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jBinary types for reading Matlab mat file with Javascript


Use the MAT typeset defined in this package as you would any jbinary typeset.

This package includes extensive tests showing expected behavior.

Only mat file Level 5 is currently supported.

var jBinary = require('jbinary')
var MAT = require('jMatFile')

jBinary.load('myMat.mat', MAT).then(function (binary) {
  var mat = binary.readAll
  // or equivalently
  var mat ='mat')
  // ... do stuff with mat


This typeset is designed for use with JS engines that fully utilize typed arrays. Typed arrays provide enormous speed benefits compared to a naive array-based implementation because no new objects are created or pushed; memory is accessed directly as an array.

As a result, this typeset only works with JS engines that fully support typed arrays. As of this writing, this restriction knowingly excludes:

  • phantomjs because it does not support Float64Array
  • nodejs because of jdataview's special treatment of node Buffers

Mat object format

The returned Javascript object describing the mat file has the following key properties. The description here does not exhaustively define the format, but hits the most important elements for everyday use.

  • header - contains info from the mat file header, such as descriptive text, endianness, and version.
  • variables - array of objects describing each matlab variable.

Each variable element has the following properties:

  • name describing the variable's name when it was saved.
  • Fields size for array of dimension lengths, numel for total number of elements, and empty flag for whether the number of elements is 0. size always has at least 2 elements.
  • value, a 2D (or higher) array, with each dimension matching the values in size. The elements of the array depend on the type of variable.
  • Flags complex, logical, sparse, struct, object, global, cell, each either true or false, indicating information about the data in the variable.
  • If the value can be represented as a 1D iterable array (with possibly zero elements), the field vector will be present as a 1D array of elements.
  • If the value can be represented as a scalar, the field scalar will be present and contain the equivalent scalar value. Empty matrices are not scalars.
  • If the value can be represented as a string, the string field will be present and contain the equivalent String object.
  • If the value is an object of a non-primitive class, the class field will be present and contain the class name in string form.

Variable types

  • For real numeric types, each element is a Number. For complex types, the complex flag is set to true and each element is an object with fields re and im for real and imaginary part, respectively.
  • For logical types, the logical flag is set to true, and each element is a Boolean.
  • For string types, each element of value is a string of a single character.
  • For struct types, each element is an object with fields matching the fields of the struct. The field names can be retrieved with Object.getOwnPropertyNames. The value of each field is a variable with its own size, flags, value, etc.
  • For object types, each element is the same as with struct.
  • For cell types, each element is a variable with its own size, flags, value, etc.


jBinary types for reading Matlab mat file with Javascript







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