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Tag Widget

Tag widget for the Bubblegum UI toolkit

Build Status

Please check the demo

Installing Elm packages

There is no dependency.

elm-package install flarebyte/bubblegum-ui-preview

Configuring the widget

import Bubblegum.Preview.Adapter as Adapter
import Bubblegum.Preview.Widget as Widget
import Bubblegum.Entity.SettingsEntity as SettingsEntity
import Bubblegum.Entity.StateEntity as StateEntity
import Bubblegum.Entity.Attribute as Attribute

type TestMsg
    = OnMouseOver String

attr: String -> String -> Attribute.Model
attr key value =
     { id = Nothing
    , key = key
    , facets = []
    , values = [value]

adapter : Adapter.Model TestMsg
adapter =  =
        { onMouseOver = OnMouseOver

userSettings: SettingsEntity.Model
userSettings = {
    attributes = [
        attr "ui:user-language" "en-GB"

settings: SettingsEntity.Model
settings = {
    attributes = [
        attr "ui:content-appearance" "ui:content-appearance/block-quote"

state: StateEntity.Model
state = {
    attributes = [
        attr "ui:content" "Some story"

  Widget.view adapter userSettings settings state     

Widget configuration

User Settings

  • ui:user-language : Language used by the user (String)
  • ui:user-right-to-left : Whether the user is using right to left (Bool)


  • ui:content-appearance : The appearance of the field content (String)


  • ui:content-id : The unique id of the content (String)
  • ui:content : The content of the field (String)

Technical design

See Technical design


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Managed automatically by Elm version rules.


  • Olivier Huin - Initial work - olih

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the file for details