>
> Enter user name:
  <Login user name>
> Enter password:
  <Login password>
> Enter full path of certificate file:
  <full path of certificate file>
> completed

In each example in the above < >, specify the information of Infrastructure Manager.
Refer to [Note6].

Confirm the config file was created.

Example of execution with IP address

$ cat ./ism_config.json
    "certificate": "/etc/ansible/ism-ansible/certificate.crt"}

Describe the path of the config file in playbook.
Refer to [Note7] and [Note8].

Playbook example

- name: Firmware update
  hosts: servers
  connection: local

   - name: Execution of ism_firmware_update
       config: "/etc/ansible/ism-ansible/ism_config.json"

5. Setting inventory file

The inventory file describes the IP address (OS, hardware) and hostname (OS, hardware) of the operation target node. Specify the operation target for the inventory file.
Allocate the inventory file in Ansible server.

INI Format

[<Host group name1>]
<Operation target node1> ism_profile_name=<profile name>
<Operation target node2> ism_node_name=<Node Name> ism_node_type=<Node type> ism_node_model=<Model name>
<Operation target node3> ism_profile_name=<Profile name> ism_computer_name=<Computer name> ism_os_ip_address=<OS IP Address>
<Operation target node4>
[<Host group name2>]
<Operation target server>

YAML Format

    <Host group name1>:
        <Operation target node1>:
          ism_profile_name: <Profile name>
        <Operation target node2>:
          ism_node_name: <Node name>
          ism_node_type: <Node type>
          ism_node_model: <Model name>
        <Operation target node3>:
          ism_profile_name: <Profile name>
          ism_computer_name: <Computer name>
          ism_os_ip_address: <OS IP Address>
        <Operation target node4>:
    <Host group name2>:
        <Operation target server>:


Name Value Remarks
Host group name Any host group name Specifies an arbitrary host group name.
The host group is defined the multiple hosts as one group.
In Ansible, the playbook can be executed for the host group unit.
Operation target node One of the following
- IP address
- Host name (FQDN)
Multiple specifications are available.
Specifies the IP address of the operation target node registered in Infrastructure Manager or the host name (FQDN) for its IP address.
When the OS information of the operation target node is registered in Infrastructure Manager, the host name (FQDN) for the IP address of the OS information or the IP address can be specified.
[Note9] [Note10] [Note11]
Profile name The name of the profile to apply to the operation target node.
Or, the new profile name when you copy the profile.
Specifies to run the profile assignment, copy profile module.
Otherwise, it is ignored.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_profile_name=", "ism_profile_name:") should be specified.
OS IP Address The OS IP address to specify when copying the profile Optional.
Specifies to run the copy profile module.
Otherwise, it is ignored.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_os_ip_address=","ism_os_ip_address:") should be specified.
Computer name Computer name to specify when copying the profile Optional.
Specifies to run the copy profile module.
Otherwise, it is ignored.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_computer_name=","ism_computer_name:") should be specified.
Operation target server One of the following
- IP address
- Host name (FQDN)
Specifies the IP address of the ISM server or the hostname (FQDN) for its IP address.
Use this value when performing unique operations with ISM, such as updating downloadable firmware information.
Node name The name of the node to be registered with the operation target node Optional.
Specifies to run the node registration module.
It is ignored for modules other than node registration.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_node_name=","ism_node_name:") should be specified.
Node type Node type to be registered in the operation target node Optional
Specifies to run the node registration module.
It is ignored for modules other than node registration.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_node_type=","ism_node_type:") should be specified.
Model name Model name to be registered in the operation target node Optional.
Specifies to run the node registration module.
It is ignored for modules other than node registration.
If omitted, no key part ("ism_node_model=","ism_node_model:") should be specified.

Character code


File Location

Anywhere on the management server(Ansible).


  • Host group name: servers
    • Operation node1
      • IP address of OS information:
      • Profile name: profileA
    • Operation node2
      • Node IP address:
    • Operation node3
      • Host name for IP address of OS information: node3-os.test.local
    • Operation node4
      • Host name for IP address of node: node4
    • Operation node5
      • Node IP address:
      • Profile name: profileB
      • Computer name: node5
      • Host name for IP address of OS information:
  • Host group name: ism_server
    • Operation server:
INI Format
[servers] ism_profile_name=profileA ism_node_name=nodeA ism_node_type=server ism_node_model="PRIMERGY RX300S8"
node4 ism_profile_name=profileB ism_computer_name=node5 ism_os_ip_address=

YAML Format
          ism_profile_name: profileA
          ism_node_name: node_A
          ism_node_type: server
          ism_node_model: PRIMERGY RX300 S8
          ism_profile_name: profileB
          ism_computer_name: node5

6. Modules and license check

The following is a list of modules available and unavailable in Essential.

Module name Operation Mode [Note13]
Other than Essential [Note14] Essential Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes


7. Playbook execution

The following commands are executed with Ansible server.

ansible-playbook <playbook file path> -i <inventory file path>


playbook file path: /etc/ansible/ism-ansible/examples/ism_firmware_list.yml
inventory file path: /etc/ansible/hosts

ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/ism-ansible/examples/ism_firmware_list.yml -i /etc/ansible/hosts

Report information comparison tool

A tool that compares the output files of the report information retrieval module.

