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Privacy Policy

Firas Dib edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 11 revisions

Everyone is welcome to use this service. The only request is that you do not redistribute my code as your own without my permission.

No data is ever sent to the server unless you explicitly do so. If you hit Save Regex, the data (i.e. the regex, test string, flags, substitution) will be sent to the server and persisted in a database for all eternity. Upon creation you will receive a link that only you will ever be given that will allow you to delete your data from the server permanently. By hitting Save Regex you give me the right to (a) store the data on the server for purposes of hosting this site and (b) retransmit the data to other users of the site. All other rights are reserved by the author of the content.

When you sign in through any third party using oauth, none of your private information is saved on my server. Only an identifier retrieved from the third party is used in order to identify your account uniquely in the future.

I hold no responsibility for what you save, so think twice before you save and always save the delete link.

Formal privacy policy can be found here.

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