Deployment path

By default, it is placed in the following path:
<Directory checked out from Git>/ism-ansible/tools/

Tool execution command

python <FILE1> [<FILE2>]


Parameter Required Description
FILE1 Yes Specifies an old report information file to be compared.
FILE2 No Specifies a new report information file to compare with.
If this parameter is omitted, FILE1 and FILE2 are not compared and only the information of the file specified in FILE1 is output.


  • To compare the old and new report information files
python 2019-11-04_14-35-31.json 2019-12-04_09-01-02.json
  • To output the information of only FILE1 without comparison
python 2019-12-04_09-01-02.json


Name Description
Total Number of nodes registered in ISM.
Diff Number of nodes added and deleted by comparing the old and new report information files

+<Number of adding nodes>, -<Number of deleting nodes>

Example: Adding two nodes and deleting one node
+2, -1

Status Number of nodes in each status.
Error Number of nodes that the status is Error.
Warning Number of nodes that the status is Warning.
Unknown Number of nodes that the status is Unknown.
Updating Number of nodes that the status is Updating.
Normal Number of nodes that the status is Normal.
Alarm status Number of nodes in each alarm status
Error Number of nodes that the alarm status is Error.
Warning Number of nodes that the alarm status is Warning.
Info Number of nodes that the alarm status is Info.
Normal Number of nodes that the alarm status is Normal.
Added node Added node information for old and new report information files
Node <N> Node Information
<N> is an integer, starting with 1
Name Node name
Type Node type
Model Model name
IP IP address
Displays None for nodes that do not have an IP address
Firmware Firmware Information that can be updated.
If there is no firmware that can be updated, it will not be output.
Node <N> Node Information where existing the updatable firmware.
<N> is an integer, starting with 1
Name Node name
Type Node type
Model Model name
IP IP address
Displays None for nodes that do not have an IP address.
Firmware <N> Currently applied firmware information.
<N> is an integer, starting with 1
Name Firmware name
Type Firmware type
Version Version
Updatable firmware <N> Firmware information that can be updated
<N> is an integer, starting with 1
Name Firmware Name
Type Firmware type
Version Version
RepositoryName Repository
OperationMode Supported mode


Changing processing time of Update Firmware and Profile Assignment settings

In the module of Update Firmware or Profile Assignment, waiting to complete the task in the internal processing.
The timeout period for the process of waiting to complete the task can be changed with the following ism_user_settings file.
Refer to [Note12].

ism_user_settings file path: /etc/ansible/ism-ansible/module_utils/


Timeout period of firmware update: 14400 (second) (= 4hours)
Timeout period of application of profile: 18000 (second) (= 5hours)

#coding: UTF-8

# user_settings_value

Set time confirmation for task confirmation



When the config file already exists, it will be overwritten.

Specify the input values in single-byte upper-case, lower-case alphabetic letters, numbers, and symbols.

When re-setting by changing the input information, make sure that the playbook and module are stopped, and that the proper procedure is executed again.

When FQDN is used for the connection with Infrastructure Manager, confirm beforehand whether FQDN of Infrastructure Manager is available for name resolution on the Ansible server.

Presently IPv6 is not supported. For the connection with Infrastructure Manager, specify the IP address of IPv4 or host name (FQDN) that are available for name resolution of IPv4.

If the following error occurs when FQDN of Infrastructure Manager is specified with, name resolution of FQDN of Infrastructure Manager has failed on the Ansible server. Ensure the action for name resolution and re-execute.

Example (For FQDN ism.test.local):

$ ./ism-ansible/
Enter IP address or FQDN:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Specify the config path in single-byte upper-case, lower-case alphabetic letters, numbers and symbols.

Ansible Modules for Infrastructure Manager is executed on the Ansible server. Therefore, the specification for "Connection: local" of the playbook is mandatory.

Presently IPv6 is not supported. Specify the IP address of IPv4 or host name (FQDN) that are available for name resolution of IPv4.

When the host name (FQDN) is specified, confirm beforehand whether the host name (FQDN) is available for name resolution on the Ansible server is confirmed.

When operating the node registration module, specify the target server to operate by specifying the IP or host name (FQDN) of iRMC.

Since the time-out time of 10800(second)(For = three hours), which sufficient for waiting for the task to complete, is specified in the default setting, it is not normally required to be changed.

This is the "Operation Mode" value output by "ismadm license show" command.

The "Operation Mode" other than Essential are as follows.

  • Advanced
  • Advanced (Trial)
  • Advanced for PRIMEFLEX
  • Advanced for PRIMEFLEX (Trial)
  • NFLEX (Trial)

The following error is output when executing an unavailable module.
This module is not supported on Essential mode.

Output only if FILE2 is specified as a tool option.

Software support

The software in this project is not supported.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 license. See the LICENSE for more information.


Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2017-2020



Ansible Modules and Sample Playbooks for Fujitsu Software Infrastructure Manager







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